-- -- /www/doc/sql/news.sql -- -- Supports a system for showing announcements to users -- -- Author: Jesse Koontz, jkoontz@arsdigita.com March 8, 2000 -- Philip Greenspun, philg@mit.edu -- create sequence newsgroup_id_sequence start 4; create table newsgroups ( newsgroup_id integer primary key, -- if scope=all_users, this is the news for all newsgroups -- is scope=registered_users, this is the news for all registered users -- if scope=public, this is the news for the main newsgroup -- if scope=group, this is news associated with a group scope varchar(20) not null, group_id integer references user_groups, check ((scope='group' and group_id is not null) or (scope='public') or (scope='all_users') or (scope='registered_users')) ); create sequence news_item_id_sequence start 100000; create table news_items ( news_item_id integer primary key, newsgroup_id integer references newsgroups not null, title varchar(100) not null, body varchar(4000) not null, -- is the body in HTML or plain text (the default) html_p char(1) default 'f' check(html_p in ('t','f')), approval_state varchar(15) default 'unexamined' check(approval_state in ('unexamined','approved', 'disapproved')), approval_date date, approval_user integer references users(user_id), approval_ip_address varchar(50), release_date datetime not null, expiration_date datetime not null, creation_date datetime default current_timestamp not null, creation_user integer not null references users(user_id), creation_ip_address varchar(50) not null -- Postgres not ready for this! (BMA) ); --DRB: But they need to go up there because V7.0 WILL take them -- and won't take the add constraint, though that will be in V7.1 -- it's a long wait. create index newsgroup_group_idx on newsgroups ( group_id ); create index news_items_idx on news_items ( newsgroup_id ); -- Create the default newsgroups insert into newsgroups (newsgroup_id, scope) values (1, 'all_users'); insert into newsgroups (newsgroup_id, scope) values (2, 'registered_users'); insert into newsgroups (newsgroup_id, scope) values (3, 'public'); -- Create permissions for default newsgroups