-- /packages/news/sql/news-drop.sql -- -- @author stefan@arsdigita.com -- @created 2000-12-20 -- $Id: news-drop.sql,v 1.11 2018/01/31 20:27:31 gustafn Exp $ -- unregister content_types from folder -- -- procedure inline_0/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION inline_0( ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; -- RAL: commented out, not used. GC should be probably dealt with in -- news__delete anyways. -- v_gc_id general_comments.comment_id%TYPE; -- v_gc_msg_id acs_messages.message_id%TYPE; v_item_cursor RECORD; BEGIN select content_item__get_id('news', null, 'f') into v_folder_id from dual; -- delete all contents of news folder FOR v_item_cursor IN select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = v_folder_id LOOP -- all attached types/item are deleted in news.delete - modify there PERFORM news__delete(v_item_cursor.item_id); END LOOP; -- unregister_content_types PERFORM content_folder__unregister_content_type ( v_folder_id, -- folder_id 'content_revision', -- content_type 't' -- include_subtypes ); PERFORM content_folder__unregister_content_type ( v_folder_id, -- folder_id 'news', -- content_type 't' -- include_subtypes ); -- this table must not hold reference to 'news' type delete from cr_folder_type_map where content_type = 'news'; -- delete news folder PERFORM content_folder__delete(v_folder_id); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); -- Til: after adding content_type__drop_type above, dropping the table -- and the index explicitly was not necessary anymore. Leaving the calls -- commented out here though, so that they can be reactivated in case the lock -- situation mentioned in the original comment below occurs for some reason. -- drop indices to avoid lock situation through parent table --drop index cr_news_appuser_id_fk; -- delete pertinent info from cr_news --drop table cr_news; \i news-views-drop.sql \i news-package-drop.sql -- drop CR content_type select content_type__drop_type( 'news', -- content_type 't', -- drop_children_p 't' -- drop_table_p ); -- delete privileges; -- -- procedure inline_0/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION inline_0( ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE default_context acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; registered_users acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; the_public acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; BEGIN PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('news_admin','news_approve'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('news_admin','news_create'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('news_admin','news_delete'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('news_admin','news_read'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('read','news_read'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('create','news_create'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('delete','news_delete'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('admin','news_approve'); PERFORM acs_privilege__remove_child('admin','news_admin'); default_context := acs__magic_object_id('default_context'); registered_users := acs__magic_object_id('registered_users'); the_public := acs__magic_object_id('the_public'); PERFORM acs_permission__revoke_permission ( default_context, -- object_id registered_users, -- grantee_id 'news_create' -- privilege ); PERFORM acs_permission__revoke_permission ( default_context, -- object_id the_public, -- grantee_id 'news_read' -- privilege ); PERFORM acs_privilege__drop_privilege('news_approve'); PERFORM acs_privilege__drop_privilege('news_create'); PERFORM acs_privilege__drop_privilege('news_delete'); PERFORM acs_privilege__drop_privilege('news_read'); PERFORM acs_privilege__drop_privilege('news_admin'); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); -- *** Search contract de-registration *** -- select acs_sc_impl__delete( 'FtsContentProvider', -- impl_contract_name 'news' -- impl_name );