How to Review a Module

of the Arsdigita Community System by Aurelius Prochazka and Michael Yoon
The ArsDigita Community System has gone through considerable changes over the course of its existence. Design and coding rules that were once thought to be set in stone have changed, and modules must be reviewed on a regular basis to keep quality high, rather than only when the module is first introduced.

Another reason why the ACS code base is not as consistent as we would like is that our programming standards have been propagated through a largely oral tradition. Collecting material from the Developers Guide (which is the closest thing we have to a standards document but also contains higher-level information about user interface design and information design) and other publications (e.g., Ron Henderson's ACS Development page), we have now started to publish our standards at /doc/standards (an abstract URL) so that no one will have to waste any more time wondering, "So what's the official way to do X?"

Read the standards, and, whether or not, they coincide exactly with your personal style, please adhere to them. If you disagree with a standard for substantive reasons, then don't silently dissent; rather, raise the issue so that -- assuming your argument is persuasive -- the standard will be changed for the better.


A full review will cover all of the following:


The overarching goal is to produce high-quality software. Consistency, correctness, and efficiency are recognized dimensions of software quality. We strive to achieve all of these goals by taking the following concrete steps:
  1. Standardize:

  2. Identify bugs (the common errors list is a good resource for accomplishing this goal)

  3. Identify potential improvements (optimization, modularity, user interface, etc.)

  4. TEST, TEST, TEST - reading code and documentation alone is not enough to do an effective code review; you need to see the module in action, so perform the appropriate Acceptance Test and enhance it if it does not achieve full coverage of the module's feature set. In the short term, we will need to be exploring more sophisticated testing methods (automated testing, load testing).


There should be a concrete artifact from every module review, i.e., a list of actionable items for the module owner to complete. Once this list has been provided to him/her, the module owner should publish a plan for completing the list by a set deadline (this plan need not be complicated; if the list is short and simple, an email saying "I'll get these done today" is probably sufficient).

As for what form the list of review items should take, there is no standard yet. In the past, email has been the de facto standard, but email is bad for a lot of reasons. The ACS Ticket Tracker is a natural candidate for fulfilling this function. For now, use your best judgment; just be sure (one way or another) to get it in writing.