alter table acs_datatypes add database_type varchar(100); alter table acs_datatypes add column_size varchar(100); alter table acs_datatypes add column_check_expr varchar(250); alter table acs_datatypes add column_output_function varchar(100); insert into acs_datatypes (datatype, database_type) (select 'text', 'clob' from dual where not exists (select 1 from acs_datatypes where datatype = 'text')); insert into acs_datatypes (datatype, database_type) (select 'richtext', 'clob' from dual where not exists (select 1 from acs_datatypes where datatype = 'richtext')); insert into acs_datatypes (datatype, database_type, column_size) (select 'filename', 'varchar', '100' from dual where not exists (select 1 from acs_datatypes where datatype = 'filename')); insert into acs_datatypes (datatype, database_type) (select 'float', 'float' from dual where not exists (select 1 from acs_datatypes where datatype = 'float')); insert into acs_datatypes (datatype, database_type) (select 'naturalnum', 'integer' from dual where not exists (select 1 from acs_datatypes where datatype = 'naturalnum')); -- Making user and person dynamic can lead to a broken web site, so -- for now at least I won't do it. Code using these types have assumptions -- about the existence of certain attributes, and of course deleting them -- and their objects would destroy a site. -- Types probably should have a flag saying whether or not it can be deleted, and -- perhaps attributes, too. Too much change for now. -- DAVEB since you can just extend it and create a view on that, that should -- be plenty of customization. You can just ignore the attributes you aren't -- interested in --update acs_object_types --set dynamic_p = 't' --where object_type = 'person'; --update acs_object_types --set dynamic_p = 't' --where object_type = 'user'; comment on table acs_datatypes is ' Defines the set of available abstract datatypes for acs_attributes, along with an optional default mapping to a database type, size, and constraint to use if the attribute is created with create_attribute''s storage_type param set to "type_specific" and the create_storage_p param is set to true. These defaults can be overwritten by the caller. The set of pre-defined datatypes is inspired by XForms ( '; comment on column acs_datatypes.database_type is ' The base database type corresponding to the abstract datatype. For example "varchar" or "integer". '; comment on column acs_datatypes.column_size is ' Optional default column size specification to append to the base database type. For example "1000" for the "string" abstract datatype, or "10,2" for "number". '; comment on column acs_datatypes.column_check_expr is ' Optional check constraint expression to declare for the type_specific database column. In Oracle, for instance, the abstract "boolean" type is declared "text", with a column check expression to restrict the values to "f" and "t". '; comment on column acs_datatypes.column_output_function is ' Function to call for this datatype when building a select view. If not null, it will be called with an attribute name and is expected to return an expression on that attribute. Example: date attributes will be transformed to calls to "to_char()". '; -- Though the PostgreSQL "text" type is a true variable length string implementation, we -- implement most string types using "varchar" and a default size argument. This makes -- it possible to write a high-level type specification that works in both Oracle and PG. -- DRB: add double bigint etc if Oracle supports them begin update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'varchar', column_size = '250' where datatype = 'url'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'varchar', column_size = '4000' where datatype = 'string'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'char', column_size = '1', column_check_expr = 'in (''t'', ''f''))' where datatype = 'boolean'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'number', column_size = '10,2' where datatype = 'number'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'integer' where datatype = 'integer'; update acs_datatypes set datatype = 'currency' where datatype = 'money'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'number', column_size = '10,2' where datatype = 'currency'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'date' where datatype = 'date'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'timestamp' where datatype = 'timestamp'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'timestamp' where datatype = 'time_of_day'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'varchar', column_size = '100' where datatype = 'enumeration'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'varchar', column_size = 200 where datatype = 'email'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'varchar', column_size = 200 where datatype = 'file'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'clob' where datatype = 'text'; update acs_datatypes set database_type = 'varchar', column_size = 100 where datatype = 'keyword'; update acs_datatypes set column_output_function = 'acs_datatype.date_output_function' where datatype = 'date'; update acs_datatypes set column_output_function = 'acs_datatype.timestamp_output_function' where datatype = 'timestamp'; update acs_datatypes set column_output_function = 'acs_datatype.timestamp_output_function' where datatype = 'time_of_day'; end; / show errors create or replace package acs_datatype is function date_output_function(attribute_name in varchar2) return acs_datatypes.column_output_function%TYPE; function timestamp_output_function(attribute_name in varchar2) return acs_datatypes.column_output_function%TYPE; end acs_datatype; / show errors create or replace package body acs_datatype is function date_output_function(attribute_name in varchar2) return acs_datatypes.column_output_function%TYPE is begin return 'to_char(' || attribute_name || ', ''YYYY-MM-DD'')'; end date_output_function; function timestamp_output_function(attribute_name in varchar2) return acs_datatypes.column_output_function%TYPE is begin return 'to_char(' || attribute_name || ', ''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI::SS'')'; end timestamp_output_function; end acs_datatype; / show errors create or replace package acs_object_type is -- define an object type procedure create_type ( object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, pretty_name in acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in acs_object_types.pretty_plural%TYPE, supertype in acs_object_types.supertype%TYPE default 'acs_object', table_name in acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE default null, id_column in acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE default null, package_name in acs_object_types.package_name%TYPE default null, abstract_p in acs_object_types.abstract_p%TYPE default 'f', type_extension_table in acs_object_types.type_extension_table%TYPE default null, name_method in acs_object_types.name_method%TYPE default null, create_table_p in varchar2 default 'f', dynamic_p in varchar2 default 'f' ); -- delete an object type definition procedure drop_type ( object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, drop_children_p in varchar2 default 'f', drop_table_p in varchar2 default 'f' ); -- look up an object type's pretty_name function pretty_name ( object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE ) return acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE; -- Returns 't' if object_type_2 is a subtype of object_type_1. Note -- that this function will return 'f' if object_type_1 = -- object_type_2 function is_subtype_p ( object_type_1 in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, object_type_2 in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE ) return char; end acs_object_type; / show errors create or replace package body acs_object_type is procedure create_type ( object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, pretty_name in acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in acs_object_types.pretty_plural%TYPE, supertype in acs_object_types.supertype%TYPE default 'acs_object', table_name in acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE default null, id_column in acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE default null, package_name in acs_object_types.package_name%TYPE default null, abstract_p in acs_object_types.abstract_p%TYPE default 'f', type_extension_table in acs_object_types.type_extension_table%TYPE default null, name_method in acs_object_types.name_method%TYPE default null, create_table_p in varchar2 default 'f', dynamic_p in varchar2 default 'f' ) is v_package_name acs_object_types.package_name%TYPE; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; v_id_column acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE; v_supertype acs_object_types.supertype%TYPE; v_supertype_table acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; v_table_exists integer; begin if (create_table_p = 't') and (table_name is null or table_name = '') then v_table_name := object_type || '_t'; else v_table_name := table_name; end if; if (create_table_p = 't') and (id_column is null or id_column = '') then v_id_column := object_type || '_id'; else v_id_column := id_column; end if; if package_name is null then v_package_name := object_type; else v_package_name := package_name; end if; if object_type <> 'acs_object' and (supertype is null or supertype = '') then v_supertype := 'acs_object'; else v_supertype := supertype; end if; insert into acs_object_types (object_type, pretty_name, pretty_plural, supertype, table_name, id_column, abstract_p, type_extension_table, package_name, name_method) values (object_type, pretty_name, pretty_plural, v_supertype, v_table_name, v_id_column, abstract_p, type_extension_table, v_package_name, name_method); if (create_table_p = 't') then select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_table_exists from user_tables where table_name = upper(v_table_name); if v_table_exists = 1 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Table ' || v_table_name || ' already exists.'); end if; loop select table_name,object_type into v_supertype_table,v_supertype from acs_object_types where object_type = v_supertype; exit when v_supertype_table is not null; end loop; execute immediate 'create table ' || v_table_name || ' (' || v_id_column || ' integer primary key references ' || v_supertype_table || ')'; end if; end create_type; procedure drop_type ( object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, drop_children_p in varchar2 default 'f', drop_table_p in varchar2 default 'f' ) is cursor c_attributes (object_type IN varchar) is select attribute_name from acs_attributes where object_type = c_attributes.object_type; cursor c_subtypes (object_type IN varchar) is select object_type from acs_object_types where supertype = c_subtypes.object_type; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; begin -- drop children recursively if drop_children_p = 't' then for row in c_subtypes (drop_type.object_type) loop drop_type(row.object_type, 't', drop_table_p); end loop; end if; -- drop all the attributes associated with this type for row in c_attributes (drop_type.object_type) loop acs_attribute.drop_attribute ( drop_type.object_type, row.attribute_name ); end loop; if drop_table_p = 't' then select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = drop_type.object_type; execute immediate 'drop table ' || v_table_name || ' cascade'; end if; delete from acs_object_types where object_type = drop_type.object_type; end drop_type; function pretty_name ( object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE ) return acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE is v_pretty_name acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE; begin select t.pretty_name into v_pretty_name from acs_object_types t where t.object_type = pretty_name.object_type; return v_pretty_name; end pretty_name; function is_subtype_p ( object_type_1 in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, object_type_2 in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE ) return char is v_result integer; begin select count(*) into v_result from dual where exists (select 1 from acs_object_types t where t.object_type = is_subtype_p.object_type_2 connect by prior t.object_type = t.supertype start with t.supertype = is_subtype_p.object_type_1); if v_result > 0 then return 't'; end if; return 'f'; end is_subtype_p; end acs_object_type; / show errors create or replace package acs_attribute is -- define an object attribute function create_attribute ( object_type in acs_attributes.object_type%TYPE, attribute_name in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, datatype in acs_attributes.datatype%TYPE, pretty_name in acs_attributes.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in acs_attributes.pretty_plural%TYPE default null, table_name in acs_attributes.table_name%TYPE default null, column_name in acs_attributes.column_name%TYPE default null, default_value in acs_attributes.default_value%TYPE default null, min_n_values in acs_attributes.min_n_values%TYPE default 1, max_n_values in acs_attributes.max_n_values%TYPE default 1, sort_order in acs_attributes.sort_order%TYPE default null, storage in default 'type_specific', static_p in acs_attributes.static_p%TYPE default 'f', create_column_p in varchar2 default 'f', database_type in acs_datatypes.database_type%TYPE default null, column_size in acs_datatypes.column_size%TYPE default null, null_p in varchar2 default 't', references in varchar2 default null, check_expr in acs_datatypes.column_check_expr%TYPE default null, column_spec in varchar2 default null ) return acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; procedure drop_attribute ( object_type in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, drop_column_p in varchar2 default 'f' ); procedure add_description ( object_type in acs_attribute_descriptions.object_type%TYPE, attribute_name in acs_attribute_descriptions.attribute_name%TYPE, description_key in acs_attribute_descriptions.description_key%TYPE, description in acs_attribute_descriptions.description%TYPE ); procedure drop_description ( object_type in acs_attribute_descriptions.object_type%TYPE, attribute_name in acs_attribute_descriptions.attribute_name%TYPE, description_key in acs_attribute_descriptions.description_key%TYPE ); end acs_attribute; / show errors create or replace package body acs_attribute is function create_attribute ( object_type in acs_attributes.object_type%TYPE, attribute_name in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, datatype in acs_attributes.datatype%TYPE, pretty_name in acs_attributes.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in acs_attributes.pretty_plural%TYPE default null, table_name in acs_attributes.table_name%TYPE default null, column_name in acs_attributes.column_name%TYPE default null, default_value in acs_attributes.default_value%TYPE default null, min_n_values in acs_attributes.min_n_values%TYPE default 1, max_n_values in acs_attributes.max_n_values%TYPE default 1, sort_order in acs_attributes.sort_order%TYPE default null, storage in default 'type_specific', static_p in acs_attributes.static_p%TYPE default 'f', create_column_p in varchar2 default 'f', database_type in acs_datatypes.database_type%TYPE default null, column_size in acs_datatypes.column_size%TYPE default null, null_p in varchar2 default 't', references in varchar2 default null, check_expr in acs_datatypes.column_check_expr%TYPE default null, column_spec in varchar2 default null ) return acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE is type datatype_type is record ( database_type acs_datatypes.database_type%TYPE, column_size acs_datatypes.column_size%TYPE, column_check_expr acs_datatypes.column_check_expr%TYPE); v_sort_order acs_attributes.sort_order%TYPE; v_attribute_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; v_column_spec varchar2(4000); v_table_name acs_attributes.table_name%TYPE; v_constraint_stub varchar2(4000); v_column_name acs_attributes.column_name%TYPE; v_type_exists integer; v_table_exists integer; v_column_exists integer; v_datatype datatype_type; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_type_exists from acs_object_types where object_type = create_attribute.object_type; if v_type_exists = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, object_type || ' does not exist'); end if; if sort_order is null then select nvl(max(sort_order), 1) into v_sort_order from acs_attributes where object_type = create_attribute.object_type and attribute_name = create_attribute.attribute_name; else v_sort_order := sort_order; end if; select acs_attribute_id_seq.nextval into v_attribute_id from dual; insert into acs_attributes (attribute_id, object_type, table_name, column_name, attribute_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, sort_order, datatype, default_value, min_n_values, max_n_values, storage, static_p) values (v_attribute_id, object_type, table_name, column_name, attribute_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, v_sort_order, datatype, default_value, min_n_values, max_n_values, storage, static_p); if create_column_p = 't' then select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = create_attribute.object_type; select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_table_exists from user_tables where table_name = upper(v_table_name); if v_table_exists = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Table ' || v_table_name || ' does not exists.'); end if; -- Add the appropriate column to the table -- We can only create the table column if -- 1. the attribute is declared type_specific (generic storage uses an auxiliary table) -- 2. the attribute is not declared static -- 3. it does not already exist in the table if storage <> 'type_specific' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Attribute ' || attribute_name || ' for object type ' || object_type || ' must be declared with type_specific storage'); end if; if static_p = 't' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Attribute ' || attribute_name || ' for object type ' || object_type || ' can not be declared static'); end if; if table_name is not null then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Attribute ' || attribute_name || ' for object type ' || object_type || ' can not specify a table for storage'); end if; select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_column_exists from user_tab_columns where table_name = upper(v_table_name) and column_name = upper(attribute_name); if v_column_exists = 1 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Column ' || attribute_name || ' for object type ' || object_type || ' already exists'); end if; -- all conditions for creating this column have been met, now let''s see if the type -- spec is OK if column_spec is not null then if database_type is not null or column_size is not null or null_p is not null or references is not null or check_expr is not null then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Attribute ' || attribute_name || ' for object type ' || object_type || ' is being created with an explicit column_spec, but not all of the type modification fields are null'); end if; v_column_spec := column_spec; else select coalesce(create_attribute.database_type, database_type) as database_type, coalesce(create_attribute.column_size, column_size) as column_size, coalesce(check_expr, column_check_expr) as column_check_expr into v_datatype from acs_datatypes where datatype = create_attribute.datatype; v_column_spec := v_datatype.database_type; if v_datatype.column_size is not null then v_column_spec := v_column_spec || '(' || v_datatype.column_size || ')'; end if; v_constraint_stub := ' constraint ' || object_type || '_' || attribute_name || '_'; if v_datatype.column_check_expr is not null then v_column_spec := v_column_spec || v_constraint_stub || 'ck check(' || attribute_name || v_datatype.column_check_expr || ')'; end if; if null_p = 'f' then v_column_spec := v_column_spec || v_constraint_stub || 'nn not null'; end if; if references is not null then v_column_spec := v_column_spec || v_constraint_stub || 'fk references ' || references || ' on delete'; if null_p = 't' then v_column_spec := v_column_spec || ' set null'; else v_column_spec := v_column_spec || ' cascade'; end if; end if; end if; execute immediate 'alter table ' || v_table_name || ' add ' || attribute_name || ' ' || v_column_spec; end if; return v_attribute_id; end create_attribute; procedure drop_attribute ( object_type in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, drop_column_p in varchar2 default 'f' ) is begin -- first remove possible values for the enumeration delete from acs_enum_values where attribute_id in (select a.attribute_id from acs_attributes a where a.object_type = drop_attribute.object_type and a.attribute_name = drop_attribute.attribute_name); delete from acs_attributes where object_type = drop_attribute.object_type and attribute_name = drop_attribute.attribute_name; end drop_attribute; procedure add_description ( object_type in acs_attribute_descriptions.object_type%TYPE, attribute_name in acs_attribute_descriptions.attribute_name%TYPE, description_key in acs_attribute_descriptions.description_key%TYPE, description in acs_attribute_descriptions.description%TYPE ) is begin insert into acs_attribute_descriptions (object_type, attribute_name, description_key, description) values (add_description.object_type, add_description.attribute_name, add_description.description_key, add_description.description); end; procedure drop_description ( object_type in acs_attribute_descriptions.object_type%TYPE, attribute_name in acs_attribute_descriptions.attribute_name%TYPE, description_key in acs_attribute_descriptions.description_key%TYPE ) is begin delete from acs_attribute_descriptions where object_type = drop_description.object_type and attribute_name = drop_description.attribute_name and description_key = drop_description.description_key; end; end acs_attribute; / show errors