-- replace new functions with ones that set acs_object.title, package_id -- added select define_function_args('forums_forum__new','forum_id,object_type,name,charter,presentation_type,posting_policy,package_id,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); -- -- procedure forums_forum__new/11 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_forum__new( p_forum_id integer, p_object_type varchar, p_name varchar, p_charter varchar, p_presentation_type varchar, p_posting_policy varchar, p_package_id integer, p_creation_date timestamptz, p_creation_user integer, p_creation_ip varchar, p_context_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_forum_id integer; BEGIN v_forum_id:= acs_object__new( p_forum_id, p_object_type, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, coalesce(p_context_id, p_package_id), 't', p_name, p_package_id ); insert into forums_forums (forum_id, name, charter, presentation_type, posting_policy, package_id) values (v_forum_id, p_name, p_charter, p_presentation_type, p_posting_policy, p_package_id); return v_forum_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- added select define_function_args('forums_message__new','message_id,object_type,forum_id,subject,content,html_p,user_id,posting_date,state,parent_id,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); -- -- procedure forums_message__new/14 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_message__new( p_message_id integer, p_object_type varchar, p_forum_id integer, p_subject varchar, p_content text, p_html_p char, p_user_id integer, p_posting_date timestamptz, p_state varchar, p_parent_id integer, p_creation_date timestamptz, p_creation_user integer, p_creation_ip varchar, p_context_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_message_id integer; v_forum_policy forums_forums.posting_policy%TYPE; v_state forums_messages.state%TYPE; v_posting_date forums_messages.posting_date%TYPE; v_package_id acs_objects.package_id%TYPE; BEGIN select package_id into v_package_id from forums_forums where forum_id = p_forum_id; if v_package_id is null then raise exception 'forums_message__new: forum_id % not found', p_forum_id; end if; v_message_id := acs_object__new( p_message_id, p_object_type, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, coalesce(p_context_id, p_forum_id), 't', p_subject, v_package_id ); if p_state is null then select posting_policy into v_forum_policy from forums_forums where forum_id = p_forum_id; if v_forum_policy = 'moderated' then v_state := 'pending'; else v_state := 'approved'; end if; else v_state := p_state; end if; if p_posting_date is null then v_posting_date = now(); else v_posting_date = p_posting_date; end if; insert into forums_messages (message_id, forum_id, subject, content, html_p, user_id, posting_date, parent_id, state) values (v_message_id, p_forum_id, p_subject, p_content, p_html_p, p_user_id, v_posting_date, p_parent_id, v_state); update forums_forums set last_post = v_posting_date where forum_id = p_forum_id; update forums_messages set last_child_post = v_posting_date where message_id = forums_message__root_message_id(v_message_id); return v_message_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;