# $Id: WebDocument.xotcl,v 1.7 2007/08/06 11:35:56 neumann Exp $ package provide xotcl::actiweb::webDocument 0.8 package require xotcl::actiweb::webObject package require xotcl::comm::httpAccess package require xotcl::mixinStrategy package require xotcl::actiweb::sendStrategy package require XOTcl namespace eval ::xotcl::actiweb::webDocument { namespace import ::xotcl::* Class WebDocument -superclass WebObject \ -parameter { {content ""} filename } WebDocument instproc init args { my exportProcs content contentType next my mixinStrategy ::Send=TypedString } WebDocument instproc attachFile filename { my filename $filename my set oldSendStrategy [my mixinStrategy ::Send=File] my contentType [Mime guessContentType $filename] } WebDocument instproc detachFile {} { my mixinStrategy [my set oldSendStrategy] my unset contentType my unset filename } WebDocument instproc default args { if {[my exists content]} { return [my content] } return "" } #WebDocument instproc contentLength {} { # my showCall # return [expr {[string length [my content]] + 1}] #} Class TextDocument -superclass WebDocument TextDocument instproc init args { next my contentType text/plain } Class HtmlDocument -superclass TextDocument HtmlDocument instproc init args { next my contentType text/html } Class FileDocument -superclass WebDocument # # class factory creates classes on the fly if they do not exist # already, otherwise return exisiting class # # auch flyweigth Class DocumentClassFactory DocumentClassFactory abstract instproc getClass contentType Class FileDocumentClassFactory -superclass DocumentClassFactory FileDocumentClassFactory instproc getClass contentType { if {[FileDocument info classchildren $contentType] eq ""} { Class ::FileDocument::${contentType} -superclass FileDocument } return ::FileDocument::${contentType} } Class DocumentFactory DocumentFactory abstract instproc create {name args} Class FileDocumentFactory -superclass DocumentFactory FileDocumentFactory instproc create {name class filename} { $class $name #$name contentType [$class set contentType] $name attachFile $filename return $name } Class FileObjectifier FileObjectifier instproc init args { next FileDocumentClassFactory [self]::clFactory FileDocumentFactory [self]::objFactory } # # filename must be given with full path -> # create objects with filename's tail (prefix can be used to # give object name a preceding dir) # FileObjectifier instproc objectifyFile {place filename {prefix ""}} { set obj "" if {[file isfile $filename]} { set type [Mime guessContentType $filename] #if {$type ne "unknown/unknown"} { set fn [string trimleft $prefix/[file tail $filename] /] set class [[self]::clFactory getClass $type] set obj [[self]::objFactory create $fn $class $filename] $place exportObjs $obj #puts stderr "...objectified: $obj of class $class" #} } return $obj } # # objectify a whole directory tree # FileObjectifier instproc objectifyTree {place dir {prefix ""}} { if {[file isdirectory $dir]} { foreach f [glob -nocomplain $dir/*] { if {[file isfile $f]} { my objectifyFile $place $f $prefix } elseif {[file isdirectory $f]} { my objectifyTree $place $f $prefix/[file tail $f] } } } } Class GraphicDirectoryObjectifier -superclass FileObjectifier \ -parameter {{thumbnaildir [::xotcl::tmpdir]}} GraphicDirectoryObjectifier instproc objectifyTree {place dir {prefix ""}} { if {[file isdirectory $dir]} { set indexpage "" set title "" set date "" foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain $dir/* $dir/{.date,.title}]] { set exportedfn [string trimleft $prefix/[file tail $f] /] if {[file isfile $f]} { set type [Mime guessContentType $f] if {[string match "image/*" $type]} { set class [[self]::clFactory getClass $type] $class $exportedfn -init -attachFile $f $place exportObjs $exportedfn #puts stderr "...objectified: FN=$exportedfn cl=$class d=$dir o=$exportedfn" ###### set expThumbnaildir [file dirname $exportedfn]/.thumbnail set thumbnaildir [file dirname $f]/.thumbnail if {![file isdirectory $thumbnaildir]} { file mkdir $thumbnaildir } set thumbnail $thumbnaildir/[file tail $f] set expThumbnail $expThumbnaildir/[file tail $f] if {![file exists $thumbnail]} { catch {exec djpeg -pnm $f | \ pnmscale -xscale .2 -yscale .2 | ppmquant 256 | \ ppmtogif > $thumbnail} } $class $expThumbnail -init -attachFile $thumbnail $place exportObjs $expThumbnail #### append indexpage "" \ "$exportedfn
\n" } elseif {[string match *.title $exportedfn]} { set title [my fileContent $f] } elseif {[string match *.date $exportedfn]} { set date

[my fileContent $f]

} } elseif {[file isdirectory $f]} { if {[file exists $f/.title]} { set desc ": [my fileContent $f/.title]" } else { set desc "" } append indexpage "" \ "$exportedfn$desc
\n" my objectifyTree $place $f $exportedfn } set gindex [string trimleft $prefix/gindex.html /] HtmlDocument $gindex -content \ "$title


\ $date$indexpage" #puts stderr "mixins of HtmlDocument=<[$gindex info mixins]>" $gindex mixinStrategy ::Send=TypedString #$gindex showVars receiver exportObjs $gindex } } } GraphicDirectoryObjectifier instproc fileContent {f} { set FILE [open $f r] set content [read $FILE] close $FILE return $content } Class HtmlProxy -superclass HtmlDocument -parameter realSubject HtmlProxy instproc init args { next [Place getInstance] exportObjs [self] } HtmlProxy instproc unknown {m args} { my instvar realSubject ::eval $realSubject $m $args return [my default] } namespace export \ WebDocument TextDocument HtmlDocument FileDocument \ DocumentClassFactory FileDocumentClassFactory \ DocumentFactory FileDocumentFactory \ FileObjectifier GraphicDirectoryObjectifier \ HtmlProxy } namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::webDocument::*