# -*- Tcl -*- package require nx; namespace import -force ::nx::* #::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection false package require nx::test Test parameter count 10 Test case alias-preliminaries { # The system methods of nx::Attribute are either alias or forwarders ? {lsort [::nx::Attribute info methods -methodtype alias]} {assign get} ? {::nx::Attribute info method definition get} \ "::nx::Attribute public alias get ::nsf::setvar" # define an alias and retrieve its definition set cmd "::nx::Object public alias set ::set" eval $cmd ? {Object info method definition set} $cmd # define an alias and retrieve its definition set cmd "::nx::Object public alias set -frame method ::set" eval $cmd ? {Object info method definition set} $cmd # define an alias and retrieve its definition set cmd "::nx::Object public alias set -frame object ::set" eval $cmd ? {Object info method definition set} $cmd proc ::foo {} {return foo} ? {Object alias foo -frame object ::foo} \ "cannot use -frame object|method in alias for scripted command '::foo'" ? {Object alias foo -frame method ::foo} \ "cannot use -frame object|method in alias for scripted command '::foo'" ? {Object alias foo -frame default ::foo} "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::foo" } Test case alias-simple { # define an alias and retrieve its definition Class create Base { :public method foo {{-x 1}} {return $x} } Class create Foo ? {::nsf::alias ::Foo foo ::nsf::classes::Base::foo} "::nsf::classes::Foo::foo" ? {Foo info method definition foo} "::Foo public alias foo ::nsf::classes::Base::foo" Foo create f1 ? {f1 foo} 1 ? {f1 foo -x 2} 2 ? {Foo info methods -methodtype alias} "foo" ? {Base info methods -methodtype scripted} {foo} ? {Foo info methods -methodtype scripted} {} ? {Foo info methods -methodtype alias} {foo} Base public method foo {} {} ? {Foo info methods -methodtype alias} "" ? {Base info methods -methodtype scripted} {} ? {Foo info methods -methodtype scripted} {} ? {Foo info method definition foo} "" Base public method foo {{-x 1}} {return $x} ::nsf::alias ::Foo foo ::nsf::classes::Base::foo ? {Base info methods -methodtype scripted} {foo} "defined again" ? {Foo info methods -methodtype alias} {foo} "aliased again" Foo public method foo {} {} ? {Base info methods -methodtype scripted} {foo} "still defined" ? {Foo info methods -methodtype alias} {} "removed" } Test case alias-chaining { # # chaining aliases # Class create T Class create S T create t S create s T public method foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias T FOO ::nsf::classes::T::foo ? {t foo} ::T->foo ? {t FOO} ::T->foo ? {lsort [T info methods]} {FOO foo} T method foo {} {} ? {lsort [T info methods]} {} "alias is deleted" # puts stderr "double indirection" T public method foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias T FOO ::nsf::classes::T::foo ::nsf::alias S BAR ::nsf::classes::T::FOO ? {T info methods -methodtype alias} "FOO" ? {T info method definition FOO} "::T public alias FOO ::nsf::classes::T::foo" ? {lsort [T info methods]} {FOO foo} ? {S info methods} {BAR} T method FOO {} {} ? {T info methods} {foo} ? {S info methods} {BAR} ? {s BAR} ::S->foo ? {t foo} ::T->foo ? {S info method definition BAR} "::S public alias BAR ::nsf::classes::T::FOO" T public method foo {} {} ? {T info methods} {} ? {S info methods} {} T public method foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias T FOO ::nsf::classes::T::foo ::nsf::alias S BAR ::nsf::classes::T::FOO ? {lsort [T info methods]} {FOO foo} ? {S info methods} {BAR} T public method foo {} {} ? {S info methods} {} ? {T info methods} {} T public method foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } T public class-object method bar args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias T -per-object FOO ::nsf::classes::T::foo ::nsf::alias T -per-object BAR ::T::FOO ::nsf::alias T -per-object ZAP ::T::BAR ? {T info methods} {foo} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods -methodtype alias]} {BAR FOO ZAP} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {BAR FOO ZAP bar} ? {t foo} ::T->foo ? {T class-object info method definition ZAP} {::T public class-object alias ZAP ::T::BAR} ? {T FOO} ->foo ? {T BAR} ->foo ? {T ZAP} ->foo ? {T bar} ->bar T class-object method FOO {} {} ? {T info methods} {foo} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {BAR ZAP bar} ? {T BAR} ->foo ? {T ZAP} ->foo rename ::T::BAR "" ? {T info methods} {foo} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {ZAP bar} #? {T BAR} ""; # now calling the proc defined above, alias chain seems intact ? {T ZAP} ->foo; # is ok, still pointing to 'foo' #T class-object method BAR {} {} ? {T info methods} {foo} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {ZAP bar} ? {T ZAP} ->foo T public method foo {} {} ? {T info methods} {} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {bar} } Test case alias-per-object { Class create T { :public class-object method bar args { return [current class]->[current method] } :create t } proc ::foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } # # per-object methods as per-object aliases # T public class-object method m1 args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias T -per-object M1 ::T::m1 ::nsf::alias T -per-object M11 ::T::M1 ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {M1 M11 bar m1} ? {T m1} ->m1 ? {T M1} ->m1 ? {T M11} ->m1 T class-object method M1 {} {} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {M11 bar m1} ? {T m1} ->m1 ? {T M11} ->m1 T class-object method m1 {} {} ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {bar} # # a proc as alias # proc foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias T FOO1 ::foo ::nsf::alias T -per-object FOO2 ::foo # # ! per-object alias referenced as per-class alias ! # ::nsf::alias T BAR ::T::FOO2 ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {FOO2 bar} ? {lsort [T info methods]} {BAR FOO1} ? {T FOO2} ->foo ? {t FOO1} ::T->foo ? {t BAR} ::T->foo # # delete proc # rename ::foo "" ? {lsort [T class-object info methods]} {bar} ? {lsort [T info methods]} {} } # namespaced procs + namespace deletion Test case alias-namespaced { Class create T { :public class-object method bar args { return [current class]->[current method] } :create t } namespace eval ::ns1 { proc foo args { return [current class]->[current method] } proc bar args { return [uplevel 2 {set _}] } proc bar2 args { upvar 2 _ __; return $__} } ::nsf::alias T FOO ::ns1::foo ::nsf::alias T BAR ::ns1::bar ::nsf::alias T BAR2 ::ns1::bar2 ? {lsort [T info methods]} {BAR BAR2 FOO} set ::_ GOTYA ? {t FOO} ::T->foo ? {t BAR} GOTYA ? {t BAR2} GOTYA namespace delete ::ns1 ? {info procs ::ns1::*} {} ? {lsort [T info methods]} {} # per-object namespaces Class create U U create u ? {namespace exists ::U} 0 U public class-object method zap args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias ::U -per-object ZAP ::U::zap U require namespace ? {namespace exists ::U} 1 U public class-object method bar args { return [current class]->[current method] } ::nsf::alias U -per-object BAR ::U::bar ? {lsort [U class-object info methods]} {BAR ZAP bar zap} ? {U BAR} ->bar ? {U ZAP} ->zap namespace delete ::U ? {namespace exists ::U} 0 ? {lsort [U class-object info methods]} {} ? {U info lookup methods BAR} "" ? {U info lookup methods ZAP} "" ::U destroy } # dot-resolver/ dot-dispatcher used in aliased proc Test case alias-dot-resolver { Class create V { set :z 1 :public method bar {z} { return $z } :public class-object method bar {z} { return $z } :create v { set :z 2 } } ? {lsort [V info vars]} {z} ? {lsort [V info vars]} {z} ? {lsort [v info vars]} {z} proc ::foo args { return [:bar ${:z}]-[set :z]-[:bar [set :z]] } ::nsf::alias V FOO1 ::foo ::nsf::alias V -per-object FOO2 ::foo ? {lsort [V class-object info methods]} {FOO2 bar} ? {lsort [V info methods]} {FOO1 bar} ? {V FOO2} 1-1-1 ? {v FOO1} 2-2-2 V public method FOO1 {} {} ? {lsort [V info methods]} {bar} rename ::foo "" ? {lsort [V class-object info methods]} {bar} } # # Tests for the ::nsf::alias store, used for introspection for # aliases. The alias store (an associative variable) is mostly # necessary for for the direct aliases (e.g. aliases to C implemented # tcl commands), for which we have no stubs at the place where the # alias was registered. # # # structure of the ::nsf::alias store: # ,, -> # Object create o Class create C o public method bar args {;} ? {info vars ::nsf::alias} ::nsf::alias ? {array exists ::nsf::alias} 1 proc ::foo args {;} ::nsf::alias ::o FOO ::foo ::nsf::alias ::C FOO ::foo ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 1 ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 1 ? {array get ::nsf::alias ::o,FOO,1} "::o,FOO,1 ::foo" ? {array get ::nsf::alias ::C,FOO,0} "::C,FOO,0 ::foo" ? {o info method definition FOO} "::o public alias FOO ::foo" ? {C info method definition FOO} "::C public alias FOO ::foo" ::nsf::alias o FOO ::o::bar ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 1 ? {array get ::nsf::alias ::o,FOO,1} "::o,FOO,1 ::o::bar" ? {o info method definition FOO} "::o public alias FOO ::o::bar" # AliasDelete in XOTclRemoveObjectMethod o public method FOO {} {} ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 0 ? {array get ::nsf::alias ::o,FOO,1} "" ? {o info method definition FOO} "" # AliasDelete in XOTclRemoveClassMethod C public method FOO {} {} ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 0 ? {array get ::nsf::alias ::C,FOO,0} "" ? {C info method definition FOO} "" ::nsf::alias ::o BAR ::foo ::nsf::alias ::C BAR ::foo # AliasDelete in XOTclAddObjectMethod ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,BAR,1)} 1 ::o public method BAR {} {;} ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,BAR,1)} 0 # AliasDelete in XOTclAddInstanceMethod ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,BAR,0)} 1 ::C public method BAR {} {;} ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,BAR,0)} 0 # AliasDelete in aliasCmdDeleteProc ::nsf::alias o FOO ::foo ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 1 rename ::foo "" ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 0 ::nsf::alias o FOO ::o::bar ::nsf::alias o BAR ::o::FOO ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 1 ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,BAR,1)} 1 o public method bar {} {} ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,FOO,1)} 0 ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,BAR,1)} 0 # # pulling the rug out from the proc-alias deletion mechanism # proc ::foo args {;} ::nsf::alias C FOO ::foo ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 1 unset ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0) ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 0 ? {C info method definition FOO} "" ? {C info methods -methodtype alias} FOO rename ::foo "" ? {C info methods -methodtype alias} "" ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 0 ? {C info method definition FOO} "" # # test renaming of Tcl proc (actually sensed by the alias, though not # reflected by the alias definition store) # a) is this acceptable? # b) sync ::nsf::alias upon "info method definition" calls? is this feasible, # e.g. through rename traces? # C create c proc ::foo args { return [current]->[current method]} ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 0 ::nsf::alias C FOO ::foo ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 1 ? {C info methods -methodtype alias} FOO # Rename target, such that alias points to an invalid item # Note that removing the target works differently (makes cleanup) # rename ::foo "" rename ::foo ::foo2 ? {info exists ::nsf::alias(::C,FOO,0)} 1 ? {C info methods -methodtype alias} FOO ? {c FOO} {target "::foo" of alias FOO apparently disappeared} ? {C info method definition FOO} "::C public alias FOO ::foo" # # Check resolving of namespace imported classes # and when a class is aliased via "interp alias" # Test case class-resolve { namespace eval ::ns1 { nx::Class create A {:public method foo {} {::nx::current class}} nx::Class create B {:public method foo {} {::nx::current class}} namespace export A } namespace eval ::ns2 { # namespace import Class A from namespace ns1 namespace import ::ns1::A ? {A create a1} ::ns2::a1 ? {nx::Class create C -superclass A} ::ns2::C ? {C create c1} ::ns2::c1 ? {c1 foo} ::ns1::A # "import" Class B from namespace ns1 via interp-alias interp alias {} ::ns2::B {} ::ns1::B ? {B create b1} ::ns2::b1 ? {b1 foo} ::ns1::B ? {nx::Class create D -superclass B} ::ns2::D ? {D create d1} ::ns2::d1 ? {d1 foo} ::ns1::B } } Test parameter count 10 Test case proc-alias { nx::Class create C { :public method foo {} {upvar x y; info exists y} :public method bar {} {set x 1; :foo} :public alias bar_ [:info method handle bar] :public alias foo_ [:info method handle foo] :public method bar2 {} {set x 1; :foo_} :create c1 } nx::Class create D { :public method foo {} {:upvar x y; info exists y} :public method bar {} {set x 1; :foo} :public alias foo_ [:info method handle foo] :public alias bar_ [:info method handle bar] :public method bar2 {} {set x 1; :foo_} :create d1 } nx::Class create M { :public method foo args next :public method bar args next :public method foo_ args next :public method bar_ args next :public method bar_ args next } ? {c1 bar} 1 ? {c1 bar_} 1 ? {c1 bar2} 0 ;# upvar reaches into to alias-redirector ? {d1 bar} 1 ? {d1 bar_} 1 ? {d1 bar2} 1 c1 mixin add M ? {c1 bar} 0 ;# upvar reaches into to mixin method ? {c1 bar_} 0 ;# upvar reaches into to mixin method ? {c1 bar2} 0 ;# upvar reaches into to mixin method d1 mixin add M ? {d1 bar} 1 ? {d1 bar_} 1 ? {d1 bar2} 1 } proc foo {:a :b} { set :c 1 return ${:a} } foo 1 2 proc bar {:a :b} { set :b 1 set :x 47 return [info exists :d]-${:a}-${:x} } proc baz {} { set :z 3 return ${:z} } Test parameter count 10 Test case proc-alias-compile { Object create o { set :a 100 set :d 1001 #:method foo {-:a:integer :b :c:optional} { # puts stderr ${:a},${:b},${:c} #} :public alias foo ::foo :public alias bar ::bar :public alias baz ::baz } # # by calling "foo" outside the object/method context, we get a # byte-code without the compiled-local handler, colon-vars are not # recognized, :a refers to the argument ? {foo 1 2} 1 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "a d" ? {o foo 1 2} 1 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "a d" # # by calling "bar" the first time as a method, we get a byte-code with # the compiled-local handler, colon-vars are recognized, colon vars # from the argument vector have precedence over instance variables. ? {o bar 2 3} 1-2-47 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "a d x" ? {o baz} 3 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "a d x z" # # by calling "bar" outside the proc context, the compiled-var-fetch # has no object to refer to, the variable is unknown. ? {bar 3 4} 0-3-47 # the variable in the test scope does not influence result set :d 200 ? {bar 3 4} 0-3-47 } puts stderr ===EXIT