oracle8.1.6 select evaluation.party_id(:user_id,:task_id) from dual select answer_id from evaluation_answers where party_id = :party_id and task_item_id = :task_item_id and content_revision.is_live(answer_id) = 't' select 1 from evaluation_tasks where task_id = :task_id and to_char(due_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') < to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') update cr_revisions set content = empty_blob(), filename = :filename where revision_id = :revision_id returning content into :1 update cr_items set storage_type = 'lob' where item_id = :item_id update cr_revisions set filename = :url where revision_id = :revision_id update cr_revisions set filename = :file_name, mime_type = :mime_type, content_length = :content_length where revision_id = :revision_id