Incoming Email

to the Ecommerce Module by Eve Andersson of ArsDigita
  1. Determine or create the user_identification_id and issue_id as follows.

    Incoming email will come to an email address either of the form or just

  2. Create a new interaction.

    Just generate an interaction_id with ec_interaction_id_sequence. Then insert into ec_customer_serv_interactions (interaction_id, user_identification_id, interaction_date, interaction_originator, interaction_type, interaction_headers) values ($interaction_id, $user_identification_id, sysdate, 'customer', 'email', [the headers from the email]).

  3. Create a new action.

    insert into ec_customer_service_actions (action_id, issue_id, interaction_id, action_details) values (ec_action_id_sequence.nextval, $issue_id, $interaction_id, [the body of the email])