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<h2>Spam System Release Notes</h2>

by <a href="mailto:bschneid@arsdigita.com">Bill Schneider</a>


The spam system requires the ACS Mail service version 4.1.  It is a
singleton service and should be mounted on a site node URL like

<p>In order for spam to be useful, you must link to it from another
package.  A good place to link to spam is from the
admin/groups/one.tcl page:

set sql_query "select member_id as party_id 
     from group_member_map m 
     where group_id = $group_id"

ad_set_client_property spam "sql_query" $sql_query
ad_set_client_property spam "object_id" $group_id

set spam_url "[spam_base]/spam-add"

and in the corresponding template:

 &lt;a href="@spam_url@">Spam all members&lt;/a>

set spam_url "[spam_base]spam-add?"

<p>If you are using ACS 4.1.x, you will probably need to patch your
<code>acs-content</code> PL/SQL package, since there is a PL/SQL
function <code>acs_content.new</code> function that doesn't return a
value.  You can patch your acs-content-create.sql file using this

diff -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
&lt; -- $Id: release-notes.html,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:13 rmello Exp $
> -- $Id: release-notes.html,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:13 rmello Exp $
>       if content_id is null then
>               select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_content_id from dual;
>       else
>               v_content_id := content_id;
>       end if;
&lt;           acs_content.new.content_id,
>           v_content_id,
>       return v_content_id;