select identifier, resource_id, type as resource_type, title as resource_title, acs_object_id from imsld_cp_resourcesi where item_id = :resource_item_id and content_revision__is_live(resource_id) = 't' select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :acs_object_id select acs_object__name(object_id) as object_title, object_type from acs_objects where object_id = :live_revision select acs_object__name(object_id) as object_title, object_type from acs_objects where object_id = :acs_object_id select cr.revision_id as imsld_file_id, cpf.file_name, cpf.item_id, cpf.parent_id from imsld_cp_filesx cpf, acs_rels ar, imsld_res_files_rels map, cr_revisions cr where ar.object_id_one = :resource_item_id and ar.object_id_two = cpf.item_id and cpf.item_id = cr.item_id and ar.rel_id = map.rel_id and content_revision__is_live(cr.revision_id) = 't' and map.displayable_p = 't' select ci.item_id as page_id, as file_name from acs_rels ar, imsld_res_files_rels map, cr_revisions cr, cr_items ci where ar.object_id_one = :resource_item_id and ar.object_id_two = cr.item_id and cr.item_id = ci.item_id and ar.rel_id = map.rel_id and content_revision__is_live(cr.revision_id) = 't' and map.displayable_p = 't' select content_item__get_path(:parent_id,:root_folder_id); select case when :folder_path is null then fs.file_upload_name else :folder_path || '/' || fs.file_upload_name end as file_url from fs_objects fs where fs.live_revision = :imsld_file_id select url from acs_rels ar, cr_extlinks links, imsld_res_files_rels map where ar.object_id_one = :resource_item_id and ar.object_id_two = links.extlink_id and ar.rel_id = map.rel_id and map.displayable_p = 't'