-- Create the cal_item object -- -- @author Gary Jin (gjin@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date Nov 17, 2000 -- @cvs-id $Id: cal-item-create.sql,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:01 rmello Exp $ -- -- ported by Lilian Tong (tong@ebt.ee.usyd.edu.au) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- cal_item_ojbect ---------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION inline_0 () RETURNS integer AS ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''cal_item'', -- object_type ''Calendar Item'', -- pretty_name ''Calendar Items'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_event'', -- supertype ''cal_items'', -- table_name ''cal_item_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table null -- name_method ); return 0; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; SELECT inline_0 (); DROP FUNCTION inline_0 (); CREATE FUNCTION inline_1 () RETURNS integer AS ' begin PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( ''cal_item'', -- object_type ''on_which_calendar'', -- attribute_name ''integer'', -- datatype ''On Which Calendar'', -- pretty_name ''On Which Calendars'', -- pretty_plural null, -- table_name (default) null, -- column_name (default) null, -- default_value (default) 1, -- min_n_values (default) 1, -- max_n_values (default) null, -- sort_order (default) ''type_specific'', -- storage (default) ''f'' -- static_p (default) ); return 0; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; SELECT inline_1 (); DROP FUNCTION inline_1 (); -- -- Each cal_item has the super_type of ACS_EVENTS -- -- Table cal_items supplies additional information CREATE TABLE cal_items ( -- primary key cal_item_id integer constraint cal_item_cal_item_id_fk references acs_events constraint cal_item_cal_item_id_pk primary key, -- a references to calendar -- Each cal_item is owned by one calendar on_which_calendar integer constraint cal_item_which_cal_fk references calendars on delete cascade, item_type_id integer, constraint cal_items_type_fk foreign key (on_which_calendar, item_type_id) references cal_item_types(calendar_id, item_type_id) ); comment on table cal_items is ' Table cal_items maps the ownership relation between an cal_item_id to calendars. Each cal_item is owned by a calendar '; comment on column cal_items.cal_item_id is ' Primary Key '; comment on column cal_items.on_which_calendar is ' Mapping to calendar. Each cal_item is owned by a calendar '; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- create package cal_item ------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION cal_item__new ( integer, -- cal_item_id cal_items.cal_item_id%TYPE integer, -- on_which_calendar calenders.calendar_id%TYPE varchar, -- name acs_activities.name%TYPE varchar, -- description acs_activities.description%TYPE boolean, -- html_p acs_activities.html_p%TYPE varchar, -- status_summary acs_activities.status_summary%TYPE integer, -- timespan_id acs_events.timespan_id%TYPE integer, -- activity_id acs_events.activity_id%TYPE integer, -- recurrence_id acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE varchar, -- object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE integer, -- context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE timestamp, -- createion_date acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE integer, -- creation_user acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE varchar -- creation_ip acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE ) RETURNS integer AS ' declare new__cal_item_id alias for $1; -- default null new__on_which_calendar alias for $2; -- default null new__name alias for $3; new__description alias for $4; new__html_p alias for $5; -- default null new__status_summary alias for $6; -- default null new__timespan_id alias for $7; -- default null new__activity_id alias for $8; -- default null new__recurrence_id alias for $9; -- default null new__object_type alias for $10; -- default "cal_item" new__context_id alias for $11; -- default null new__creation_date alias for $12; -- default now() new__creation_user alias for $13; -- default null new__creation_ip alias for $14; -- default null v_cal_item_id cal_items.cal_item_id%TYPE; begin v_cal_item_id := acs_event__new( new__cal_item_id, -- event_id new__name, -- name new__description, -- description new__html_p, -- html_p new__status_summary, -- status_summary new__timespan_id, -- timespan_id new__activity_id, -- activity_id new__recurrence_id, -- recurrence_id new__object_type, -- object_type new__creation_date, -- creation_date new__creation_user, -- creation_user new__creation_ip, -- creation_ip new__context_id -- context_id ); insert into cal_items (cal_item_id, on_which_calendar) values (v_cal_item_id, new__on_which_calendar); return v_cal_item_id; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ------------------------------------------------------------ -- the delete operation ------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE FUNCTION cal_item__delete ( integer ) RETURNS integer AS ' declare delete__cal_item_id alias for $1; begin -- Erase the cal_item associated with the id delete from cal_items where cal_item_id = delete__cal_item_id; -- Erase all the priviledges delete from acs_permissions where object_id = delete__cal_item_id; PERFORM acs_event__delete(delete__cal_item_id); return 0; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE FUNCTION cal_item__delete_all ( integer ) RETURNS integer AS ' declare delete__recurrence_id alias for $1; v_event_id integer; begin for v_event_id in (select event_id from acs_events where recurrence_id= delete__recurrence_id) LOOP PERFORM cal_item__delete(v_event_id); END LOOP; PERFORM recurrence__delete(delete__recurrence_id); return 0; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- the name function ------------------------------------------------------------- -- function to return the name of the cal_item CREATE FUNCTION cal_item__name ( integer ) RETURNS varchar AS ' declare name__cal_item_id alias for $1; v_name acs_activities.name%TYPE; begin select name into v_name from acs_activities where activity_id = ( select activity_id from acs_events where event_id = name__cal_item_id ); return v_name; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- the on_which_calendar function --------------------------------------------------------------- -- function to return the calendar that owns the cal_item CREATE FUNCTION cal_item__on_which_calendar ( integer ) RETURNS integer AS ' declare on_which_calendar__cal_item_id alias for $1; v_calendar_id calendars.calendar_id%TYPE; begin select on_which_calendar into v_calendar_id from cal_items where cal_item_id = on_which_calendar__cal_item_id; return v_calendar_id; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';