User Requirements
Interaction Between the IMS-LD package and .LRN Services The IMS-LD package is a .LRN service (or package, we use these terms indifferently in this specification when referring to .LRN), which will interact with some other .LRN services. When writing this specification, we expect the IMS-LD package to interact with at least the following .LRN packages: Forums. Jabber. Assessment. Evaluation (grade book). Calendar. News. FAQ Notifications. File Storage. As we mentioned earlier, the IMS-LD package allows to easily modify the mappings between the elements of the IMS-LD specification and the .LRN services. And not only modifying the mappings, but also to add new ones. By these way if the IMS-LD specification change in some aspect, then the package will adapt to the new changes easily. From our point of view it is necessary that in the future the IMS-LD specification adds more tags that map onto services. By these way compatibility between LMS are obtained, and if an LMS doesn't understand one tag because it is not available, then it will be ignored and nothing will be presented to the user. Besides, we take advantage of the new callbacks used in OpenACS in order to provide a clean interaction between different .LRN packages. With the callbacks we can determine if some needed package is not installed, and instead of displaying an error to the user, try to map the activity or whatever we are mapping to other package, and if after trying with all the available packages we can't map the item to .LRN, a message is shown to the user with this and any other item that could not be mapped by the system and with the purpose of letting the user to do the manual mapping. We have to take into account that the item will not always have all the necessary information to let the mapping be done easily, but we try to do our best by providing at least the required information to create the forum, chat, assessment, task, etc, and if definitively no mapping can be done, a final error message is shown to the user indicating that there is at least one item that .LRN can't understand.
Editing IMS Learning Design Documents When writing this specification, we were not thinking about implementing an IMS-LD editor in the short term. We think that in the market there are already very good IMS-LD editors, and that instead of investing efforts and resources in doing one more, we better work in order to provide a good IMS-LD player and a viewer. In the future we might work on an editor, but now there is a greater need of a good player. We therefore provide support for the most commonly used IMS-LD editors (Reload, Coppercore and LAMS), which we mentioned above. Even tough there is a standard, there is always something different in the way each editor makes use of it, and we try to deal with it by being as flexible as possible, even tough sometimes it is hard to achieve.
Viewing an IMS-LD Document and Groups assignation The IMS-LD package provides an IMS-LD viewer that will have two modes for the professor: off-line mode and on-line mode. In the off-line mode only the professor will have access and he/she will be able to see all the plays, acts, properties, conditions, etc. Definitively, all the things that are described in an IMS-LD document. But this information of the XML package will not include the mapping between roles and members of the .LRN course or community. It is the professor who must do this association before running the IMS-LD for concrete students. The interface will allow to select the students inside a concrete .LRN course. This tool will allow to assign students and professors (or other groups if exists) to the roles defined in the IMS-LD file. On the other hand, in the on-line mode, it is visualized the IMS-LD when it is running. It will give to both the teacher and the student (staff and learner) an overview of the activities in the workflow, i.e. the visualization of the play, as well as their current status. For the teacher, the viewer also offers in on-line mode the possibility of seeing the properties and conditions, tracking the students, watching the users in every activity of an act, etc. The teacher is able to view more details in every act and see who has done what. He/she can verify if a given test is too difficult and the students can't continue with the flow of the course, or if the teaching method is not working as planned. The viewer shows the list of acts that conforms the play, as well as the activities that conforms each act, the list of students that are part of that given course, etc. It display this information in a graphical way, in order to make the information easy to understand. It will also display links to the .LRN services involved, in case the teacher wants to make use of the functionalities of that specific package (because eventh ough we make use of them, it doesn't mean that we are replacing them). In the future the teacher will be able to edit the sequence of activities from the viewer, when the editor is finished. On the other hand, the viewer offers the possibility to the students to see their status inside the play. They can see how much have completed and how much they have yet to complete. Of course, when viewing the IMS-LD level B, this current status is not that easy to see nor to reproduce, because the workflow can depend on the students themselves because of the properties and conditions. Even more, there can be sometimes that this status is impossible to represent (we mean, the exact path that the student has not completed yet), because the conditions change during the lifetime of the course. This gets even more complicated when viewing IMS-LD level C, because it adds the notifications, which combined with the conditions and properties of level B, can make the play to follow a path impossible to represent. But no matter what level the student is viewing, he is able to see what he or she have already done.
IMS-LD Player The player is the part of the IMS-LD package that present to all the roles of the unit of learning the different activities in a sequence ordered way based on the properties and conditions. When deciding how the player should interact with the user, we thought two different implementations: Show a little portlet to the user that indicates the next activity to complete, showing the corresponding link to the appropriate .LRN package. Render all the information in a single window, in a centralized way. Something that the LORS package currently do when playing an SCORM document. After analyzing each one of these approaches, we concluded that rendering all the information in a single window was the better option, because we think is more simple for the users (teachers and students) to centralize the visualization instead of following different links, and also it can give us some kind of control of what the user is doing, and we can be sure of what the user is actually seeing on his/her screen. Also, for example if the activity is a forum and we redirect the user to this forum, the user can easily get distracted and end up reading a forum that does not form part of the activity. In the other hand, if we render the forum inside a centralized window, we have the control on the user's window, and by using some kind of frame, we can easily show any important message to the user and be sure (well, not entirely), that he/she read it. Besides, in this centralized window we can show in the bottom the activities that are completed and, when possible, the ones that are yet to complete. Therefore the selected option is the single window. The users (students, professors, etc.) will see in the single window in a concrete moment of time, some resource associated with an activity. The user will have at the left hand a list of the possible activities that he/she can see in a concrete moment (this depends on the design of the course). The student can select between the activities presented. Also for each activity it will be a description that will be shown always if the current activity is selected by the user (this description will appear in a little space), and also the user will be able to choice between the different resources of the associated environment of the activity. Therefore the student will select between the given resources for the activity. These resources can be any of the .LRN services or learning objects as files that comes for example in the IMS CP. The activities presented to the different roles will change in the time depending on the different properties and conditions. For example, it can change depending on the evaluations of the professors, on the results of the assessments, on the user models, etc. Therefore not all the users will see the same information because it is personalized depending on conditions. Also different paths in the workflow can be defined based on roles.