oracle8.1.6 parent_id in (select item_id from cr_items where content_type = 'content_folder' connect by prior item_id = parent_id start with item_id = :folder_id) select * from ( select o.object_id as item_id, o.title,, o.file_upload_name, o.type, o.content_size, to_char(o.last_modified,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as publish_date_ansi, r.description, r.revision_id from fs_objects o, cr_revisions r where $parent_clause and type != 'folder' and $revisions_clause order by last_modified desc ) where rownum < :max_items + 1 select (max(last_modified)-to_date('1970-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD'))*60*60*24 as last_update from fs_rss_subscrs s, fs_objects f where s.subscr_id = :summary_context_id and f.parent_id = s.folder_id and f.type != 'folder'