***************** $Id: README,v 2004/05/23 22:50:39 neumann Exp $ XOTcl README File ***************** ********************************** Compilation of Source Distribution ********************************* Read COMPILE for compilation guidance on UNIX or COMPILE.win for Windows. ************************************ Installation of Binary Distributions ************************************ For all binary distributions firstly Tcl and Tk must be installed properly. Binary distributions require Tcl/Tk 8.3 (included in most Linux distributions), which you can find from: http://dev.scriptics.com Working with a Shell -------------------- From version 1.1 on XOTcl does not - by default - build xotclsh and xowish anymore. Instead you should use xotcl from tclsh or wish. The typical way to do so is to load XOTcl as a packages and then import the commands from the XOTcl namespace into the current namespace: /usr/local/bin/tclsh8.4 package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::* That means, the XOTcl installed package library needs to be on Tcl's search path for packages. If XOTcl is not installed in the standard Tcl location, you can either set the environment variable TCLLIBPATH from outside of Tcl to this location, or use the variable auto_path in Tcl. For instance, to use the local, extracted tar ball, you can use something like (under UNIX): export TCLLIBPATH="./xotcl-1.1.0" or setenv TCLLIBPATH "./xotcl-1.1.0" Under Windows: set TCLLIBPATH=".\xotcl-1.1.0" Linux Binary Distribution ------------------------- Per default the Linux version install to usr/local and XOTcl directories. If you want to install to these directions, just cd / tar xvfz xotcl-XXX.tar.gz otherwise: mkdir temp-xotcl cd temp-xotcl tar xvfz xotcl-XXX.tar.gz and then copy the file in temp-xotcl/usr/local to your installation destination and temp-dir/xotcl where you want to have the examples and documentation. If the packages can not be found, try to set the TCLLIBPATH. On Unix Systems: csh: setenv TCLLIBPATH "/usr/local/lib/xotcl-/ $(TCLLIBPATH)" bash: export TCLLIBPATH="/usr/local/lib/xotcl-/ $(TCLLIBPATH)" Windows Binary Release ---------------------- You need Tcl 8.3.1 installed properly. If necessary, get Tcl 8.3 for your system from web site: http://dev.scriptics.com/software/tcltk/downloadnow83.tml installer: http://dev.scriptics.com/download/tcl/tcl8_3/tcl832.exe Now check where Tcl is installed and what the name of the tclsh*.exe is. If you installed Tcl 8.3.1, the name is tclsh83.exe. On my system Tcl installs tclsh in c:\Programme\Tcl\bin (in English versions this is most likely under c:\Program Files\Tcl\bin). On my system the tcl installer adds this directory automatically to the search PATH; if this is not the case on your system, add this directory manually to your PATH (under NT or Win2K, use: Control Panel/System/.../Environment; MSDOS-class system use autoexec.bat to add this directory to the PATH variable by a line like SET PATH=c:\Progra~1\Tcl\bin;%PATH% ) and reboot. Now you should be able now to start the Tcl shell by typing "tclsh83". You will see the % prompt. To exit the shell, type "exit". The xotcl*.zip file contains the XOTcl distribution. Unzip the contents of the XOTcl zip file on c: to a directory "xotcl*." Open a DOS box window and change to the XOTcl win directory, like: c: cd \xotcl-\win Next, you have to invoke the installer: tclsh83 installWin.tcl The installer tries to install xotcl in the default directory "\Program~1\Tcl", which should at least work on English and German platforms (in English Windows distributions the program directory is called "Program Files", in German versions, it is called "Programme"). If you want to install XOTcl at a different you can specify the target directory as an argument of the installer: tclsh83 installWin.tcl /Programme/Tcl Now you should be able to use XOTcl by starting Tclsh and using: package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::* If XOTcl is not found on your system, you can set the TCLLIBPATH enviornment variable to the location of xotcl, e.g.: set TCLLIBPATH="C:/PROGRA~1/TCL/lib/xotcl" Please note the slashes, do not use backslashes here! You can test your installation with: XOTcl Tests: tclsh xotcl-/tests/testx.xotcl tclsh xotcl-/tests/testo.xotcl tclsh xotcl-/tests/speedtest.xotcl tclsh xotcl-/tests/xocomm.test tclsh xotcl-/tests/persistence.test tclsh xotcl-/tests/xoRDF.test More Infos ---------- More information can be found at: http://www.xotcl.org You can find a mailing list about XOTcl there as well. Please report bugs and problems to the authors under one of these email addresses: uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at, zdun@xotcl.org gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at, neumann@xotcl.org