select min(package_id) from apm_packages where package_key = '[spam_package_key]' spam_put_in_outgoing_queue $msg_id acs_mail_process_queue select body_id, send_date, sql_query, context_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip from spam_messages, acs_objects, acs_mail_links where object_id = spam_id and mail_link_id = spam_id and spam_id = :spam_id and approved_p = 't' select email from parties, ($sql_query) p2 where p2.party_id = parties.party_id insert into acs_mail_queue_outgoing (message_id, envelope_from, envelope_to) values (:id, :spam_sender, :email) update spam_messages set sent_p = 't' where spam_id = :spam_id select count(spam_id) from spam_messages where spam_id = :spam_id