-- This data model is for the ArsDigita AdServer, -- a module of the ArsDigita Community System -- -- created by philg@mit.edu, 12/2/98 -- updated by brucek@arsdigita.com 12/23/98 -- create table advs ( adv_key varchar(200) primary key, -- this is useful for integrating with third-party ad products and services local_image_p char(1) default 't' constraint advs_local_img_p check (local_image_p in ('t','f')), -- 't' indicates that target_url contains lots of html and this ad should not get wrapped -- in the clickthrough counter. This is useful for doubleclick, etc. where they've -- got javascript and other nonsense wrapping the ad track_clickthru_p char(1) default 't' constraint advs_trk_clk_p check (track_clickthru_p in ('t','f')), -- a stub, relative to [ns_info pageroot] if local_image_p, or a url if !local_image_p adv_filename varchar(200), target_url varchar(4000) ); -- **** move the unique index into a separate tablespace -- constraint adv_log_u unique (adv_key,entry_date) -- using index tablespace photonet_index create table adv_log ( adv_key varchar(200) not null references advs, entry_date datetime not null, display_count integer default 0, click_count integer default 0, unique(adv_key,entry_date) ); -- for publishers who want to get fancy create table adv_user_map ( user_id integer not null references users, adv_key varchar(200) not null references advs, event_time datetime not null, -- will generally be 'd' (displayed) 'c' (clicked through) event_type char(1) ); -- **** tablespace photonet_index create index adv_user_map_idx on adv_user_map(user_id); -- for publishers who want to get really fancy create table adv_categories ( adv_key varchar(200) not null references advs, category_id integer not null references categories, unique(adv_key, category_id) ); -- for publishers who want to get extremely fancy create table adv_keyword_map ( adv_key varchar(200), keyword varchar(50), unique(adv_key, keyword) ); -- stuff built on top of the raw ad server layer -- this is for publishers who want to rotate ads within a group create table adv_groups ( group_key varchar(30) not null primary key, pretty_name varchar(50), -- need to define some rotation methods -- sequential: show the ads in the order specified in adv_group_map -- least-exposure-first: show the ad the has been shown the least -- unseen-then-sequential: show an unseen ad if available, otherwise show the next ad as specified in adv_group_map -- unseen-then-least-first: show an unseen ad if available, otherwise show theleast exposed ad -- random: show a random ad -- keyword: show an ad that best matches the keywords rotation_method char(35) default 'sequential' constraint ad_grp_rotation_method check (rotation_method in ('sequential','least-exposure-first', 'unseen-then-sequential', 'unseen-then-least-first', 'random', 'keyword')) ); create table adv_group_map ( group_key varchar(30) not null references adv_groups, adv_key varchar(200) not null references advs, primary key (group_key,adv_key) ); -- This view is used to select ads for display based on the current days -- impression count create view advs_todays_log AS SELECT * FROM adv_log a WHERE a.entry_date = DATE_TRUNC('day',current_timestamp);