<title>Workflow Design Documentation</title>

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<h2>Workflow Design Documentation</h2>

By <a href="http://www.pinds.com/lars">Lars Pind</a> on 7 September 2000. <br><br>
By <a href="mailto:khy@arsdigita.com">Khy Huang</a> on 12 April 2001. 

<a href="/doc/">OpenACS Documentation</a> : <a href="">Workflow</a> : Workflow Design Documentation


This is the design document for the workflow package.

<h3>I.  Essentials</h3>

    <li> <a href="requirements.html">Requirements document</a> </li>

<h3>II.  Introduction</h3>

This package is intended to:


<li>Manage the <strong>definition and execution of workflow processes</strong>,
i.e. computing the next tasks to execute, who to assign to them, etc.

<li>Provide a <strong>unified user-interface for the end user</strong> to manage the
list of tasks to do, provide the information necessary to perform the
task, and provide mechanisms for providing feedback, e.g. when a task
is finished.

<li>Provide the business manager with a <strong>user-interface for
defining workflow processes</strong>, adapting a workflow process
definition to the local context, in particular assignments, and
getting an overview of the performance of the workflow process.


Strong <strong>candidate applications</strong> for workflow are the
Content Management System, ticket-tracker, ecommerce order fulfillment
and customer service and recruiting pipeline. In general, applications
where the coordination of multiple people working on a project is


It's <em>not</em> going to be possible to build all of these
applications just by doing some UI tweaking on top of the workflow
package alone. Rather, these packages will be made much skinnier and
development much faster and less risky by outsourcing some of the more
intricate parts to the worklflow package.


There's one part of the workflow package for each of the goals above.
The engine is implemented as a data model and a PL/SQL API, with a
thin wrapper for the API in Tcl. The user-interfaces are implemented
as AOLserver Tcl pages.


Discussion is currently being undertaken of the <strong>scope</strong>
of the workflow package. We currently fulfill all the requirements of
the Content Management System, which only uses the engine data model
and API. The user-interface part is not yet done, and we need to
polish the requirements and design for that.

<h3>III.  Historical Considerations</h3> 

One of the classic claims of the OpenACS is that it is "<strong>data
models and workflow</strong>". That's not coincidental. For
collaborative software, there's going to be a lot of coordination of
people working towards the same goal. So workflow is a key part of the
problem space that OpenACS is designed to solve.


Historically, every module has implemented its own
<strong>mini-version of workflow enactment
code</strong>. Ticket-tracker is a prime example, but other examples
include order fulfillment and customer service in the ecommerce
module, the recruting pipeline in the intranet module, and user
approval in the OpenACS core.


This has the benefit of making it possible to completely tailorize the
workflow to the needs of the application. But there are <strong>many
disadvantages</strong>: The user has to visit several different URLs
to figure out what's on his plate; the user experience will be
different for each module, since each module developer will have done
things slightly differently; you can't alter the process without
hacking the module code directly; the module developer needs to write
custom code to provide administrative features such as checking on the
general performance of a workflow process; and generally, we can spend
the time saved by speeding up development of workflow-centered
applications on providing even better end-user and administrative
tools that will benefit users of any workflow-based application.

<h3>IV.  Competitive Analysis</h3>

The <strong>only open-source competitor</strong>, I've been able to locate is <a
href="http://www.vivtek.com/wftk.html">wftk</a> by <a
href="http://www.vivtek.com">Vivtek</a>. They have a fairly nice
for defining workflow processes</a> that we could probably learn
from. However, they've chosen a different model with explicit
routing constructs, such as "sequential", "parallel", etc. It does
limit the expressive power and require some special constructs like
raising a "situation", and having a handler for that situation. 


We've also looked at, and strive to adhere to, the
<strong>standards</strong> set forth by the <a
href="http://www.wfmc.org">Workflow Management Coalition</a>.


There's also a host of <strong>commercial workflow software</strong>
implementations. We haven't looked at them, but we'd very much like
to. I'm not sure how easy it'd be, given that they're commercial, but
at least we should have a chance to look at <a

<h3>V.  Design Tradeoffs</h3> 

There are many design tradeoffs in the workflow package. We want it to
be both easy, to provide as much out-of-the-box functionality for the
end-user as possible, and at the same time make it powerful enough to
handle the workflows that other application developers need to model.
Here are the most important tradeoffs made:


For the <strong>underlying conceptual model</strong> we considered one
based on finite state machines (FSM) and one based on Petri Nets. We
decided against finite state machines because FSMs don't support the
routing constructs that we needed (parallel, implicit and explicit
conditional routing). We also considered some extension of FSMs, but
couldn't find any well-defined ones, and we didn't want to invent some
model where the semantics might not have been well-considered
enough. A workflow is really a distributed protocol, and as any
computer scientist knows, these can be really hard to formalize in a
way, that ensures there are no dead-locks, dead states, etc. Petri
Nets provides a formal mathematical model with an abundance of proven
analysis techniques that can be used to both ensure static and dynamic
properties of the workflow. Besides, W.M.P. van der Aalst made such a
good argument in <a
Application of Petri Nets to Workflow Management</em></a> that we felt
confident it was the right decision. Parts of this argument is also
that there are standard extensions to Petri Nets that are very useful
for use with workflows, such as color, time and inheritance.


One <strong>downside of the Petri Net approach</strong> is that the
model is more difficult to grasp than the finite state machine. We've
tried to accommodate that problem by differentiating between a
"simple" and a "non-simple" (or complex) workflow process. "Simple"
basically means we can provide a very intuitive, easy-to-use and
understand UI for defining workflows, that doesn't require the user to
invest any time in learning how the workflow package operates. The
idea is that if you only want to do simple, straight-forward things,
we can abstract away from the complexity. However, if you want to do
more complex things, then there is no way to avoid knowing what you're
doing. Not because our model is hard, but because the problem of
formalizing a workflow so it accurately models what you want without
introducing problems such as deadlocks or dead states.


Since the engine will need to be tightly integrated with and
customized to suit a specific package, we need some <strong>callback mechanism</strong>
that'll allow custom code to get executed by the engine. The code had
to be executed in the database, since we wanted to allow for
non-AOLserver/Tcl clients to use it. We considered three general
approaches to that: (1) take an arbitrary chunk of PL/SQL code as a
varchar and pass it to <code>execute immediate</code>, (2) take the
name of a PL/SQL procedure/function with a fixed signature and call
that with arguments depending on the situation, or (3) take the name
of a PL/SQL procedure/function, and have a dependent table hold the
arguments it takes and the values to supply. We chose (2) because it
is simpler than (3) and provides more structure and static
checkability than (1).


We have the concept of <strong>workflow attributes</strong>, which
directs the execution of the workflow. For example, if one of the
tasks is to approve or reject something, we'll typically have an
<code>approved_p</code> attribute that takes a boolean value, and can
be branched on in an or-split. We considered (1) having a skinny table
as part of the workflow package to hold the values, (2) using the OpenACS
kernel metadata/attribute system or (3) have a clob column in the case
table that holds an XML document with the values. We originally did
(1), then migrated to (2) when the kernel was somewhat ready for it,
so we don't reproduce functionality. Plus doing it with the kernel
offers a way abstract away from whether it's implemented using a
skinny table or a fat table. The disadvantage is that there are severe
limits as to what values can be represented, e.g. you can only
represent atomic SQL datatypes. In particular, you can't (nicely)
store compound datatypes, such as lists or arrays. Lists are
especially helpful for storing assignments, i.e. a list of party_ids.
The disadvantage of (3) is that you get no help from the database in
type checking, and that queries and updates against the data are bound
to be much slower than with a table.


At some point, we implemented <strong>manual, per-case
assignments</strong> by setting and querying a workflow
attribute. Conceptually, this is very nice, but with the current
implementation of workflow attributes, it doesn't allow multiple
assignments to the same task, so we had to scrap that. 
Since then we introduce the notion of <strong>roles</strong> to provide more flexibility
in assignment of users to task.  Roles are assigned to parties and 
they are associated with a case and/or task.  This adds the functionality to
group a set of task together for assignment (i.e. assign a role 
to a set of task)

We've decided to make the workflow engine have a <strong>PL/SQL-only
API</strong>, with the Tcl API being simple, small wrappers around the
PL/SQL API. This has the benefit of being easy to port to an ACS/Java
version. The downside is that it's going to be harder to port to
PostgreSQL. On the other hand, there is one Tcl-callback, but this is
one that's used purely for UI purposes, so that seemed acceptable.


We've decided to <strong>keep all historical information</strong>
about the execution of a workflow, i.e. enabled transitions, tokens,
workflow attributes, and tie all that into the journal. This obviously
consumes more space and takes more querying time when there's
non-current information in the database, but it adds tremendously to
our ability to troubleshoot, backtrack and analyze the performance of
the workflow.


Some things, such as assignments, may be <strong>defined
cascadingly</strong> at several levels, such as statically for all
workflows, manually for each individual case, or programatically, by
executing a callback that determines who to assign based on roles. 
For example, a task such as "send out check" would always be assigned to 
the billing department. A task such as "author article" would be assigned 
manually by the editor based on his knowledge of the skills of the individual
authors in "author" role. In the ticket-tracker, the task of fixing a problem
 would typically be assigned to a party based on who owns the corresponding
project or feature area, and would be implemented by a callback from
the workflow package into the ticket-tracker package. The callback would 
include the "module owner" role as its parameter. 

<h3>VI.  API</h3> 

The API comes in two parts. There's one for manipulating
<strong>workflow process definitions</strong> (the
<code>workflow</code> PL/SQL package) and one for manipulating
<strong>workflow cases</strong> (the <code>workflow_case</code> PL/SQL
pacakge). You could also say that the first concerns the static
properties, while the other concerns the dynamic properties.


The <strong>workflow</strong> package currently only implement the
most basic operations: create/drop a workflow, create/drop an
attribute of a workflow, determine whether a workflow is simple or
not, and delete all cases of a workflow (useful for dropping


To modify <strong>other static properties</strong> of workflows, such
as the places, transitions and arcs, etc., you'll need to access the
tables directly. There might not be much gained by providing a
procedural API for this, since the basic design is considered very


Much more thorough is the API for dealing with <strong>workflow
cases</strong>. This provides the handles to interact with the
execution of a workflow, which consists of: Altering its top-level
state, i.e. start, suspend, resume or cancel a whole workflow case at
a time; interact with tasks, i.e. start, cancel, finish or comment on
a task; and finally, inform the workflow package that some external
action that the workflow package is waiting for has occurred.


Some notes on the <strong>internals</strong> is in place: The key word
is encapsulation of logic. 


All the <strong>execution of callbacks</strong>, which involve use of
<code>execute immediate</code>, have been encapsulated in some PL/SQL
procedures/functions that do the work. They're usually pretty simple,
but in some cases they incorporate some extra logic, such as the
result if there's no callback defined. 


The <strong>cascading features</strong>, such as task assignments and
task deadlines (static per-context setting, manual per-case setting,
programmtic setting), the logic is encapsulated in their own PL/SQL
functions, <code>get_task_deadline</code> and


The <strong>token manipulation procedures</strong> (produce, lock,
release, consume tokens) encapsulate the actions on tokens and ensure
the information we keep for the history of a token is consistent.


One procedure, <code>sweep_automatic_transitions</code> is responsible
for <strong>turning the wheels</strong> of a workflow execution. It is
to be called whenever the state changes due to some action either by
the user, by time (timed transitions and user-task-hold timeouts), or
by external systems (in the form of message transitions). It
checks to see if the case is finished, it loops over all the enabled
automatic transitions and fire these, and it updates the table
<code>wf_tasks</code> to make sure it accurately reflects the true
state of the workflow. It uses two helper procedures for this:
<code>finished_p</code> and <code>enable_transitions</code>. The
latter is also responsible for sending out email notifications
as new user tasks are enabled.


The procedure <code>fire_transition_internal</code> is responsible for
<strong>firing any transition</strong>. It consumes the appropriate
tokens, produces new tokens in the relevant output places, and fires
any fire callback on the transition.


For workflow to be really functional, we rely on the OpenACS kernel at
some point implementing a system for <strong>automatically generating
forms based on metadata</strong>. This is used for setting workflow
attributes as part of performing a taks. Currently, we do it ourselves
in a very ad-hoc fashion. Speaking of attributes, we store a
<code>wf_datatype</code> about attributes, in addition to the
information stored by the OpenACS kernel. This is historical. We needed
it, because the OpenACS kernel currently doesn't let us say that the
datatype of some attribute is the primary key of some object of a
specific type, e.g. that the value of an attribute should be a
party. In this case, the OpenACS kernel datatype would be number, and the
<code>wf_datatype</code> would be party. We needed that for the manual
assignments, when we did those with attributes, but now that we don't
use attributes to store those anymore, because attributes can only
hold one value each, we actually don't need it anymore. We've left it
there, though, in case we need it for something else. Once we've
definitively established that we don't need it anymore, it'll go away.


<h3>VII.  Data Model Discussion</h3>

The <strong>knowledge level</strong> data model is quite
straight-forward given the underlying Petri Net model. There's a table
for each of the elements, i.e. places, transitions and arcs. There's
also a mapping table between transitions and workflow attributes,
saying which attributes should be the output of which transitions. And
there's the now-obsololeted <code>wf_attribute_info</code> table that
holds the <code>wf_datatype</code> discussed above under design


The context-level is less obvious. We've decided to store all the
callback information at the context level, assuming that they might
need to change depending on the context. This is not necessarily the
right decision, so we might have to move them to the workflow level
later. The code review also raised the issue of whether these should
be normalized into a generic <code>wf_callbacks</code> table, as the
current <code>wf_context_transition_info</code> table has rather many
columns, many of which share a common pattern.


The <strong>operational level</strong> datamodel also follows the
Petri Net pretty closely. There's a table, <code>wf_tasks</code>
holding dynamic information corresponding to transitions, and one,
<code>wf_tokens</code>, holding information about the tokens, which
corresponds to dynamic information on places. 
There is a <code> wf_roles </code> that stores all roles for the 
workflow.  Besides that, there are two tables, <code>wf_case_assignments</code>
 and <code>wf_case_deadlines</code>, holding case-level manual assignments
and deadlines. The assignments table is necessary because attributes
can't hold multiple values. The deadlines table isn't strictly
necessary, but it is an option in line with setting the deadline in
the form of an attribute, provided particularly for the Content
Management System. There's also a
<code>wf_attribute_value_audit</code> table, which all the historical
values of workflow attributes, a service that is conceptually better
provided by the OpenACS kernel, but since the kernel currently doesn't do
that, we have it here.


Finally, there are a number of views intended to abstract away from
whether something is defined at the workflow or context level, to
query the actual workflow state (used by
<code>workflow_case.enable_transitions</code>), and one to abstract
away from traversing the OpenACS kernel party hierarchy.


There's a specific process for defining workflows, i.e. the order in
which inserts should happen. This is described in the "Defining Your
Workflow" section of the <a href="developers.html">Developer's

<h4>Data Model Changes as per Nov 8, 2000 (<b>Planned, but not implemented</b>)</h4>

For <b>permissions</b>, the right solution seems to be to <b>make at least
<code>wf_workflows</code>, <code>wf_cases</code> and
<code>wf_tasks</code> ACS Objects</b> (<code>wf_cases</code> is
already). The system level permissions could belong on the workflow
package instance. Then, to make the hierarchical permissioning scheme
work, the context_id of a task will point to the case, the context_id
of a case will point to the workflow, and the context_id of a workflow
will point to the workflow package instance in which it was created.
That way, you can also create multiple workflow package instances and
have each of these see only its own set of processes. 


If we also make transitions, places and arcs ACS Objects, we'll have
a more consistent data model, and the callback signatures will be
easier and more streamlined.


In order to store the attributes and take advantage of the kernel
services (generic/specific storage handling, auditing, automatic
form-generation, etc.), and since the attributes differ from process
to process, we'll have to <b>make the process an object type</b>, in
addition to being an object. Should we make every version of a process
its own object type, or should we have only one object type per
process? This is a trade-off. If we want to be able to alter/delete
attributes, we'll have to make each version its own object type. If
we're more concerned with quickly scraping up all the cases of a
particular process, regardless of version, one object type per case is
more relevant. But that can be solved with a foreign key. In any
event, we'll have to be clever to come up with a good UI and code for
summarizing all cases of a process, regardless of version. Finally,
there's the uglyness of creating all those object types. I guess the
conclusion is: we'll make each version an object type, it's cleaner.


<b>General class hierarchy</b>: Workflow is the abstract ancestor object type
of all workflows. Each process, e.g. "<code>expenses_wf</code>" is an
object type, subclassing the workflow object type. Then each process
<i>version</i> is an object type,
e.g. "<code>expenses_wf_123</code>", subclassing the process
object type.


In other words, we have this class hierarchy:

<blockquote><pre>workflow => expenses_wf => expenses_wf_123</pre></blockquote>

Why? We need the version to be an object type if we want to use the
kernel's generic attribute storage, or even the automatic
form-generation facilities to come. We need the process itself to be
an object type if we want a quick way to get all the cases of a
specific process, across all versions. Finally, the master generic
obejct type is a good match for the top-level <code>wf_cases</code>


<b>Contexts are replaced with package instances</b>. Currently, a context is
nothing but a token that allows us to exchange some parts of the
workflow definition, such as assignments, and make them different for
different contexts. The idea is that the same process can be used with
different static assignments in two different departments of the same
company, or within different companies on the same website. The way
this would work is that you install multiple instances of the target
application (e.g. ticket-tracker), one per department or company (or,
in general, per subsite).


In addition, we'll allow you to install <b>multiple versions of the
workflow package</b>. Each version will only be able to see the
workflows created in that specific instance. It would then make sense
to split up the workflow package into a worklist package and a
workflow package: The basic idea of the worklist is that it always
shows all the items on your personal worklist, regardless of what
process or whatever they belong to. This would make even more sense,
because there's no reason that there has to be an associated workflow
process just to add a task to your worklist. So the worklist package
would be more generic. That split takes a bit more thought, though, as
we'd have to develop the worklist as a standalone application and
figure out the exact interaction between that and the workflow package.


We want to <b>clean up the current callback mechanism</b> in a few


<li>First, we generally want callbacks to be <b>associated with the
process, rather than the process in a context</b> (i.e., move from
<code>wf_context_transition_info</code> to
<code>wf_transitions</code>, although, for the following two reasons,
that's not what we're actually going to do). We might later add the
ability to add another callback which is specific to the context/package, but
we'll postpone that for now.


<li>Second, we want to <b>normalize the current mess in
<code>wf_context_transition_info</code></b>, what with all the nullable
columns pertaining to callbacks.


<li>Third, we want to provide a <b>repository of callback routines</b>
to be applied, so we can provide a nice user-interface for adding
callbacks to a process.


Here are the different types of callbacks (i.e., different
signatures), and the concrete callbacks of these types. 


<li>Task before it's created: time, deadline and hold-timeout
callbacks. Signature <code>(case_id, transition_id)
return date</code>

<li>Task: enable, fire, assignment. Signature <code>(task_id)</code>

<li>Arc: guard. Signature: <code>(case_id, arc_id) return char</code>


Here's an example data model sketch to store the information.

/* This is the callback repository */
create table wf_callbacks (
  callback_id    integer
  pretty_name    varchar
  description    varchar
  callback_proc  varchar
  type           enum(task_date, task_notify, task_assign, guard)

/* This is the list of custom arguments for these callbacks i.e.,
   arguments not required by the signature. */
create table wf_callback_args (
  arg_id         integer
  callback_id    integer
  pretty_name    varchar
  description    varchar
  position       integer 
  type           enum(integer, number, string, attribute, transition)
/* The argument type is mainly a UI thing. If you say 'integer',
   'number' or 'string', we ask the user for such a value, and
   validate that it is in fact a valid integer/number/string. If you
   say attribute, we present the user with a box where he can select
   one of the existing attributes of this workflow. If you say
   transition, we ask the user to select one of the existing
   transitions, etc. We can easily add more types, e.g. places, arcs,
   maybe an enumeration (a list of options), etc. This is all just so
   that we can create a nice UI for the callbacks. */

/* This is a generic invocation of a callback, which basically just
   means that we've filled in the custom arguments with static values */
create table wf_callback_invocation (
  invocation_id  integer
  callback_id    integer
  compiled_call  varchar
/* Compiled call is the string to be passed to execute immediate in
   Oracle. It'll contain bind variables for the arguments covered by
   the signature, and the static values for the custom arguments will
   be put directly into the string (don't forget to quote and escape
   properly). */

/* This table holds the static values to the custom arguments. We
   don't need to query this, once the 'compiled_call' column has been set. */
create table wf_callback_invocation_args (
  invocation_id  integer
  arg_id         integer
  value          varchar

/* This is how we apply the callback to a transition */ 
create table wf_transition_invocation_map (
  transition_id  integer
  type           enum(enable, fire, assignment, time, deadline, hold_timeout)
  sort_order     integer /* the order, if there are more than one per transition
  invocation_id  integer

/* Here's the guard */
create table wf_arcs (
  guard_id       integer /* points to a row in wf_callback_invocation */


Finally, the table <code>wf_attribute_info</code> should go away. We
don't need it any more, since it was only used for assignment
attributes, something that's gone now.

<h3>Note: </h3>
The describe changes, as of Nov 8, are not implemented.  These design changes
will be factored into the next release of workflow.  For the next release
the most significant change is reimplementing the engine in Java.  It will
require changes the way guards, callbacks, attributes, and object transitions
are handled.  Don't worry as part of the next release we'll include, 
hopefully, a straight foward upgrade path. 

<h3>VIII.  User Interface</h3>

The user-interface falls in these separate parts:


<dt>End users interaction 

<dd>View the current worklist, view a task, including the journal of
the case, pick a task to start, cancel/finish the task.

<dt>Workflow Summary UI

<dd>Intended for managers, the workflow summary provides information
about how the workflow is performing, in particular tools for spotting
bottlenecks and other performance problems, identifying cases that
seem to have been forgotten, calculating throughput and other
performance parameters, etc. The intent is to make sure we're
providing our customers with the desired level of service.

<dt>Workflow Maintainer UI

<dd>Predefined, distributed workflows need to be customized to the
context, in particular with respect to assignments. There must be a UI
for making these adaptions of a predefined workflow to the current
context. It might also be nice to have a UI for downloading/installing
workflow definitions a' la APM.

<dt>Simple Workflow Builder UI

<dd>Under the assumption that building complex workflows can be
difficult, we'll provide an interface for building simple workflows,
meaning only sequential routing and simple iteration. Specifically, it
should abstract away from implementation details, such as places,
transitions and arcs. We have yet to determine just how this is going
to be used, i.e. whether and how you can just "attach" a workflow to
any object at will.

<dt>Advanced Workflow Builder UI

<dd>We need a UI for building workflows that exploit the full power of
the workflow engine. It would fully expose implementation details,
because these are necessary to understand how to build non-simple
workflows. It would also allow the user to export the workflow in some
way that is importable into another OpenACS installation for distribution
either alone or with a package, either as a SQL file to load into the
RDBMS, or as an XML in the <a href="http://www.wfmc.org">WfMC</a>
standard format.

<dt>Workflow Debugging UI (not implemented, future feature)

<dd>For managers building workflows, we'll provide an interface for
debugging the execution of the workflow, so there's a way to figure
out what happened when it doesn't behave as expected. It might allow
the user to step through the historic execution of the workflow, to
verify what happened at each step of the execution.


<h3>IX.  Configuration/Parameters</h3>

There are two optional parameters under the APM, 
graphviz_dot_path and tmp_path.  These parameters are required for
the <a href="http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/download.html">
GraphVizv</a> program used to generated the diagrams.  Please read
the installation guide for more details.

<h3>X.  Future Improvements/Areas of Likely Change</h3>

Two major things: As said before, we'll need to work permissions into
this system. And we'll need to amend the core datamodel with a concept
of "revisions" of workflow process definitions, so it's possible to
revise a workflow without deleting all the old cases that are still
using earlier revisions.


For more far-fetched future plans, refer to <a
href="future-plans.html">Future Plans</a>.

<h3>XI.  Authors</h3>

    <li> System creator: Khy Huang (<a href="mailto:khy@arsdigita.com">khy@arsdigita.com</a>)
    <li> System owner: Khy Huang (<a href="mailto:khy@arsdigita.com">khy@arsdigita.com</a>)
    <li> Documentation author: Khy Huang (<a href="mailto:khy@arsdigita.com">khy@arsdigita.com</a>)

<h3>XII.  Revision History</h3>

<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width=90% bgcolor=#efefef>
<tr bgcolor=#e0e0e0>
    <th width=10%>Document Revision #</th>
    <th width=50%>Action Taken, Notes</th>
    <th>By Whom?</th>
   <td>Minor updates about wf roles, parameters, and operational datamodel</td>
   <td>Khy Huang (<a href="mailto:khy@arsdigita.com">khy@arsdigita.com<a/>)</td>
   <td>Lars Pind (<a href="mailto:lars@pinds.com">lars@pinds.com<a/>)</td>




<address><a href="mailto:lars@pinds.com">lars@pinds.com</a></address>
<table align=right><tr><td>Last Modified: $Date: 2002/07/09 17:35:00 $</td></tr></table>
