create or replace package body cal_item as function new ( cal_item_id in cal_items.cal_item_id%TYPE default null, on_which_calendar in calendars.calendar_id%TYPE , name in default null, description in acs_activities.description%TYPE default null, html_p in acs_activities.html_p%TYPE default 'f', status_summary in acs_activities.status_summary%TYPE default null, timespan_id in acs_events.timespan_id%TYPE default null, activity_id in acs_events.activity_id%TYPE default null, recurrence_id in acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE default null, item_type_id in cal_items.item_type_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'cal_item', context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, package_id in acs_objects.package_id%TYPE default null, location in acs_event.location%TYPE default null ) return cal_items.cal_item_id%TYPE is v_cal_item_id cal_items.cal_item_id%TYPE; v_grantee_id acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE; v_privilege acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE; begin v_cal_item_id := ( event_id => cal_item_id, name => name, description => description, html_p => html_p, status_summary => status_summary, timespan_id => timespan_id, activity_id => activity_id, recurrence_id => recurrence_id, object_type => object_type, creation_date => creation_date, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, context_id => context_id, package_id => package_id, location => location ); insert into cal_items (cal_item_id, on_which_calendar, item_type_id) values (v_cal_item_id, on_which_calendar, item_type_id); -- assign the default permission to the cal_item -- by default, cal_item are going to inherit the -- calendar permission that it belongs too. -- first find out the permissions. --select grantee_id into v_grantee_id --from acs_permissions --where object_id =; --select privilege into v_privilege --from acs_permissions --where object_id =; -- now we grant the permissions --acs_permission.grant_permission ( -- object_id => v_cal_item_id, -- grantee_id => v_grantee_id, -- privilege => v_privilege --); return v_cal_item_id; end new; procedure del ( cal_item_id in cal_items.cal_item_id%TYPE ) is v_activity_id acs_events.activity_id%TYPE; v_recurrence_id acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE; begin select activity_id, recurrence_id into v_activity_id, v_recurrence_id from acs_events where event_id = cal_item_id; -- Erase the cal_item associated with the id delete from cal_items where cal_item_id = cal_item.del.cal_item_id; -- Erase all the privileges delete from acs_permissions where object_id = cal_item.del.cal_item_id; acs_event.del(cal_item_id); IF instances_exist_p(recurrence_id) = 'f' THEN -- -- There are no more events for the activity, we can clean up -- both, the activity and - if given - the recurrence. -- acs_activity.del(v_activity_id); IF v_recurrence_id is not null THEN recurrence.del(v_recurrence_id); END IF; END IF; end del; procedure delete_all ( recurrence_id in acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE ) is v_event_id acs_events%ROWTYPE; begin FOR v_event_id in (select * from acs_events where recurrence_id = delete_all.recurrence_id) LOOP cal_item.del(v_event_id.event_id); end LOOP; recurrence.del(recurrence_id); end delete_all; end cal_item; / show errors