ArsDigita Community System Documentation

by Philip Greenspun


The Glorious Future

Here we link to plans that are in the works; it is a collaboration area for toolkit programmers to look at.


Magic Files

Filters and Other Tricks

To be sure that you're getting them all on a particular server, do:
cd /web/yourservername/tcl/ 
grep 'ad_register_filter' *.tcl

Database Pools

The community system depends on the existence of three database pools: main, subquery, and log. They must be named as such. The default pool will be "main".


If you want to have a reliable service, you should read and apply
this installation guide for the ArsDigita Server Architecture (don't confuse this with the ACS intallation guide in /doc/installation.html).

Copyright and Legal Status of this Software

This software is mostly Copyright 1995-99 Philip Greenspun and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (June 1991).