SELECT object_type FROM acs_objects WHERE object_id= :object_id select object_id as oid from acs_objects where context_id = :object_id and object_type = :object_type; SELECT name as object_name FROM forums_forums WHERE forum_id=:object_id SELECT faq_name as object_name FROM faqs WHERE faq_id = :object_id SELECT ci.title as object_name FROM acs_objects ao, cr_newsi ci WHERE ao.object_id = :object_id and ao.object_id = ci.object_id SELECT pretty_name as object_name FROM static_portal_content WHERE content_id = :object_id; SELECT title as object_name FROM acs_objects WHERE object_id = :object_id SELECT cf.label as object_name FROM acs_objects ao, cr_folders cf WHERE ao.object_id = :object_id and ao.object_id=cf.folder_id SELECT as object_name FROM acs_objects ao, cr_items ci WHERE ao.object_id = :object_id and ao.context_id= ci.item_id SELECT community_id FROM dotlrn_communities_all WHERE community_id <> :comm_id and community_type='dotlrn_club' and (parent_community_id <> community_id or parent_community_id is null) and (community_id in (SELECT dca.community_id FROM dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da WHERE dca.applet_id = da.applet_id and da.applet_key= :object_type)) select distinct d.community_id from groups, group_member_map gm, dotlrn_communities_all d, dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da where d.community_id <> :comm_id and groups.group_id = gm.group_id and gm.member_id=:user_id and d.community_id=groups.group_id and d.community_type = 'dotlrn_club' and dca.community_id = d.community_id and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id and da.applet_key= :object_type SELECT community_id FROM dotlrn_communities_all dca, dotlrn_classes dc, dotlrn_departments dd WHERE dca.community_id <> :comm_id and dca.community_type = dc.class_key and dc.department_key=dd.department_key and dd.department_key=:department_key and (parent_community_id <> community_id or parent_community_id is null) and (community_id in (SELECT dca.community_id FROM dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da WHERE dca.applet_id = da.applet_id and da.applet_key=:object_type)) select distinct d.community_id from groups, group_member_map gm, dotlrn_communities_all d, dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da, dotlrn_classes dc, dotlrn_departments dd where d.community_id <> :comm_id and groups.group_id = gm.group_id and gm.member_id=:user_id and d.community_id=groups.group_id and d.community_type <> 'dotlrn_club' and dca.community_id = d.community_id and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id and da.applet_key= :object_type and dca.community_type = dc.class_key and dc.department_key=dd.department_key and dd.department_key=:department_key SELECT community_id FROM dotlrn_communities_all dca WHERE dca.community_id <> :comm_id and dca.community_type <> 'dotlrn_club' and (parent_community_id <> community_id or parent_community_id is null) and (community_id in (SELECT dca.community_id FROM dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da WHERE dca.applet_id = da.applet_id and da.applet_key=:object_type)) select distinct d.community_id from groups, group_member_map gm, dotlrn_communities_all d, dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da where d.community_id <> :comm_id and groups.group_id = gm.group_id and gm.member_id=:user_id and d.community_id=groups.group_id and d.community_type <> 'dotlrn_club' and dca.community_id = d.community_id and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id and da.applet_key= :object_type SELECT community_id as dest_community_id, community_type, pretty_name as name, parent_community_id FROM dotlrn_communities_all WHERE community_id in ([join $communities_list_p ","]) SELECT pretty_name FROM dotlrn_communities_all WHERE community_id = :parent_community_id SELECT object_id as trash_id FROM acs_objects WHERE object_type='trash' and title IS NULL and context_id IS NULL and package_id IS NULL; SELECT b.object_id as trash_package_id FROM acs_objects as a,acs_objects as b WHERE a.context_id=:community_id and a.object_type='apm_package' and a.object_id=b.context_id and b.title='Datamanager'; select news__new( null, -- p_item_id null, -- p_locale :publish_date_ansi, -- p_publish_date :publish_body, -- p_text null, -- p_nls_language :publish_title, -- p_title :mime_type, -- p_mime_type :package_id, -- p_package_id :archive_date_ansi, -- p_archive_date :approval_user, -- p_approval_user :approval_date, -- p_approval_date :approval_ip, -- p_approval_ip null, -- p_relation_tag :creation_ip, -- p_creation_ip :user_id, -- p_creation_user :live_revision_p -- p_is_live_p ); SELECT pretty_name as name, description FROM dotlrn_communities_all WHERE community_id = :object_id SELECT, u.last_name, u.first_names, u.username, r.role, u.user_id FROM registered_users u, dotlrn_member_rels_approved r WHERE r.community_id = :community_id and r.user_id = u.user_id order by last_name, first_names select u.username, u.password, u.salt, u.screen_name, p.first_names, p.last_name,, pa.url, a.short_name as auth, d.type as usr_type from users u, persons p, parties pa, auth_authorities a, dotlrn_users d where u.user_id = :user_id and u.user_id = p.person_id and u.user_id = d.user_id and p.person_id = pa.party_id and a.authority_id = u.authority_id select attr_value as bio from acs_attribute_values where object_id = :user_id and attribute_id = ( select attribute_id from acs_attributes where object_type = 'person'and attribute_name = 'bio') select encode (data, 'base64') as photo from lob_data where lob_id = ( select max(r.lob) from acs_rels a, cr_revisions r where a.object_id_two = r.item_id and a.object_id_one = :user_id and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel') select user_id from users where username = :username select p.package_id as pid from acs_objects o, apm_packages p where o.context_id = (select package_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id = :community_id) and o.object_id = p.package_id and p.package_key = 'forums' select ao.object_id as pid from acs_objects ao, apm_packages ap, dotlrn_communities_all dc where ao.object_type = 'apm_package' and ao.context_id = dc.package_id and dc.community_id = :community_id and ao.object_id = ap.package_id and ap.package_key = 'news' SELECT package_id as pid FROM dotlrn_community_applets WHERE community_id = :community_id and applet_id = ( select applet_id from dotlrn_applets where applet_key = 'dotlrn_faq')