-- Wimpy Point Data Model for ACS 4.0 -- -- Paul Konigsberg paulk@arsdigita.com 10/22/00 -- original module author Jon Salz jsalz@mit.edu -- Ported to PostgreSQL: Jack Purswani and Sidharth Widge -- Notes: -- Nothing is going into the content repository. -- Reasons for putting stuff in the repository: -- You get versioning. You get indexed for intermedia searching. -- Things that should go into the repository are: -- 1. Presentation: You should be able to version a presentation. When you -- do, you should remember the current versions of all the slides in it. -- 2. Slides. -- 3. Attachments - since the repository is supposed to be good -- at handling weird lob data. (i.e. handling the mime type and -- serving it back. -- More on content repository: After Jesse Koontz's review, he said: -- presentation -- subclass from content_items -- slides -- subclass from content_items -- Versions: are copied presentation -- Clobs are mostly not used. Instead varchar(4000) is still being used -- because working with clobs is tough in plsql. This needs to change. -- Presentation have no context_id....should they? Answer: Yes their context id should -- point to the package_id of the instance of this wimpy point. -- (There could be multiple instances.) -- Only the basic -1 is implemented right now. -- Style for presentation. We'll think more about this later if there's time -- maybe allow ADPs for more flexibility. insert into cr_mime_types (mime_type) select 'application/octet-stream' from dual where not exists (select 1 from cr_mime_types where mime_type ='application/octet-stream'); --jackp: Create the different styles create table wp_styles ( style_id integer constraint wp_styles_style_id_pk primary key, name varchar(400) constraint wp_styles_name_nn not null, css varchar(4000), text_color varchar(20) check(text_color like '%,%,%'), background_color varchar(20) check(background_color like '%,%,%'), background_image varchar(200), link_color varchar(20) check(link_color like '%,%,%'), alink_color varchar(20) check(alink_color like '%,%,%'), vlink_color varchar(20) check(vlink_color like '%,%,%') ); insert into wp_styles(style_id, name, css) values(-1, 'Default (Plain)', 'BODY { back-color: white; color: black } P { line-height: 120% } UL { line-height: 140% }'); --jackp: p_create the presentation table create table cr_wp_presentations ( presentation_id integer constraint cr_wp_presentations_id_fk references cr_revisions constraint cr_wp_presentations_pk primary key, -- The title of the presentations, as displayed to the user. pres_title varchar(400) constraint cr_wp_presentations_title_nn not null, -- A signature on the bottom. page_signature varchar(200), -- The copyright notice displayed on all pages. copyright_notice varchar(400), -- Style information. style integer constraint cr_wp_style_fk references wp_styles on delete set null, public_p boolean constraint cr_wp_public_p_ck check(public_p in ('t','f')), -- Show last-modified date for slide? show_modified_p boolean constraint cr_wp_show_p_ck check(show_modified_p in ('t','f')) ); -- Slide belonging to presentations. create table cr_wp_slides ( slide_id integer constraint cr_wp_slides_slide_id_fk references cr_revisions constraint cr_wp_slides_slide_id_pk primary key, original_slide_id integer, sort_key integer constraint cr_wp_slides_sort_key_nn not null, slide_title varchar(400) constraint cr_wp_slides_title_nn not null, include_in_outline_p boolean constraint cr_wp_slides_incld_ck check(include_in_outline_p in ('t','f')), context_break_after_p boolean constraint cr_wp_slides_context_ck check(context_break_after_p in ('t','f')), style integer constraint cr_wp_slides_style_fk references wp_styles ); create table cr_wp_presentations_aud ( id integer references cr_revisions, presentation_id integer constraint cr_wp_paudience_pid_nn not null constraint cr_wp_paudience_pid_fk references cr_wp_presentations ); create table cr_wp_presentations_back ( id integer references cr_revisions, presentation_id integer constraint cr_wp_pbackground_pid_nn not null constraint cr_wp_pbackground_pid_fk references cr_wp_presentations ); --jackp: table to store the preamble create table cr_wp_slides_preamble ( id integer references cr_revisions, slide_id integer constraint cr_wp_spreamble_sid_nn not null constraint cr_wp_spreamble_sid_fk references cr_wp_slides ); --jackp: table to store the postamble create table cr_wp_slides_postamble ( id integer references cr_revisions, slide_id integer constraint cr_wp_spostamble_sid_nn not null constraint cr_wp_spostamble_sid_fk references cr_wp_slides ); --jackp: table to store the bullet items create table cr_wp_slides_bullet_items ( id integer references cr_revisions, slide_id integer constraint cr_wp_sbullet_sid_nn not null constraint cr_wp_sbullet_sid_fk references cr_wp_slides ); --jackp: Need to use inline functions in PostgreSQL. --jackp: We p_create the main content type here. --jackp: Need to use PERFORM command line to indicate that the line needs --jackp: to be run. create function inline_0 () returns integer as' begin --jackp: from acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-type.sql --jackp: The structure for content_type__create_type is as follows: --jackp: PERFORM content_type__create_type ( --jackp: content_type --jackp: supertype --jackp: pretty_name --jackp: pretty_plural --jackp: table_name --jackp: id_column --jackp: name_method --jackp: ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_presentation_aud'', ''content_revision'', ''Wimpy Point Presentation Audience'', ''Wimpy Point Presentation Audiences'', ''cr_wp_presentations_aud'', ''id'', null ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_presentation_back'', ''content_revision'', ''Wimpy Point Presentation Background'', ''WimpyPoint Presentation Backgrounds'', ''cr_wp_presentations_back'', ''id'', null ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''content_revision'', ''Wimpy Point Presentation'', ''WimpyPoint Presentations'', ''cr_wp_presentations'', ''presentation_id'', null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); create function inline_1 () returns integer as' begin PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'', ''content_revision'', ''wimpy Point Slide Preamble'', ''Wimpy Point Slide Preambles'', ''cr_wp_slides_preamble'', ''id'', null ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'', ''content_revision'', ''wimpy Point Slide Postamble'', ''WimpyPoint Slide Postamble'', ''cr_wp_slides_postamble'', ''id'', null ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'', ''content_revision'', ''wimpy Point Slide Bullet Items'', ''WimpyPoint Slide Bullet Items'', ''cr_wp_slides_bullet_items'', ''id'', null ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''content_revision'', ''WimpyPoint Slide'', ''wimpy point slide'', ''cr_wp_slides'', ''slide_id'', null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_1 (); drop function inline_1 (); --jackp: This section p_creates the attributes that are linked to the --jackp: different types create function inline_2 () returns integer as' declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin --jackp: from acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-type.sql --jackp: attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( --jackp: content_type --jackp: attribute_name --jackp: datatype --jackp: pretty_name --jackp: pretty_plural --jackp: sort_order --jackp: default_value --jackp: column_spec --jackp: ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''pres_title'', ''text'', ''Presentation Title'', ''Presentation Titles'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''page_signature'', ''text'', ''Page Signature'', ''Page Signatures'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''copyright_notice'', ''text'', ''Copyright Notice'', ''Copyright Notices'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''style'', ''integer'', ''Style'', ''Styles'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''public_p'', ''boolean'', ''Public Flag'', ''Public Flags'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''show_modified_p'', ''boolean'', ''Show Modified Flag'', ''Show Modified Flags'', null, null, ''text'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_2 (); drop function inline_2 (); create function inline_3 () returns integer as' declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''sort_key'', ''integer'', ''Sort Key'', ''Sort Keys'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''slide_title'', ''text'', ''Slide Title'', ''Slide Titles'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''include_in_outline_p'', ''boolean'', ''Include in Outline Flag'', ''Include in Outline Flags'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''context_break_after_p'', ''boolean'', ''Context Break After Flag'', ''Context Break After Flags'', null, null, ''text'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''style'', ''integer'', ''Style'', ''Styles'', null, null, ''text'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_3 (); drop function inline_3 (); create function inline_4 () returns integer as' declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation_aud'', ''presentation_id'', ''integer'', ''Prsentation ID'', ''Presentation IDs'', null, null, ''integer'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_presentation_back'', ''presentation_id'', ''integer'', ''Prsentation ID'', ''Presentation IDs'', null, null, ''integer'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'', ''slide_id'', ''integer'', ''Slide ID'', ''Slide IDs'', null, null, ''integer'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'', ''slide_id'', ''integer'', ''Slide ID'', ''Slide IDs'', null, null, ''integer'' ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'', ''slide_id'', ''integer'', ''Slide ID'', ''Slide IDs'', null, null, ''integer'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_4 (); drop function inline_4 (); --jackp: We set the llinks with child types here. --found in acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-type.sql create function inline_5 () returns integer as' begin PERFORM content_type__register_child_type(''cr_wp_presentation'',''cr_wp_presentation_aud'', ''generic'', 0, null); PERFORM content_type__register_child_type(''cr_wp_presentation'', ''cr_wp_presentation_back'', ''generic'', 0, null); PERFORM content_type__register_child_type(''cr_wp_presentation'', ''cr_wp_slide'', ''generic'', 0, null); PERFORM content_type__register_child_type(''cr_wp_slide'', ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'', ''generic'', 0, null); PERFORM content_type__register_child_type(''cr_wp_slide'', ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'', ''generic'', 0, null); PERFORM content_type__register_child_type(''cr_wp_slide'', ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'', ''generic'', 0, null); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_5 (); drop function inline_5 (); --jackp: Register the content types with the acs-objects --jackp: found in acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-folder.sql create function inline_6 () returns integer as' begin PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_presentation'', ''f''); PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_presentation_aud'', ''f''); PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_presentation_back'', ''f''); PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_slide'', ''f''); PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'', ''f''); PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'', ''f''); PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type(content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'', ''f''); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_6 (); drop function inline_6 (); -- DRB: table for file attachments. Empty but necessary because the object -- system doesn't allow for simple renaming of types. Nor can two types -- share an attribute table. create table cr_wp_file_attachments ( attach_id integer constraint cr_fattach_attach_id_fk references cr_revisions constraint cr_fattach_attach_id_pk primary key ); create table cr_wp_image_attachments ( attach_id integer constraint cr_iattach_attach_id_fk references cr_revisions constraint cr_iattach_attach_id_pk primary key, display varchar(20) constraint cr_iattach_display_ck check(display in ( 'preamble', 'bullets', 'postamble', 'top', 'after_preamble', 'after_bullets', 'bottom')) ); --jackp: p_create the content-type and content-attribute assosciated with --jackp: attachments create function inline_7 () returns integer as' declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_image_attachment'', ''image'', ''Wimpy Image Attachment'', ''Wimpy Image Attachments'', ''cr_wp_image_attachments'', ''attach_id'', null ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_image_attachment'', ''display'', ''text'', ''Where to display'', ''Where display this'', null, null, ''varchar(20)'' ); PERFORM content_type__create_type ( ''cr_wp_file_attachment'', ''content_revision'', ''Wimpy File Attachment'', ''Wimpy File Attachments'', ''cr_wp_file_attachments'', ''attach_id'', null ); attr_id := content_type__create_attribute ( ''cr_wp_file_attachment'', ''display'', ''text'', ''Where to display'', ''Where display this'', null, null, ''varchar(20)'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_7 (); drop function inline_7 (); --jackp: register the child types for attachments create function inline_8 () returns integer as' begin PERFORM content_type__register_child_type( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''cr_wp_image_attachment'', ''generic'', 0, null ); PERFORM content_type__register_child_type( ''cr_wp_slide'', ''cr_wp_file_attachment'', ''generic'', 0, null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_8 (); drop function inline_8 (); --jackp: register the different content types for attachments --create function inline_9 () --returns integer as' --begin -- PERFORM content_folder__register_content_type( -- content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id, -- ''cr_wp_attachment'', -- ''f'' -- ); -- return 0; --end;' language 'plpgsql'; --select inline_9 (); --drop function inline_9 (); commit; --Define some privileges on the wp_presentation object. --jackp: found in acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/acs-permissions-create.sql create function inline_10 () returns integer as' begin PERFORM acs_privilege__create_privilege( ''wp_admin_presentation'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_privilege__create_privilege( ''wp_create_presentation'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_privilege__create_privilege( ''wp_edit_presentation'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_privilege__create_privilege( ''wp_delete_presentation'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_privilege__create_privilege( ''wp_view_presentation'', null, null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_10 (); drop function inline_10 (); --jackp: set the permissions applicable to the package create function inline_11 () returns integer as' declare default_context acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; registered_users acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; the_public acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin default_context := acs__magic_object_id(''default_context''); registered_users := acs__magic_object_id(''registered_users''); the_public := acs__magic_object_id(''the_public''); PERFORM acs_permission__grant_permission( default_context, registered_users, ''wp_create_presentation'' ); PERFORM acs_permission__grant_permission( default_context, the_public, ''wp_view_presentation'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_11 (); drop function inline_11 (); --jackp: From here on the functions are defined --jackp: To p_create each presentation create function wp_presentation__new ( timestamp, integer, varchar(400), varchar(400), varchar(400), varchar, integer, boolean, boolean, varchar, varchar, integer ) returns integer as' declare p_creation_date alias for $1; p_creation_user alias for $2; p_creation_ip alias for $3; p_pres_title alias for $4; p_page_signature alias for $5; p_copyright_notice alias for $6; p_style alias for $7; p_public_p alias for $8; p_show_modified_p alias for $9; aud alias for $10; back alias for $11; p_parent_id alias for $12; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_audience_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_background_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_audience_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_background_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_max_id integer; v_name cr_wp_presentations.pres_title%TYPE; begin select coalesce(max(item_id),0) into v_max_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation'' and name like p_pres_title || ''%''; v_name := p_pres_title || ''_'' || v_max_id; v_item_id := content_item__new( v_name, p_parent_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_presentation'', null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''text'' ); v_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, null, v_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); --jackp: Actually place the information entered by the user into the table insert into cr_wp_presentations ( presentation_id, pres_title, page_signature, copyright_notice, style, public_p, show_modified_p ) values ( v_revision_id, p_pres_title, p_page_signature, p_copyright_notice, p_style, p_public_p, p_show_modified_p ); v_audience_item_id := content_item__new( aud, v_item_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_presentation_aud'', null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''text'' ); v_audience_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, aud, v_audience_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_audience_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_presentations_aud ( id, presentation_id ) values ( v_audience_revision_id, v_revision_id ); v_background_item_id := content_item__new( back, v_item_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_presentation_back'', null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''text'' ); v_background_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, back, v_background_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_background_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_presentations_back ( id, presentation_id ) values ( v_background_revision_id, v_revision_id ); return v_item_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__delete_audience ( integer ) returns integer as' declare audience_item_id alias $1; begin delete from cr_wp_presentations_aud where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_presentations_aud.id and item_id = audience_item_id); delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = audience_item_id; content_item__delete(audience_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__delete_background ( integer ) returns integer as' declare background_item_id alias $1; begin delete from cr_wp_presentations_back where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_presentations_back.id and item_id = background_item_id); delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = background_item_id; content_item__delete(background_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__delete ( integer ) returns integer as' declare pres_item_id alias $1; v_audience_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_background_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; del_rec record; begin for del_rec in select item_id as slide_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_slide'' and parent_id = pres_item_id loop wp_slide__delete(del_rec.slide_item_id); end loop; select item_id into v_audience_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation_aud'' and parent_id = pres_item_id; delete_aud(v_audience_item_id); select item_id into v_background_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation_back'' and parent_id = pres_item_id; delete_back(v_background_item_id); delete from acs_permissions where object_id = pres_item_id; update acs_objects set context_id=null where context_id = pres_item_id; delete from cr_wp_presentations where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions wh$ere cr_revisions__revision_id = cr_wp_presentations__presentation_id and cr_revisions__item_id = pres_item_id); content_item__delete(pres_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- DRB: All these could've been implemented as a single function with a type argument -- but I'm not going to rewrite all of wp-slim's queries just to clean this up... create function wp_presentation__get_ad_revision (integer) returns text as ' declare p_pres_revision_id alias for $1; begin return r.content from cr_revisions r, cr_wp_presentations_aud pa where pa.presentation_id = p_pres_revision_id and r.revision_id = pa.id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__get_audience ( integer ) returns text as' declare p_pres_item_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions, cr_items where cr_items.content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation_aud'' and cr_items.parent_id = p_pres_item_id and cr_revisions.revision_id = cr_items__live_revision; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__get_bg_revision (integer) returns text as ' declare p_pres_revision_id alias for $1; begin return r.content from cr_revisions r, cr_wp_presentations_aud pa where pa.presentation_id = p_pres_revision_id and r.revision_id = pa.id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__get_background ( integer ) returns text as' declare pres_item_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions, cr_items where cr_items.content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation_bak'' and cr_items.parent_id = p_pres_item_id and cr_revisions.revision_id = cr_items__live_revision; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__new_revision ( timestamp, integer, varchar, integer, varchar(400), varchar(200), varchar(400), integer, boolean, boolean, varchar, varchar ) returns integer as' declare p_creation_date alias for $1; p_creation_user alias for $2; p_creation_ip alias for $3; p_pres_item_id alias for $4; p_pres_title alias for $5; p_page_signature alias for $6; p_copyright_notice alias for $7; p_style alias for $8; p_public_p alias for $9; p_show_modified_p alias for $10; p_audience alias for $11; p_background alias for $12; v_audience_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_background_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_audience_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_background_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin v_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, null, p_pres_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_presentations ( presentation_id, pres_title, page_signature, copyright_notice, style, public_p, show_modified_p ) values ( v_revision_id, p_pres_title, p_page_signature, p_copyright_notice, p_style, p_public_p, p_show_modified_p ); select item_id into v_audience_item_id from cr_items where parent_id = p_pres_item_id and content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation_aud''; v_audience_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_audience, v_audience_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_audience_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_presentations_aud ( id, presentation_id ) values ( v_audience_revision_id, v_revision_id ); select item_id into v_background_item_id from cr_items where parent_id = p_pres_item_id and content_type = ''cr_wp_presentation_back''; v_background_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_background, v_background_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_background_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_presentations_back ( id, presentation_id ) values ( v_background_revision_id, v_revision_id ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__new ( integer, timestamp, integer, varchar, varchar, integer, integer, integer, varchar, varchar, varchar, boolean, boolean, integer ) returns integer as' declare p_pres_item_id alias for $1; p_creation_date alias for $2; p_creation_user alias for $3; p_creation_ip alias for $4; p_slide_title alias for $5; p_style alias for $6; p_original_slide_id alias for $7; p_sort_key alias for $8; p_preamble alias for $9; p_bullet_items alias for $10; p_postamble alias for $11; p_include_in_outline_p alias for $12; p_context_break_after_p alias for $13; p_context_id alias for $14; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_preamble_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_postamble_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_bullet_items_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_preamble_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_postamble_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_bullet_items_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_max_id integer; v_name varchar; begin select coalesce(max(item_id),0) into v_max_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_slide'' and name like p_slide_title || ''%''; v_name := p_slide_title || ''_'' || v_max_id; v_item_id := content_item__new( v_name, p_pres_item_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_slide'', null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''text'' ); v_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, null, v_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); update cr_wp_slides set sort_key = p_sort_key + 1 where sort_key >= p_sort_key and exists (select 1 from cr_items, cr_revisions where parent_id = p_pres_item_id and cr_items.item_id = cr_revisions.item_id and cr_revisions.revision_id=cr_wp_slides.slide_id); insert into cr_wp_slides ( slide_id, original_slide_id, sort_key, slide_title, include_in_outline_p, context_break_after_p, style ) values ( v_revision_id, p_original_slide_id, p_sort_key, p_slide_title, p_include_in_outline_p, p_context_break_after_p, p_style ); v_preamble_item_id := content_item__new( ''preamble'', v_item_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'', null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''text'' ); v_preamble_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_preamble, v_preamble_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_preamble_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides_preamble ( id, slide_id ) values ( v_preamble_revision_id, v_revision_id ); v_postamble_item_id := content_item__new( ''postamble'', v_item_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'', null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''text'' ); v_postamble_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_postamble, v_postamble_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_postamble_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides_postamble ( id, slide_id ) values ( v_postamble_revision_id, v_revision_id ); v_bullet_items_item_id := content_item__new( ''bullet_items'', v_item_id, null, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'', null, null, null, ''text/plain'', null, ''text'' ); v_bullet_items_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_bullet_items, v_bullet_items_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_bullet_items_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides_bullet_items ( id, slide_id ) values ( v_bullet_items_revision_id, v_revision_id ); return v_item_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__delete_preamble ( integer ) returns integer as' declare delete_preamble__preamble_item_id alias for $1; begin delete from cr_wp_slides_preamble where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_slides_preamble__id and item_id = delete_preamble__preamble_item_id); delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = delete_preamble__preamble_item_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(delete_preamble__preamble_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__delete_postamble( integer ) returns integer as' declare delete_postamble__postamble_item_id alias for $1; begin delete from cr_wp_slides_postamble where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_slides_postamble__id and item_id = delete_postamble__postamble_item_id); delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = delete_postamble__postamble_item_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(delete_postamble__postamble_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__delete_bullet_items( integer ) returns integer as' declare delete_bullet_items__bullet_items_item_id alias for $1; begin delete from cr_wp_slides_bullet_items where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_slides_bullet_items__id and item_id = delete_bullet_items__bullet_items_item_id); delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = delete_bullet_items__bullet_items_item_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(bullet_items_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__delete( integer ) returns integer as' declare del_rec record; delete__slide_item_id alias for $1; v_sort_key cr_wp_slides.sort_key%TYPE; v_pres_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_preamble_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_postamble_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_bullet_items_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; begin for del_rec in select item_id as attach_item_id from cr_items where content_type in (''cr_wp_image_attachment'', ''cr_wp_file_attachment'') and parent_id = slide_item_id loop wp_attachment__delete(del_rec.attach_item_id); end loop; select item_id into v_preamble_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'' and parent_id = slide_item_id; PERFORM delete_preamble(v_preamble_item_id); select item_id into v_postamble_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'' and parent_id = slide_item_id; PERFORM delete_preamble(v_preamble_item_id); select item_id into v_postamble_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'' and parent_id = slide_item_id; PERFORM delete_postamble(v_postamble_item_id); select item_id into v_bullet_items_item_id from cr_items where content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'' and parent_id = slide_item_id; PERFORM delete_bullet_items(v_bullet_items_item_id); -- sort_key of all revisions should be the same select max(s__sort_key), max(i__parent_id) into v_sort_key, v_pres_item_id from cr_wp_slides s, cr_revisions r, cr_items i where r__item_id = slide_item_id and r__revision_id = s__slide_id and i__item_id = r__item_id; delete from cr_wp_slides where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where cr_revisions.revision_id = cr_wp_slides__slide_id and cr_revisions__item_id = slide_item_id); update cr_wp_slides set sort_key = sort_key - 1 where sort_key > v_sort_key and exists (select 1 from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.parent_id = v_pres_item_id and i.item_id = r.item_id and r.revision_id = cr_wp_slides.slide_id); update acs_objects set context_id=null where context_id = slide_item_id; delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = slide_item_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(slide_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__get_preamble_revision ( integer ) returns text as ' declare p_slide_revision_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions r, cr_wp_slides_preamble sp where sp.slide_id = p_slide_revision_id and r.revision_id = sp.id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__get_postamble_revision ( integer ) returns text as ' declare p_slide_revision_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions r, cr_wp_slides_postamble sp where sp.slide_id = p_slide_revision_id and r.revision_id = sp.id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__get_bullet_items_revision ( integer ) returns text as ' declare p_slide_revision_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions r, cr_wp_slides_bullet_items sp where sp.slide_id = p_slide_revision_id and r.revision_id = sp.id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__get_postamble( integer ) returns text as ' declare p_slide_item_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions, cr_items where cr_items.content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_postamble'' and cr_items.parent_id = p_slide_item_id and cr_revisions.revision_id = cr_items.live_revision; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__get_preamble( integer ) returns text as' declare p_slide_item_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions, cr_items where cr_items.content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_preamble'' and cr_items.parent_id = p_slide_item_id and cr_revisions.revision_id = cr_items.live_revision; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__get_bullet_items( integer ) returns text as' declare p_slide_item_id alias for $1; begin return content from cr_revisions, cr_items where cr_items.content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items'' and cr_items.parent_id = p_slide_item_id and cr_revisions.revision_id = cr_items.live_revision; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_slide__new_revision( timestamp, integer, varchar, integer, varchar, text, varchar, varchar, integer, integer, integer, boolean, boolean ) returns integer as' declare p_creation_date alias for $1; p_creation_user alias for $2; p_creation_ip alias for $3; p_slide_item_id alias for $4; p_slide_title alias for $5; p_preamble alias for $6; p_bullet_items alias for $7; p_postamble alias for $8; p_style alias for $9; p_original_slide_id alias for $10; p_sort_key alias for $11; p_include_in_outline_p alias for $12; p_context_break_after_p alias for $13; v_preamble_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_postamble_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_bullet_items_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_preamble_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_postamble_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_bullet_items_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin v_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, null, p_slide_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides ( slide_id, slide_title, style, original_slide_id, sort_key, include_in_outline_p, context_break_after_p ) values ( v_revision_id, p_slide_title, p_style, p_original_slide_id, p_sort_key, p_include_in_outline_p, p_context_break_after_p ); select item_id into v_preamble_item_id from cr_items where parent_id = p_slide_item_id and content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_preamble''; v_preamble_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_preamble, v_preamble_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_preamble_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides_preamble ( id, slide_id ) values ( v_preamble_revision_id, v_revision_id ); select item_id into v_postamble_item_id from cr_items where parent_id = p_slide_item_id and content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_postamble''; v_postamble_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_postamble, v_postamble_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_postamble_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides_postamble ( id, slide_id ) values ( v_postamble_revision_id, v_revision_id ); select item_id into v_bullet_items_item_id from cr_items where parent_id = p_slide_item_id and content_type = ''cr_wp_slide_bullet_items''; v_bullet_items_revision_id := content_revision__new( null, null, current_timestamp, ''text/plain'', null, p_bullet_items, v_bullet_items_item_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_bullet_items_revision_id); insert into cr_wp_slides_bullet_items ( id, slide_id ) values ( v_bullet_items_revision_id, v_revision_id ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_attachment__delete( integer ) returns integer as' declare p_attach_item_id alias for $1; begin delete from cr_wp_file_attachments where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_file_attachments.attach_id and item_id = p_attach_item_id); delete from cr_wp_image_attachments where exists (select 1 from cr_revisions where revision_id = cr_wp_image_attachments.attach_id and item_id = p_attach_item_id); delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = p_attach_item_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(p_attach_item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_attachment__new_revision ( integer ) returns integer as' declare p_attach_item_id alias for $1; begin return 0; end; 'language 'plpgsql'; create function wp_presentation__set_live_revision(integer) returns integer as ' declare p_revision_id alias for $1; v_revision_id integer; begin perform content_item__set_live_revision(p_revision_id); select id into v_revision_id from cr_wp_presentations_aud where presentation_id = p_revision_id; perform content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); select id into v_revision_id from cr_wp_presentations_back where presentation_id = p_revision_id; perform content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql';