select to_char(creation_date,'YYYYMM') as sort_key,
rtrim(to_char(creation_date,'Month')) as pretty_month,
to_char(creation_date,'YYYY') as pretty_year,
count(*) as n_new
from users, acs_objects
where users.user_id = acs_objects.object_id
and creation_date is not null
and user_id <> 0
group by to_char(creation_date,'YYYYMM'), to_char(creation_date,'Month'), to_char(creation_date,'YYYY')
order by 1
select max(t1.n_new) as MaxReg
from (select count(*) as n_new
from users, acs_objects
where users.user_id = acs_objects.object_id
and creation_date is not null
group by to_char(creation_date,'YYYYMM'), to_char(creation_date,'Month'), to_char(creation_date,'YYYY')) as t1