
Nima Mazloumi (


The Central Authentication Service [1] is a mechanism that allows Single-Sign-On (SSO) for web-based applications. When activated authentication takes place on a central authentication service and integrated applications provide a CAS client that forwards login and logout requests to a central service and receive a ticket instead. This ticket is used against the central service to validate an active session. If the validation succeeds that user is logged-in automatically. If not the user has to provide a username and a password.

While the clear benefit is a SSO a SSOut is not supported for CAS releases prio to 3.1. The current package only supports SSO. SSOut is left for future releases. Therefore a logout in OpenACS is not reflected in other integrated systems since the CAS cookie is valid for the whole browser session. To logout safely the user MUST close the browser!


To support https validation this package requires TLS 1.5 or up. If you use OpenSSL/nsopenssl uncomment the ns_httpsget statement in auth-cas-procs.tcl and comment out the tls part.


  1. Install tls 1.5
    # Install TLS for https assuming you have installed AOLServer under /usr/local/aolserver45
    tar xzpf tls1.5.0-src.tar.gz
    cd tls1.5
    ./configure --with-ssl-dir=/usr --with-tcl=/usr/local/aolserver45/lib --enable-threads --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/aolserver45 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/aolserver45
    make install
    or install nsopenssl module. Make sure you change auth-cas-procs.tcl to use ns_httpsget.
    # Install OpenSSL module for https
    # Assuming that OpenSSL is installed an available under /usr/local/ssl and AOLServer under /usr/local/aolserver45
    cd /usr/local/src/aolserver45
    cvs -z3 co nsopenssl
    cd nsopenssl
    make install OPENSSL=/usr/local/ssl AOLSERVER=/usr/local/aolserver45
  2. Install this package. An instance of it will be mounted under /cas/. Important is the CasServer parameter. You don't need to change the other parameters. If you don't want to use the standard auth-cas instance change the LocalSsoHandler (defaults to /cas/). Also you can choose between CAS 1.0 and 2.0 validation (parameter ValidationType).
  3. Open Authorities Administration and create a new authority 'CAS'. Set the authentication parameter to "CAS". Password Management and Account Registration can be set to 'local'.
  4. Create a new user that exists on your CAS Server, grant the user site-wide admin rights and change the users authority from 'local' to 'CAS'. Write down the user_id of that user. You will need it in case something goes wrong.
  5. Change the main site subsite parameter LoginTemplate to /packages/auth-cas/lib/login
  6. Go to the authorities. Move the 'CAS' authority up, enable it and disable the 'local' authority.
  7. Logout. The system should redirect to the CAS server and request account information. Once you have passed in the correct data you should be forwarded to your OpenACS installation.
  8. In case something goes wrong create a file called: youropenacsroot/www/autologin.tcl and change the user_id accordingly:
    set user_id foo
    auth::issue_login -user_id $user_id -account_status "ok"
    parameter::set_value -package_id [subsite::main_site_id] -parameter LoginTemplate -value /packages/acs-subsite/lib/login
    ad_set_client_property auth-cas authenticated_p 1
    ad_returnredirect [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key acs-kernel -parameter IndexRedirectUrl]
    This code will grant you access to the OpenACS installation and reset the subsite parameter.



