create function my_random() returns integer ' begin return random(); end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- show errors create function push_task_ahead(integer,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare push_task_ahead__task_id alias for $1; push_task_ahead__state alias for $2; push_task_ahead__user_id alias for $3; push_task_ahead__workflow_key alias for $4; push_task_ahead__transition_key alias for $5; v_journal_id integer; v_value char(1); attr_rec record; begin if state = ''enabled'' then v_journal_id := workflow_case__task_action ( push_task_ahead__task_id, ''start'', '''', push_task_ahead__user_id, null ); else /* State must be started */ if my_random() < 0.02 then v_journal_id := workflow_case__task_action ( push_task_ahead__task_id, ''cancel'', '''', push_task_ahead__user_id, null ); else v_journal_id := workflow_case__begin_task_action ( push_task_ahead__task_id, ''finish'', '''', push_task_ahead__user_id, null ); for attr_rec in select a.attribute_name, datatype from wf_transition_attribute_map m, acs_attributes a where workflow_key = push_task_ahead.workflow_key and transition_key = push_task_ahead.transition_key and a.attribute_id = m.attribute_id loop /* We only know how to handle boolean attributes ... but that''s the only thing we have right now, so ... */ if attr_rec.datatype = ''boolean'' then if my_random() < 0.5 then v_value := ''t''; else v_value := ''f''; end if; select workflow_case__set_attribute_value ( v_journal_id, attr_rec.attribute_name, v_value ); end if; end loop; select workflow_case__end_task_action ( v_journal_id, ''finish'', push_task_ahead__task_id ); end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_1 (); drop function inline_1 (); -- show errors create function inline_2 () returns integer as ' declare v_object_id integer; v_workflow_key varchar(100); v_count integer; v_num_cases integer; v_party_id integer; v_case_id integer; v_task_id integer; v_user_id integer; v_num_tasks integer; v_state varchar(100); v_transition_key varchar(100); trans_rec record; party_rec record; case_rec record; begin v_num_cases := 100; --select dbms_random__initialize (943820482); -- ); for trans_rec in select transition_key from wf_transitions where workflow_key = v_workflow_key LOOP for party_rec in select party_id from parties sample(50) LOOP select workflow_case__add_manual_assignment ( v_case_id, trans_rec.transition_key, party_rec.party_id ); end loop; end loop; select workflow_case__start_case ( v_case_id, null, null, null ); end loop; /* Move 85% of the cases all the way to finished */ for case_rec in select case_id from wf_cases sample (85) loop loop select case when count(*) = 0 then 0 else 1 end into v_num_tasks from wf_user_tasks; exit when v_num_tasks = 0; if my_random() < 0.005 then select workflow_case__cancel ( case_rec.case_id, null, null, null ); end if; select task_id, state, user_id, workflow_key, transition_key into v_task_id, v_state, v_user_id, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key from wf_user_tasks where case_id = case_rec.case_id and rownum = 1; PERFORM push_task_ahead( v_task_id, v_state, v_user_id, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key ); end loop; end loop; /* Fire transitions at random */ for v_count in 1 .. round(v_num_cases * 0.15 * 3) loop select case when count(*) = 0 then 0 else 1 end into v_num_tasks from wf_user_tasks; exit when v_num_tasks = 0; select task_id, state, user_id, workflow_key, transition_key into v_task_id, v_state, v_user_id, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key from wf_user_tasks limit 1; PERFORM push_task_ahead( v_task_id, v_state, v_user_id, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key ); end loop; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_2 (); drop function inline_2 (); -- show errors