select ba.*,
(case object_type when 'content_item'
then (select content_type from cr_items where item_id = object_id)
else object_type end) object_type
from (
select bb.*, bo.object_index, bo.object_id, bo.display_p as object_display, bo.indent, bo.label, bo.resource_type, bo.block_object_id,
(select object_type from acs_objects where object_id = bo.object_id) object_type
from (
select bb.block_id, bb.block_index, bb.summary,
bb.block_name, bb.display_p as block_display,
(select count(*) from blocks_objects where block_id = bb.block_id) count
from blocks_blocks bb
where bb.community_id = :community_id
and bb.block_index <= (
select number_of_blocks from blocks_course_mode where community_id = :community_id )
order by block_index
) bb
left join blocks_objects bo
on bb.block_id = bo.block_id
order by bb.block_index, bo.object_index) ba
select ba.*,
(case object_type when 'content_item'
then (select content_type from cr_items where item_id = object_id)
else object_type end) object_type
from (
select bb.*, bo.object_index, bo.object_id, bo.display_p as object_display, bo.indent, bo.label, bo.resource_type, bo.block_object_id,
(select object_type from acs_objects where object_id = bo.object_id) object_type
from (
select bb.block_id, bb.block_index, bb.summary,
(select count(*) from blocks_objects where block_id = bb.block_id) count,
bb.block_name, bb.display_p as block_display
from blocks_blocks bb
where bb.community_id = :community_id
and bb.block_index <= (
select number_of_blocks from blocks_course_mode where community_id = :community_id )
order by block_index
) bb
left join blocks_objects bo
on bb.block_id = bo.block_id
order by bb.block_index, bo.object_index) ba
select to_char(start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
from blocks_course_mode
where community_id = :community_id