# xotclConfig.sh -- # # This shell script (for sh) is generated automatically by XOTcl's # configure script. It will create shell variables for most of # the configuration options discovered by the configure script. # This script is intended to be included by the configure scripts # for XOTcl extensions so that they don't have to figure this all # out for themselves. This file does not duplicate information # already provided by tclConfig.sh, so you may need to use that # file in addition to this one. # # The information in this file is specific to a single platform. # XOTcl's version number. XOTCL_VERSION='1.2' XOTCL_MAJOR_VERSION='1' XOTCL_MINOR_VERSION='2' XOTCL_RELEASE_LEVEL='.1' # String to pass to compiles to pick up includes during build # (i.e., assuming nothing has been installed) XOTCL_BUILD_INCLUDE_DIR='/home/neumann/xotcl-1.2.1/generic' XOTCL_BUILD_INCLUDE_SPEC="-I${XOTCL_BUILD_INCLUDE_DIR}" # String to pass to compiles to pick up the XOTcl includes from their # installed directory. XOTCL_INCLUDE_DIR="/usr/include/xotcl1.2.1" XOTCL_INCLUDE_SPEC="-I$XOTCL_INCLUDE_DIR" # The name of the XOTcl library (may be either a .a file or a shared library): XOTCL_LIB_FILE=libxotcl1.2.1.so # String to pass to linker to pick up the XOTcl library from its # build directory. XOTCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC='-L/home/neumann/xotcl-1.2.1 -lxotcl1.2.1' # String to pass to linker to pick up the XOTcl library from its # installed directory. XOTCL_LIB_SPEC='-L/usr/lib/xotcl1.2.1 -lxotcl1.2.1' # The name of the XOTcl stub library (a .a file): # XOTCL_STUB_LIB_FILE=libxotclstub1.2.1.a # String to pass to linker to pick up the XOTcl stub library from its # build directory. XOTCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC='-L/home/neumann/xotcl-1.2.1 -lxotclstub1.2.1' # String to pass to linker to pick up the XOTcl stub library from its # installed directory. XOTCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC='-L/usr/lib/xotcl1.2.1 -lxotclstub1.2.1' # Name of the xotcl stub library with full path in build and install directory XOTCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_PATH='/home/neumann/xotcl-1.2.1/libxotclstub1.2.1.a' XOTCL_STUB_LIB_PATH='/usr/lib/xotcl1.2.1/libxotclstub1.2.1.a' # Location of the top-level source directories from which XOTcl # was built. This is the directory that contains generic, unix, etc. # If XOTcl was compiled in a different place than the directory # containing the source files, this points to the location of the sources, # not the location where XOTcl was compiled. XOTCL_SRC_DIR='/home/neumann/xotcl-1.2.1' # shared and unshared library suffix XOTCL_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX=1.2.1.so XOTCL_UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX=1.2.1.a # the shell in whose installation dirs the xotcl package is installed XOTCL_COMPATIBLE_TCLSH=/home/neumann/tcl8.4.7/unix/tclsh