select category_id from categories where tree_id = :tree_id and category_id in ([join $category_ids ,]) order by left_ind desc select count(ci.item_id) from category_object_map c, cr_items ci, cr_revisions r, xowiki_page p where c.object_id = ci.item_id and ci.parent_id = :wiki_folder_id and ci.content_type not in ('::xowiki::PageTemplate') and not in ('es:header_page','es:index','es:indexe') and r.revision_id = ci.live_revision and p.page_id = r.revision_id and c.category_id = :cat_id group by category_id order by category_id desc select ci.item_id, p.page_order,, ci.content_type, category_id, xpi.page_instance_id from category_object_map c, cr_items ci, xowiki_page p, xowiki_page_instance xpi where c.object_id = ci.item_id and ci.parent_id = :wiki_folder_id and ci.content_type not in ('::xowiki::PageTemplate') and not in ('es:header_page','es:index','es:indexe') and p.page_id = xpi.page_instance_id and category_id in ([join $cat_id ","]) and xpi.page_instance_id = ci.live_revision order by p.page_order