#!../../src/xotclsh # $Id: Counter.xotcl,v 2004/05/23 22:50:39 neumann Exp $ array set opts {-pkgdir .}; array set opts $argv lappend auto_path $opts(-pkgdir) package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::* package require xotcl::actiweb::htmlPlace package require xotcl::actiweb::webDocument ### Instantiate an Html place with the name receive and port 8090 HtmlPlace ::receiver -port 8090 -allowExit exit ### Define a class Counter as a special Html Document Class Counter -superclass HtmlDocument -parameter {{count 0}} Counter instproc init args { ;### Constructor next my persistent count ;### make count variable persistent ::receiver exportObjs [self] ;### export the counter object my exportProcs increment ;### export counter's increment method } Counter instproc default {} { ;### Method for updating HTML page set objName [string trimleft [self] :] return "The value in $objName is now: [my set count].

Increment Counter

Last Update: [clock format [clock seconds]] \n" } Counter instproc increment {} { ;### exported increment method my incr count return [my default] } ### Create two counter instances with the names ### counter-1.html and counter-2.html Counter counter-1.html Counter counter-2.html ### Start event loop and handle connections receiver startEventLoop