oracle8.1.6 select r.item_id, '' as context, decode(o.object_type, 'content_symlink', r.label, 'content_folder', f.label, nvl(v.title, title, decode(r.item_id, :index_page_id, 't', 'f') is_index_page, nvl(to_char(round(v.content_length / 1000, 2)), '-') file_size from cr_resolved_items r, cr_items i, cr_folders f, cr_revisions v, cr_revisions u, acs_objects o, acs_object_types t where r.parent_id = $parent_var and r.resolved_id = i.item_id and i.item_id = o.object_id and i.content_type = t.object_type and i.latest_revision = v.revision_id (+) and i.live_revision = u.revision_id (+) and i.item_id = f.folder_id (+) order by is_index_page desc $orderby_clause select decode(i.content_type, 'content_folder', 't', 'f') is_folder, decode(i.content_type, 'content_template', 't', 'f') is_template, r.item_id, r.resolved_id, r.is_symlink,, NVL(trim( decode(o.object_type, 'content_symlink', r.label, 'content_folder', f.label, nvl(v.title,, '-') title, decode(i.publish_status, 'live', to_char(u.publish_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '-') publish_date, o.object_type, t.pretty_name content_type, to_char(o.last_modified, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') last_modified_date, decode(r.item_id, :index_page_id, 't', 'f') is_index_page, nvl(to_char(round(v.content_length / 1000, 2)), '-') file_size from cr_resolved_items r, cr_items i, cr_folders f, cr_revisions v, cr_revisions u, acs_objects o, acs_object_types t where r.parent_id = $parent_var and r.resolved_id = i.item_id and i.item_id = o.object_id and i.content_type = t.object_type and i.latest_revision = v.revision_id (+) and i.live_revision = u.revision_id (+) and i.item_id = f.folder_id (+) and -- paginator sql r.item_id in (CURRENT_PAGE_SET) order by is_index_page desc $orderby_clause select content_symlink.resolve( :id ) from dual select content_folder.get_index_page($parent_var) from dual select i.item_id id, content_item.get_path(i.item_id) path from cr_items i, cr_symlinks s where i.item_id = s.target_id and i.item_id = :original_id select parent_id, NVL(label, name) label, description from cr_items i, cr_folders f where i.item_id = f.folder_id and f.folder_id = :id