oracle8.1.6 select t.pretty_name as type_name, t.object_type, r.item_id, r.related_object_id,\ content_item.get_title(i.item_id) as item_title, as related_title, content_item.is_subclass(o2.object_type, 'content_item') as is_item, r.relation_tag, r.order_n from acs_objects o, acs_object_types t, cr_item_rels r, cr_items i, acs_objects o2 where o.object_type = t.object_type and o.object_id = :rel_id and r.rel_id = :rel_id and i.item_id = r.item_id and o2.object_id = r.related_object_id select types.table_name, types.id_column, attr.attribute_name, attr.pretty_name as attribute_label, attr.datatype, types.pretty_name as type_name from acs_attributes attr, (select object_type, table_name, id_column, pretty_name, level as inherit_level from acs_object_types where object_type not in ('acs_object', 'cr_item_rel') connect by prior supertype = object_type start with object_type = :object_type) types where attr.object_type (+) = types.object_type order by inherit_level desc, attr.pretty_name