-- packages/curriculum/sql/postgresql/curriculum-curriculum-create.sql -- -- @author Ola Hansson (ola@polyxena.net) -- @creation-date 2003-05-23 -- @cvs-id $Id: curriculum-curriculum-create.sql,v 1.2 2004/02/22 22:01:56 olah Exp $ create table cu_curriculums ( curriculum_id integer constraint cu_curriculums_curriculum_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id) on delete cascade constraint cu_curriculums_curriculum_id_pk primary key, name varchar(200) constraint cu_curriculums_name_nn not null, description text, desc_format varchar(200), package_id integer constraint cu_curriculums_package_id_nn not null constraint cu_curriculums_package_id_fk references apm_packages (package_id) on delete cascade, sort_key integer constraint cu_curriculums_sort_key_nn not null ); comment on table cu_curriculums is ' A package instance of Curriculum may contain any number of curriculums. However, only one package instance may be mounted per subsite (This limitation is less of a problem in dotLRN where every class, club, department, etc., is a subsite). '; comment on column cu_curriculums.desc_format is ' Stores the format of the contents in the description column. The possible formats are defined in the richtext datatype in the form builder and may grow in number over time or change, which is why we do not bother to add a check constraint ... '; create index cu_curriculums_package_id_idx on cu_curriculums(package_id); select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'cu_curriculum', -- object_type 'Curriculum', -- pretty_name 'Curriculums', -- pretty_plural 'acs_object', -- supertype 'cu_curriculums', -- table_name 'curriculum_id', -- id_column 'cu_curriculum', -- package_name 'f', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table 'cu_curriculum__name' -- name_method );