# -*- Tcl -*- # # This script is sourced by the C-code generator gentclAPI.tcl in the # same directory. It is also used by the nx::doc toolkit to generate # the authorative language reference documents. # @package next # # "Next" is a compact and expressive object-oriented language # extension for Tcl. The object system model is highly influenced by # CLOS. This package provides the basic object system for the Next # language. It defines the basic language entities {{@object ::nx::Object}} and # {{@object ::nx::Class}}, as well as essential language primitives # (e.g., {{@command ::nx::next}} and {{@command ::nx::self}}). # # @require Tcl # @version 1.0.0a # namespaces for types of methods array set ns { xotclCmd "::nsf" objectMethod "::nsf::cmd::Object" classMethod "::nsf::cmd::Class" checkMethod "::nsf::cmd::ParameterType" infoClassMethod "::nsf::cmd::ClassInfo" infoObjectMethod "::nsf::cmd::ObjectInfo" } # # XOTcl commands # xotclCmd alias XOTclAliasCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "methodName"} {-argName "-nonleaf"} {-argName "-objscope"} {-argName "cmdName" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd assertion XOTclAssertionCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "assertionsubcmd" -required 1 -type "check|object-invar|class-invar"} {-argName "arg" -required 0 -type tclobj} } # @command ::nsf::configure # # A top-level configuration facility which allows you modify # properties of the "Next" object system for the scope of an entire # {{{interp}}}. # @subcommand ::nsf::configure#filter # # Allows turning on or off filters globally for the current # interpreter. By default, the filter state is turned off. This # function returns the old filter state. This filterless {{{interp}}} # state is needed for the serializer which should introspect and stream the # objects and classes without being affected by active filter. # # @param toggle Accepts either "on" or "off" # @return The current filter activation state # @subcommand ::nsf::configure#softrecreate # # Allows controlling the scheme applied when recreating an object or a # class. By default, it is set to {{{off}}}. This means that the # object/class is destroyed and all relations # (e.g. subclass/superclass) to other objects/classes are revoked as # well. If softrecreate is set to {{{on}}}, the object is re-set, but not # destroyed, the relations are # kept. # # A "soft" recreation is important for e.g. reloading a file with # class definitions (e.g. when used in OpenACS with file watching and # reloading). With softrecreate set, it is not necessary to recreate # dependent subclasses etc. Consider the example of a class hierarchy # {{{A <- B <- C}}}. Without {{{softrecreate}}} set, a reload of # {{{B}}} means first a destroy of B, leading to {{{A <- C}}}, and # instances of {{{B}}} are re-classed to {{@object # ::nx::Object}}. When softrecreate is set, the class hierarchy # remains untouched. # # @param toggle Accepts either "on" or "off" # @return The current toggle value # @subcommand ::nsf::configure#objectsystems # # A mere introspection subcommand. It gives you the top level of the # current object system, i.e., the ruling root class and root # meta-class. For "Next": # # {{{ # ::nsf::configure objectsystems; # returns "::nx::Object ::nx::Class" # }}} # # @return The active pair of root class and root meta-class # @subcommand ::nsf::configure#keepinitcmd # # Usually, initcmd scripts are discarded by the {{{interp}}} once # having been evaluated (in contrast to {{{proc}}} and {{{method}}} # bodies). If you need them preserved for later introspection and # processing (as in the "Next" documentation system), set this option # to {{{true}}}. Then, the initcmd scripts are retained as a # particular object variable ({{{__initcmd}}}) of classes and # objects. It defaults to {{{false}}}. # # @param value:boolean Either {{{true}}} or {{{false}}} # @return The current setting xotclCmd configure XOTclConfigureCmd { {-argName "configureoption" -required 1 -type "filter|softrecreate|objectsystems|keepinitcmd"} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd createobjectsystem XOTclCreateObjectSystemCmd { {-argName "rootClass" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "rootMetaClass" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "systemMethods" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd deprecated XOTclDeprecatedCmd { {-argName "what" -required 1} {-argName "oldCmd" -required 1} {-argName "newCmd" -required 0} } xotclCmd dispatch XOTclDispatchCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-objscope"} {-argName "command" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd colon XOTclColonCmd { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } xotclCmd existsvar XOTclExistsVarCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "var" -required 1} } xotclCmd finalize XOTclFinalizeObjCmd { } xotclCmd forward XOTclForwardCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "method" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-default" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-earlybinding"} {-argName "-methodprefix" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-objscope"} {-argName "-onerror" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-verbose"} {-argName "target" -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd importvar XOTclImportvarCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd interp XOTclInterpObjCmd { {-argName "name"} {-argName "args" -type allargs} } xotclCmd is XOTclIsCmd { {-argName "value" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "constraint" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-hasmixin" -required 0 -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-type" -required 0 -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "arg" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd method XOTclMethodCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-inner-namespace"} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "-public"} {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "body" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-precondition" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-postcondition" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd methodproperty XOTclMethodPropertyCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "methodName" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "methodproperty" -required 1 -type "protected|redefine-protected|returns|slotobj"} {-argName "value" -type tclobj} } xotclCmd my XOTclMyCmd { {-argName "-local"} {-argName "method" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type args} } # @command ::nx::next # # Invokes the shadowed (i.e, same-named) method which is next along # the precedence path and returns the results of this invocation. If # {{{next}}} is called without arguments, the arguments of the current # method (i.e., the arguments as present at the current callframe) are # passed through to the shadowed method. If next is invoked with the # flag --noArgs, the shadowed method is called without the active # callframe arguments. If other arguments are specified for {{{next}}} # explicitly, these will be passed instead. # # @param --noArgs:optional Deactivates the forward-passing of the current callframe's arguments # @param args Explicitly declared arguments to pass to shadowed methods # TODO: shouldn't next be defined here? xotclCmd namespace_copycmds XOTclNSCopyCmds { {-argName "fromNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "toNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd namespace_copyvars XOTclNSCopyVars { {-argName "fromNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "toNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd objectproperty XOTclObjectpropertyCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "objectkind" -type "type|object|class|baseclass|metaclass|hasmixin"} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd parametercheck XOTclParametercheckCmd { {-argName "-nocomplain"} {-argName "param" -type tclobj} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd __qualify XOTclQualifyObjCmd { {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd relation XOTclRelationCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "relationtype" -required 1 -type "object-mixin|class-mixin|object-filter|class-filter|class|superclass|rootclass"} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd current XOTclCurrentCmd { {-argName "currentoption" -required 0 -type "proc|method|object|class|activelevel|args|activemixin|calledproc|calledmethod|calledclass|callingproc|callingmethod|callingclass|callinglevel|callingobject|filterreg|isnextcall|next"} } # @command ::nx::current # # An introspective command which allows you to explore the "Next" # callstack from within the scope of a method (or procif bound to an # object via {{{alias}}}). {{{current}}} computes callstack related # information. If executed without specifying a subcommand, # i.e. {{{[current]}}}, returns the name of the object, which is # currently in execution. If called from outside a proc, it returns # the error message "No current object". # # It comes with a variety of subcommands to query different bits of # callstack information. See below. # # @subcommand class Returns the name of the class holding the currently executing per-class method, if and only if called from within a per-class method. Note, that this method-owning class may be different to the class of the current object. If called from within a per-object method, it returns an empty string. # @subcommand proc Returns the name of the currently executing method. # @subcommand callingclass Returns the name of the class which is calling into the executing method. # @subcommand callingobject Returns the name of the object which is calling into the executing method. # @subcommand calledclass Returns the name of the class that holds the originally (and now shadowed) target method (applicable in mixin classes and filters). # @subcommand calledproc Returns the name of the target method (applicable in a filter only). # @subcommand isnextcall Returns 1 if the executing method was invoked via {{@command ::nx::next}}, 0 otherwise. # @subcommand next Returns the name of the method next on the precedence path as a string. # @subcommand filterreg In a method serving as active filter, returns the name of the object (class) on which the method is registered as a filter. # @subcommand callinglevel Returns the "original" callstack level calling into the executing method. Intermediary {{{next}}} calls are ignored in this computation. The level is returned in a form so that it can be used as first argument in {{@method ::nx::Object class uplevel}} or {{@method ::nx::Object class upvar}}. # @subcommand activelevel Returns the actual callstack level calling into the executing method. The active might correspond the {{{callinglevel}}}, but this is not necessarily the case. The {{{activelevel}}} counts {{@command ::nx::next}} call. The level is returned in a form so that it can be used as first argument in {{@method ::nx::Object class uplevel}} or {{@method ::nx::Object class upvar}}. xotclCmd setvar XOTclSetVarCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "variable" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd setter XOTclSetterCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "parameter" -type tclobj} } # # object methods # # @object ::nx::Object # # "Next" programs are constructed out of objects. This class # describes common structural and behavioural features for all "Next" # objects. It is the root object-class in the "Next" object system. # @method ::nx::Object#autoname # # Provides a facility for auto-generating object identifiers. It is # constructed from a seeding string which is appended a numeric # index. This numeric index is incremented upon each call to # {{{autoname}}}. # {{{ # set obj [Object new] # $obj autoname a; # yields "a1" # $obj autoname -instance B; # yields "b1" # $obj autoname a; # yields "a2" # $obj autoname b; # yields "b1" # $obj autoname -reset a; # "" # $obj autoname -reset -instance B; # "" # $obj autoname -instance a; # yields "a1", and NOT "a3"! # $obj autoname -instance B; # yields "b1" # $obj autoname b; # yields "b2" # }}} # The seeding string may also contain {{{[format]}}} expressions (see ...): # {{{ # $obj autoname a%06d; # gives you "a000001", ... # }}} # # @param -instance Have the generated name start with a lower letter (though the seed string has a major first letter) # @param -reset Reset the object-internal counter for a given seed string # @param name The seeding string which is used as a base for name generation # @return The generated name string objectMethod autoname XOTclOAutonameMethod { {-argName "-instance"} {-argName "-reset"} {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # @method ::nx::Object#cleanup # # TODO: this is a method not used in the Next Scripting Langauge. This # mehtod is just called via recreate, so everything necessary can be # performed there as well. However, it is available for backward # compatibility available in XOTcl 2.0 # # Resets an object or class to its initial state, as after object # allocation (see {{@method ::nx::Class class alloc}}). This method # participates in recreating objects, i.e, it is called during the # recreation process by {{@method ::nx::Class class recreate}}. # Depending on the recreation scheme applied (see {{@command # ::nsf::configure}}, object variables are deleted, per-object # namespaces are cleared, and the object's relationsships (e.g., mixin # relations) are reset. # # @properties interally-called objectMethod cleanup XOTclOCleanupMethod { } # @method ::nx::Object#configure # # This method participates in the object creation process. It is # automatically invoked after having produced a new object by # {{@method ::nx::Class class create}}. # Upon its invocation, the variable argument vector {{{args}}} # contains a list of parameters and parameter values passed in # from the call site of object creation. They are matched against # an object parameter definition. This definition, and so the # actual method parameter definition of this method, is assembled # from configuration values of the classes along the precedence # order (see also {{@method ::nx::Object class objectparameter}}). # The method {{{configure}}} can be called at arbitrary times to # "re-set" an object. # # @properties interally-called # @param args The variable argument vector stores the object parameters and their values objectMethod configure XOTclOConfigureMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # @method ::nx::Object#destroy # # The standard destructor for an object. The method {{@method ::nx::Object class destroy}} # triggers the physical destruction of the object. The method {{{destroy}}} can be refined # by subclasses or mixin classes to add additional (class specific) destruction behavior. # Note that in most cases, the class specific {{{destroy}}} methods should call # {{@command ::nx::next}} to trigger physical destruction. # {{{ # nx::Class create Foo { # :method destroy {} { # puts "destroying [self]" # next # } # } # Foo create f1 # f1 destroy # }}} # Technical details: The method {{@method ::nx::Object class destroy}} # delegates the actual destruction to {{@method ::nx::Class class dealloc}} # which clears the memory object storage. Essentially, the behaviour could be # scripted as: # {{{ # Object method destroy {} { # [:info class] dealloc [self] # } # }}} # Note, however, that {{{destroy}}} is protected against # application-level redefinition. You must refine it in a subclass # or mixin class. # objectMethod destroy XOTclODestroyMethod { } # @method ::nx::Object#exists # # A helper method for checking whether the variable {{{var}}} is # defined on the object and assigned a value. You may use a variable # name with or without prefix, both will resolve to the object scope: # {{{ # $obj eval { # set :foo 1 # set bar 2 # } # # $obj exists foo; # returns 1 # $obj exists :foo; # returns 1 # $obj exists bar; # returns 0 # $obj exists :bar; # returns 0 # }}} # # @param var The name of the variable to verify # @return :boolean 1 if the variable exists, 0 otherwise objectMethod exists XOTclOExistsMethod { {-argName "var" -required 1} } # @method ::nx::Object#filterguard # # Adds conditions to guard invocations of a filter. The # filter will only execute, if the guards evaluate to true. Otherwise, # the filters are ignored the filter. If no guards are given, we # always execute the filter. # # @param filter Handle to identify and address a filter once registered # @param guard A list of guard expressions objectMethod filterguard XOTclOFilterGuardMethod { {-argName "filter" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # @method ::nx::Object#filtersearch # # # # @param filter Handle to identify and address a filter once registered # @param guard A list of guard expressions # @return A string which describes a fully qualified method handle objectMethod filtersearch XOTclOFilterSearchMethod { {-argName "filter" -required 1} } # @method ::nx::Object#instvar # # @param args objectMethod instvar XOTclOInstVarMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # @method ::nx::Object#mixinguard # # @param mixin # @param guard objectMethod mixinguard XOTclOMixinGuardMethod { {-argName "mixin" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # objectMethod __next XOTclONextMethod { # {-argName "args" -type allargs} #} # @method ::nx::Object#mixinguard # # @param mixin # @param guard objectMethod noinit XOTclONoinitMethod { } # @method ::nx::Object#requireNamespace # # This method allows you to request the creation of a namespace for # the given object, a per-object namespace. The namespace is then used # to store instance variables, methods and nested objects. Per-object # namespaces are needed for using and binding object variables to # non-object scopes in Tcl and Tk. For instance, you may use an # per-object namespace to have object variables accessible Tk widgets # and Tk callbacks. To verify whether a per-object namespace is # available for an object, see ... # # Beware that there is a difference between per-object namespaces and # Tcl namespaces which shadow an existing object (i.e., carry the same # name): # {{{ # Object create Foo # Foo requireNamespace # namespace exists Foo; # returns 1 # Foo info hasnamespace; # returns 1 # # Object create Bar # namespace eval ::Bar {} # namespace exists Bar; # returns 1 # Bar info hasnamespace; # returns 0 # }}} objectMethod requireNamespace XOTclORequireNamespaceMethod { } # @method ::nx::Object#residualargs # # @properties interally-called # @param args objectMethod residualargs XOTclOResidualargsMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # @method ::nx::Object#uplevel # # This helper allows you to evaluate a script in the context of # another callstack level (i.e., callstack frame). # # @param level:optional The starting callstack level (defaults to the value of {{{[current callinglevel]}}}) # @param script:list The script to be evaluated in the targeted callstack level objectMethod uplevel XOTclOUplevelMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # @method ::nx::Object#upvar # # This helper allows you to bind a local variable to a variable # residing at a different callstack level (frame). # # @param level:optional The starting callstack level (defaults to the value of {{{[current callinglevel]}}}) # @param sourceVar A variable which should be linked to a ... # @param targetVar ... which is a local variable in a method scope # @see ... objectMethod upvar XOTclOUpvarMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # @method ::nx::Object#volatile # # By calling on this method, the object is bound in its lifetime to # the one of call site (e.g., the given Tcl proc or method scope): # {{{ # proc foo {} { # info vars; # shows "" # set x [Object create Bar -volatile] # info vars; # shows "x Bar" # } # }}} # Behind the scenes, {{{volatile}}} registers a C-level variable trace # ({{{Tcl_TraceVar()}}}) on the hiddenly created local variable (e.g., # {{{Bar}}}), firing upon unset events and deleting the referenced # object ({{{Bar}}}). That is, once the callframe context of {{{foo}}} # is left, the local variable {{{Bar}}} is unset and so the bound # object is destroyed. objectMethod volatile XOTclOVolatileMethod { } # @method ::nx::Object#vwait # # A method variant of the Tcl {{{vwait}}} command. You can use it to # have the {{{interp}}} enter an event loop until the specified # variable {{{varname}}} is set on the object. # # @param varname The name of the signalling object variable. objectMethod vwait XOTclOVwaitMethod { {-argName "varname" -required 1} } # # class methods # # @object ::nx::Class # # A class defines a family of object types which own a common set of # attributes (see {{@object ::nx::Attribute}}) and methods. Classes # are organised according to their similarities and differences in # classification hierarchies. This object represents the root # meta-class in the "Next" object system. # # @superclass ::nx::doc::entities::object::nx::Object # @method ::nx::Class#alloc # # Creates a bare object or class which is not # fully initialized. {{{alloc}}} is used by {{@method ::nx::Class class create}} to # request a memory object storage. In subsequent steps, # {{{create}}} invokes {{{configure}}} and {{{init}}} to further # set up the object. Only in rare situations, you may consider # bypassing the overall {{{create}}} mechanism by just allocating # uninitialized objects using {{{alloc}}}. # # @properties interally-called # @param name The object identifier assigned to the object storage to be allocated. # @return The name of the allocated, uninitialized object classMethod alloc XOTclCAllocMethod { {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # @method ::nx::Class#create # # Provides for creating application-level classes and objects. If # the method receiver is a meta-class, a class will be # created. Otherwise, {{{create}}} yields an object. {{{create}}} # is responsible a multi-phase object creation scheme. This # creation scheme involves three major steps: # {{{ # [Object create anObject] (1) # ---------------. .--------------. # -------------->|Class->create()|-->|Class->alloc()| # `---------------' `--------------' # | | (2) .-------------------. # | .----->|Object->configure()| # | `-------------------' # | (3) .------. # .........>|init()| # `------' # }}} # (1) A call to {{@method ::nx::Class class alloc}} to create a raw, # uninitalized object. # # (2) The newly allocated object receives a method call upon # {{@method ::nx::Object class configure}}. This will establish the # object's initial state, by applying object parameter values # provided at object creation time and default values defined at # object definition time. # # (3) Finally, {{{create}}} emits a call to the initialization # method {{{init}}} (i.e., the actual "constructor"), if # available. An {{{init}}} method can be defined by a class on # behalf of its objects, to lay out class-specific initialisation # behaviour. Alternatively, each single object may define an # {{{init}}} method on its own. # # By overloading the method in a meta-class, you can refine or # replace this default object creation scheme (e.g., for applying # application-specific naming schemes). # # For creating an object or a class, you must name {{{create}}} # explicitly, i.e.: # {{{ # ::nx::Object create anObject # ::nx::Class create AClass # ::nx::Class AnotherClass; # This fails: "Method 'AnotherClass' unknown for ::nx::Class." # }}} # # @param name The designated identifier on the class or the object to be created. # @param args Arguments to be passed down to the object creation procedure used to initialize the object. # @return The name of the created, fully initialized object. classMethod create XOTclCCreateMethod { {-argName "name" -required 1} {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # @method ::nx::Class#dealloc # # Marks objects for physical deletion in memory. Beware the fact # that calling {{{dealloc}}} does not necessarily cause the object # to be deleted immediately. Depending on the lifecycle of the the # object's environment (e.g., the {{{interp}}}, the containing # namespace) and on call references down the callstack, the actual # memory freeing operation may occur time-shifted (that is, # later). While {{{dealloc}}} itself cannot be redefined for # {{{::nx::Class}}}, you may consider refining it in a subclass or # mixin class for customizing the destruction process. # # @properties interally-called # @param object The name of the object to be scheduled for deletion. classMethod dealloc XOTclCDeallocMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # @method ::nx::Class#new # # A convenience method to create auto-named objects and classes. It is # a front-end to {{@method ::nx::Class class create}}. For instance: # {{{ # set obj [Object new] # set cls [Class new] # }}} # # This will provide object identifiers of the form # e.g. {{{::nsf::__#0}}}. In contrast to {{@method ::nx::Object class autoname}}, # the uniqueness of auto-generated identifiers is guaranteed for the # scope of the {{{interp}}}. # # @param -childof If provided, the new object is created as a child of the specified object. # @param args The variable arguments passed down to {{@method ::nx::Class class create}}. classMethod new XOTclCNewMethod { {-argName "-childof" -type object -nrargs 1} {-argName "args" -required 0 -type args} } classMethod filterguard XOTclCFilterGuardMethod { {-argName "filter" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } classMethod mixinguard XOTclCMixinGuardMethod { {-argName "mixin" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } classMethod __invalidateobjectparameter XOTclCInvalidateObjectParameterMethod { } # @method ::nx::Class#recreate # # This method is called upon recreating an object. Recreation is the # scheme for resolving object naming conflicts in the dynamic and # scripted programming environment of "Next": An object or class is # created while an object or class with an identical object identifier # already exists. The method {{{recreate}}} performs standard object # initialization, per default, after re-setting the state and # relationships of the object under recreation. This re-set is # achieved by invoking {{@method ::nx::Object class cleanup}}. # {{{ # Object create Bar # \# ... # Object create Bar; # calls Object->recreate(::Bar, ...) + ::Bar->cleanup() # }}} # By refining {{{recreate}}} in an application-level subclass or mixin # class, you can intercept the recreation process. In the pre-part the # refined {{{recreate}}} method, the recreated object has its old # state, after calling {{@command ::nx::next}} it is cleaned up. # # If the name conflict occurs between an existing class and a newly # created object (or vice versa), {{{recreate}}} is not # performed. Rather, a sequence of {{@method ::nx::Object class destroy}} # and {{@method ::nx::Class class create}} is triggered: # {{{ # Object create Bar # \# ... # Class create Bar; # calls Bar->destroy() + Class->create(::Bar, ...) # }}} # # @properties interally-called # @param name The name (identifier) of the object under recreation # @param args Arbitrary vector of arguments # @return The name of the recreated object classMethod recreate XOTclCRecreateMethod { {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # # check methods # # checkMethod required XOTclCheckRequiredArgs { # {-argName "name" -required 1} # {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} # } # checkMethod boolean XOTclCheckBooleanArgs { # {-argName "name" -required 1} # {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} # } # # info object methods # infoObjectMethod callable XOTclObjInfoCallableMethod { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "-which"} {-argName "-methodtype" -nrargs 1 -type "all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter"} {-argName "-callprotection" -nrargs 1 -type "all|protected|public" -default all} {-argName "-application"} {-argName "-nomixins"} {-argName "-incontext"} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod children XOTclObjInfoChildrenMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod class XOTclObjInfoClassMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} } infoObjectMethod filter XOTclObjInfoFilterMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-order"} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoObjectMethod filterguard XOTclObjInfoFilterguardMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "filter" -required 1} } infoObjectMethod forward XOTclObjInfoForwardMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-definition"} {-argName "name"} } infoObjectMethod hasnamespace XOTclObjInfoHasnamespaceMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} } infoObjectMethod method XOTclObjInfoMethodMethod { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "infomethodsubcmd" -type "args|definition|name|parameter|parametersyntax|type|precondition|postcondition"} {-argName "name"} } infoObjectMethod methods XOTclObjInfoMethodsMethod { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "-methodtype" -nrargs 1 -type "all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter"} {-argName "-callprotection" -nrargs 1 -type "all|protected|public" -default public} {-argName "-nomixins"} {-argName "-incontext"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoObjectMethod mixin XOTclObjInfoMixinMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "-order"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoObjectMethod mixinguard XOTclObjInfoMixinguardMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "mixin" -required 1} } infoObjectMethod parent XOTclObjInfoParentMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} } infoObjectMethod precedence XOTclObjInfoPrecedenceMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-intrinsic"} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod slotobjects XOTclObjInfoSlotObjectsMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod vars XOTclObjInfoVarsMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } # # info class methods # infoClassMethod heritage XOTclClassInfoHeritageMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "pattern"} } infoClassMethod instances XOTclClassInfoInstancesMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod filter XOTclClassInfoFilterMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoClassMethod filterguard XOTclClassInfoFilterguardMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "filter" -required 1} } infoClassMethod forward XOTclClassInfoForwardMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-definition"} {-argName "name"} } infoClassMethod method XOTclClassInfoMethodMethod { {-argName "class" -type class} {-argName "infomethodsubcmd" -type "args|body|definition|name|parameter|parametersyntax|type|precondition|postcondition"} {-argName "name"} } infoClassMethod methods XOTclClassInfoMethodsMethod { {-argName "object" -type class} {-argName "-methodtype" -nrargs 1 -type "all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter"} {-argName "-callprotection" -nrargs 1 -type "all|protected|public" -default public} {-argName "-nomixins"} {-argName "-incontext"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoClassMethod mixin XOTclClassInfoMixinMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod mixinguard XOTclClassInfoMixinguardMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "mixin" -required 1} } infoClassMethod mixinof XOTclClassInfoMixinOfMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "-scope" -required 0 -nrargs 1 -type "all|class|object"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod slots XOTclClassInfoSlotsMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} } infoClassMethod subclass XOTclClassInfoSubclassMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod superclass XOTclClassInfoSuperclassMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type tclobj} }