[$project name]

${:name}  [:? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@package]} { [:?var :@version {${:@version}} ] } - { [$project version] }]

[$project name] [:? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@package]} { > ${:name} } ? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@class]} { > [:?var :partof {[${:partof} name] >}] ${:name} }]
[:!let self_owned_parts [[:origin] owned_parts]] [:!let owned_parts [dict merge $project_entities $self_owned_parts]]
[:? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@package]} { [:include package.html.tmpl] } ? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@class]} { [:include class.html.tmpl] } ? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@object]} { [:include object.html.tmpl] } ? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@command]} { [:include command.html.tmpl] } ? {[:info has type ::nx::doc::@project]} {
This is the API documentation for the [:name] project.

Choose a package, object or command name from the list for more information.

[:include glossary.html.tmpl] }]
[:include leftbar.html.tmpl]

Copyright © [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y"]