postgresql7.1 insert into cu_user_element_map (user_id, element_id, curriculum_id, package_id, completion_date) select :user_id, :element_id, :curriculum_id, :package_id, current_timestamp where not exists (select 1 from cu_user_element_map where user_id = :user_id and element_id = :element_id) select cee.element_id, cc.curriculum_id, as curriculum_name, cee.url, cee.external_p, from (select curriculum_id from cu_curriculums where package_id = :package_id EXCEPT select curriculum_id from cu_user_curriculum_map where user_id = :user_id and package_id = :package_id) desired, workflow_cases cas, workflow_case_fsm cfsm, cu_curriculums cc, cu_elements_enabled cee where cc.package_id = :package_id and desired.curriculum_id = cc.curriculum_id and cc.curriculum_id = cee.curriculum_id and cas.object_id = cc.curriculum_id and cfsm.case_id = cas.case_id and cfsm.current_state = :state_id order by cc.sort_key, cee.sort_key select published.curriculum_id, as curriculum_name, substring(published.description from 1 for :truncation_length) as curriculum_desc, case when length(published.description) > :truncation_length then 1 else 0 end as curr_desc_trunc_p, case when ucm.curriculum_id is null then 0 else 1 end as undesired_p, cee.element_id, as element_name, substring(cee.description from 1 for :truncation_length) as element_desc, case when length(cee.description) > :truncation_length then 1 else 0 end as elem_desc_trunc_p, cee.url, cee.external_p from (select cc.* from cu_curriculums cc, workflow_cases cas, workflow_case_fsm cfsm where cc.package_id = :package_id and cas.object_id = cc.curriculum_id and cfsm.case_id = cas.case_id and cfsm.current_state = :state_id ) published left outer join cu_user_curriculum_map ucm on published.package_id = ucm.package_id and published.curriculum_id = ucm.curriculum_id and ucm.user_id = :user_id, cu_elements_enabled cee where published.curriculum_id = cee.curriculum_id order by published.sort_key, cee.sort_key