-- faq.sql -- a simple data model for holding a set of FAQs -- by dh@arsdigita.com -- Created Dec. 19 1999 -- ported to Postgres by Ben Adida (ben@mit.edu) create sequence faq_id_sequence; create table faqs ( faq_id integer primary key, -- name of the FAQ. faq_name varchar(250) not null, -- group the viewing may be restricted to group_id integer references user_groups, -- permissions can be expanded to be more complex later scope varchar(20) not null, -- insure consistant state constraint faq_scope_check check ((scope='group' and group_id is not null) or (scope='public' and group_id is null)) ); create index faqs_group_idx on faqs ( group_id ); create sequence faq_entry_id_sequence; create table faq_q_and_a ( entry_id integer primary key, -- which FAQ faq_id integer references faqs not null, question varchar(4000) not null, answer varchar(4000) not null, -- determines the order of questions in a FAQ sort_key integer not null ); -- weird needed things (BMA) create function faq_count_entries(integer) returns integer as ' DECLARE v_faq_id alias for $1; BEGIN return count(*) from faq_q_and_a where faq_id= v_faq_id; END; ' language 'plpgsql';