postgresql7.1 select fs_objects.*, as folder_name from fs_objects, fs_folders where fs_objects.object_id in ( WITH RECURSIVE fs_objects(object_id) as ( select acs_objects.object_id from acs_objects where acs_objects.context_id in ( select site_node_object_mappings.object_id from site_node_object_mappings, site_nodes, fs_root_folders where site_node_object_mappings.node_id = site_nodes.node_id and site_node_object_mappings.object_id = fs_root_folders.folder_id and site_nodes.parent_id in ( select sn.node_id from site_nodes sn, apm_packages ap where sn.object_id = ap.package_id and ap.package_key = 'dotlrn' ) ) UNION ALL select ao.object_id from acs_objects ao join fs_objects fo on (fo.object_id = ao.context_id) ) select object_id from fs_objects ) and fs_objects.parent_id = fs_folders.folder_id and fs_objects.type <> 'folder' and fs_objects.last_modified >= (now() - (:n_past_days || ' days')::interval) and 't' = acs_permission__permission_p(fs_objects.object_id, :user_id, 'read') [template::list::orderby_clause -name files -orderby]