set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped -- requires the utPLSQL system -- -- modify this line to suit your needs -- -- exec utplsql.setdir('/web/lars-dev2/packages/acs-kernel/sql'); exec utplsql.autocompile (false); create or replace package ut#workflow_case as procedure setup; procedure teardown; procedure run; end ut#workflow_case; / show errors create or replace package body ut#workflow_case as procedure setup is wf_count number; begin teardown; dbms_output.put_line('Setting up...'); /* We assume that the sample-expenses workflow is loaded and unchanged from the original */ select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into wf_count from wf_workflows where workflow_key = 'expenses_wf'; if wf_count = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'The sample-expenses workflow must be loaded (and unchanged from the original)'); end if; utplsql.setpkg('workflow_case'); utplsql.addtest('run'); end; procedure teardown is begin dbms_output.put_line('Tearing down...'); end; procedure run is v_workflow_key wf_workflows.workflow_key%TYPE; v_object_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; v_case_id wf_cases.case_id%TYPE; v_count number; v_task_id number; v_journal_id number; v_user_id number; v_state varchar2(100); begin v_workflow_key := 'expenses_wf'; dbms_output.put_line('Running test...'); /* Pick out a random object ... we just hope there is one somewhere */ select object_id into v_object_id from acs_objects where rownum = 1; dbms_output.put_line('. new case'); v_case_id := workflow_key => v_workflow_key, context_key => 'default', object_id => v_object_id ); dbms_output.put_line('. manual assignments'); /* we need a random user_id */ select user_id into v_user_id from users where rownum = 1; workflow_case.add_manual_assignment ( case_id => v_case_id, transition_key => 'assign', party_id => v_user_id ); workflow_case.add_manual_assignment ( case_id => v_case_id, transition_key => 'supervisor_approval', party_id => v_user_id ); workflow_case.add_manual_assignment ( case_id => v_case_id, transition_key => 'other_approval', party_id => v_user_id ); workflow_case.add_manual_assignment ( case_id => v_case_id, transition_key => 'buy', party_id => v_user_id ); dbms_output.put_line('. start case'); workflow_case.start_case( case_id => v_case_id ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'assign' and state = 'enabled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'We should have exactly one ''assign'' task enabled', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''assign'' task should be the only task there is for this case yet.', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); /* Get that task_id */ select task_id into v_task_id from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'assign' and state = 'enabled'; dbms_output.put_line('. start task ''assign'''); v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => v_task_id, action => 'start', action_ip => '', user_id => v_user_id, msg => 'regression-test: started task ''assign''' ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'start', task_id => v_task_id ); select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = v_task_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''assign'' task should be in state ''started''.', check_this_in => 'started', against_this_in => v_state ); dbms_output.put_line('. cancel task ''assign'''); v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => v_task_id, action => 'cancel', action_ip => '', user_id => v_user_id, msg => 'regression-test: canceled task ''assign''' ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'cancel', task_id => v_task_id ); select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = v_task_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''assign'' task should be in state ''canceled''.', check_this_in => 'canceled', against_this_in => v_state ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'assign' and state = 'enabled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'We should have exactly one ''assign'' task enabled', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly two tasks for this case, one enabled and one canceled.', check_this_in => 2, against_this_in => v_count ); dbms_output.put_line('. finish task ''assign'''); /* Get that task_id for the 'assign' task */ select task_id into v_task_id from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'assign' and state = 'enabled'; v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => v_task_id, action => 'finish', action_ip => '', user_id => v_user_id, msg => 'regression-test: finished task ''assign''' ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'finish', task_id => v_task_id ); select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = v_task_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''assign'' task should be in state ''finished''.', check_this_in => 'finished', against_this_in => v_state ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'supervisor_approval' and state = 'enabled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'We should have exactly one ''supervisor_approval'' task enabled', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'other_approval' and state = 'enabled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'We should have exactly one ''other_approval'' task enabled', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly five tasks for this case, one canceled, two finished, and two enabled.', check_this_in => 5, against_this_in => v_count ); dbms_output.put_line('. finish task ''supervisor_approval'' without starting it first (saying okay)'); /* Get the task_id for the supervisor_approval task */ select task_id into v_task_id from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'supervisor_approval' and state = 'enabled'; v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => v_task_id, action => 'finish', action_ip => '', user_id => v_user_id, msg => 'regression-test: finished task ''supervisor_approval''' ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'supervisor_ok', value => 't' ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'finish', task_id => v_task_id ); select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = v_task_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''supervisor_approval'' task should be in state ''finished''.', check_this_in => 'finished', against_this_in => v_state ); dbms_output.put_line('. finish task ''other_approval'' without starting it first (saying okay)'); /* Get the task_id for the other_approval task */ select task_id into v_task_id from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'other_approval' and state = 'enabled'; v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => v_task_id, action => 'finish', action_ip => '', user_id => v_user_id, msg => 'regression-test: finished task ''other_approval''' ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'other_ok', value => 't' ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'finish', task_id => v_task_id ); select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = v_task_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''other_approval'' task should be in state ''finished''.', check_this_in => 'finished', against_this_in => v_state ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and state = 'enabled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'We should have exactly one task enabled', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'buy' and state = 'enabled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'We should have the ''buy'' task enabled', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly seven tasks for this case, one canceled, six finished, and one enabled.', check_this_in => 7, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and state = 'finished'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly five finished tasks', check_this_in => 5, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and state = 'canceled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly one canceled task', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); dbms_output.put_line('. finish task ''buy'''); /* Get that task_id for the 'buy' task */ select task_id into v_task_id from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and transition_key = 'buy' and state = 'enabled'; v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => v_task_id, action => 'finish', action_ip => '', user_id => v_user_id, msg => 'regression-test: finished task ''buy''' ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'finish', task_id => v_task_id ); select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = v_task_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The ''buy'' task should be in state ''finished''.', check_this_in => 'finished', against_this_in => v_state ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly seven tasks for this case, one canceled, six finished, and one enabled.', check_this_in => 7, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and state = 'finished'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly six finished tasks', check_this_in => 6, against_this_in => v_count ); select count(*) into v_count from wf_tasks where case_id = v_case_id and state = 'canceled'; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'There should be exactly one canceled task', check_this_in => 1, against_this_in => v_count ); select state into v_state from wf_cases where case_id = v_case_id; utassert.eq( msg_in => 'The case should be finished', check_this_in => 'finished', against_this_in => v_state );; end; end ut#workflow_case; / show errors exec utplsql.test('workflow_case');