alter table as_sections drop constraint as_sections_section_display_type_id_fk; drop table as_section_display_types; --Section Display Types: define types of display for an groups of Items. create table as_section_display_types ( display_type_id integer constraint as_section_display_types_id_pk primary key constraint as_section_display_types_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id), -- number of items displayed per page num_items integer, -- adp template adp_chunk text, -- whether this Section defines a branch point or whether this Section simply transitions to the next Section branched_p char(1) default 'f' constraint as_section_display_types_branched_p_ck check (branched_p in ('t','f')), -- whether the back button is not allowed to work back_button_p char(1) default 't' constraint as_section_display_types_back_button_p_ck check (back_button_p in ('t','f')), -- whether each answer has to be submitted via a separate button submit_answer_p char(1) default 'f' constraint as_section_display_types_submit_answer_p_ck check (submit_answer_p in ('t','f')), -- order in which the items will appear (randomized, alphabetical, order_of_entry) sort_order_type varchar(20) ); alter table as_sections drop column section_display_type_id cascade; alter table as_sections add column display_type_id integer constraint as_sections_display_type_id_fk references as_section_display_types (display_type_id); alter table as_sections drop column definition cascade; alter table as_sections drop column content_value cascade; alter table as_sections drop column numeric_value cascade; alter table as_sections drop column required_p cascade; alter table as_sections add points integer; alter table as_assessment_section_map drop column feedback_text cascade; alter table as_assessment_section_map add points integer; alter table as_item_section_map drop column enabled_p cascade; alter table as_item_section_map drop column item_default cascade; alter table as_item_section_map drop column content_value cascade; alter table as_item_section_map drop column numeric_value cascade; alter table as_item_section_map drop column feedback_text cascade; alter table as_item_section_map drop column adp_chunk cascade; alter table as_item_section_map add fixed_position integer; alter table as_item_section_map add points integer; alter table as_items drop column definition cascade; alter table as_items drop column adp_chunk cascade; alter table as_items add points integer; select content_type__refresh_view('as_items'); select content_type__refresh_view('as_sections');