create or replace package body acs_group is function new ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'group', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, email in default null, url in parties.url%TYPE default null, group_name in groups.group_name%TYPE, join_policy in groups.join_policy%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return groups.group_id%TYPE is v_group_id groups.group_id%TYPE; v_group_type_exists_p integer; v_join_policy groups.join_policy%TYPE; begin v_group_id :=, object_type, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip, email, url, context_id); v_join_policy := join_policy; -- if join policy wasn't specified, select the default based on group type if v_join_policy is null then select count(*) into v_group_type_exists_p from group_types where group_type = object_type; if v_group_type_exists_p = 1 then select default_join_policy into v_join_policy from group_types where group_type = object_type; else v_join_policy := 'open'; end if; end if; insert into groups (group_id, group_name, join_policy) values (v_group_id, group_name, v_join_policy); update acs_objects set title = group_name where object_id = v_group_id; -- setup the permissible relationship types for this group insert into group_rels (group_rel_id, group_id, rel_type) select acs_object_id_seq.nextval, v_group_id, rels.rel_type from ( select distinct g.rel_type from group_type_rels g, ( select object_type as parent_type from acs_object_types start with new.object_type = object_type connect by prior supertype = object_type ) types where g.group_type = types.parent_type and not exists ( select 1 from group_rels where group_rels.group_id = v_group_id and group_rels.rel_type = g.rel_type) ) rels; return v_group_id; end new; procedure del ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE ) is begin -- Delete all the relations of any type to this group for row in (select r.rel_id, t.package_name from acs_rels r, acs_object_types t where r.rel_type = t.object_type and (r.object_id_one = acs_group.del.group_id or r.object_id_two = acs_group.del.group_id)) loop execute immediate 'begin ' || row.package_name || '.del(' || row.rel_id || '); end;'; end loop; -- Delete all segments defined for this group for row in (select segment_id from rel_segments where group_id = acs_group.del.group_id) loop rel_segment.del(row.segment_id); end loop; party.del(group_id); end del; function name ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is group_name varchar2(200); begin select group_name into group_name from groups where group_id = name.group_id; return group_name; end name; function member_p ( party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE, cascade_membership char ) return char is m_result integer; begin if cascade_membership = 't' then select count(*) into m_result from group_member_map where group_id = member_p.group_id and member_id = member_p.party_id; if m_result > 0 then return 't'; end if; else select count(*) into m_result from acs_rels rels, acs_object_party_privilege_map perm where perm.object_id = rels.rel_id and perm.privilege = 'read' and rels.rel_type = 'membership_rel' and rels.object_id_one = member_p.group_id and rels.object_id_two = member_p.party_id; if m_result > 0 then return 't'; end if; end if; return 'f'; end member_p; function check_representation ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE ) return char is result char(1); begin result := 't'; acs_log.notice('acs_group.check_representation', 'Running check_representation on group ' || group_id); if acs_object.check_representation(group_id) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; for c in (select c.rel_id from acs_rels r, composition_rels c where r.rel_id = c.rel_id and r.object_id_one = group_id) loop if composition_rel.check_representation(c.rel_id) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end loop; for m in (select m.rel_id from acs_rels r, membership_rels m where r.rel_id = m.rel_id and r.object_id_one = group_id) loop if membership_rel.check_representation(m.rel_id) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end loop; acs_log.notice('acs_group.check_representation', 'Done running check_representation on group ' || group_id); return result; end; end acs_group; / show errors