# Copyright 1994-1996 America Online, Inc. # # Makefile for postgres.so module. # # -DFOR_ACS_USE required for OpenACS use! # To have the AOLserver load the postgres.so module at runtime, you will need # to add the following entry in the [ns\server\godzilla\modules] section of your # nsd.ini file (where 'godzilla' is the name of a virtual server): # # postgres=postgres.so # # 12/13/1999 Lamar Owen <lamar.owen@wgcr.org> # - Cleaned up assumptions about NSHOME, PGLIB, and PGINC locations. # - Added a commented-out block showing settings for RedHat Linux with # the PostgreSQL RPM's installed. # # 2000-02-12 John Beimler <john@radiomind.com> # - Added a commented-out block showing settings for Debian/GNU Linux with # package installed AOLserver and PostgreSQL # # 2001-08-21 Roberto Mello (rmello@fslc.usu.edu) # - Cleaned up the Makefile to conform to AOLserver module makefiles. # - Added PGLOC section. But this should really be done with autoconf/automake ifdef INST NSHOME ?= $(INST) else NSHOME ?= ../aolserver endif PGLOC=$(shell if [ -d "/usr/local/pgsql" ]; then echo "source" else echo "standard"; fi) ifeq ($(PGLOC),source) # Location of the PostgreSQL libraries PGLIB=/usr/local/pgsql/lib # Location of the PostgreSQL includes PGINC=/usr/local/pgsql/include else # Locations on a LSB-compliant distribution PGLIB=/usr/lib PGINC=/usr/include/postgresql endif # # Module name # MOD = postgres.so # # Objects to build # OBJS = postgres.o # # Header files in THIS directory (included with your module) # HDRS = # # Extra libraries required by your module (-L and -l go here) # MODLIBS = -lpq # # Compiler flags required by your module (-I for external headers goes here) # CFLAGS = -DFOR_ACS_USE -DBIND_EMULATION -I$(NSHOME)/include -I$(PGINC) include $(NSHOME)/include/Makefile.module