#$Id: makeDoc.xotcl,v 1.6 2006/09/27 08:12:40 neumann Exp $ package require XOTcl 1.6 namespace import ::xotcl::* @ @File { description { Documentation tool for the XOTcl distribution.
Usage: 'makeDoc docdir filename ?filename ...?'
Called by Makefile. } } lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]] #package require xotcl::package #package verbose 1 package require -exact xotcl::xodoc 0.84 set fileList "" puts "XOTcl Documentation Tool" puts "------------------------" if {$argc > 1} { set DOCDIR [lindex $argv 0] puts "Documenting to directory $DOCDIR:" if {![file isdirectory $DOCDIR]} { file mkdir $DOCDIR } set files [lrange $argv 1 end] foreach file $files { puts "...$file" if {[catch {XODoc documentFileAsHTML $file $DOCDIR} fb]} { puts stderr "\terror processing $file:\n[string replace $::errorInfo 400 end ...]" } else { lappend fileList $file $fb } } } else { error "usage: xodoc docdir filename ?filename ...?" } set filesHtml "" set filesDir "" ## write index page foreach {f fb} $fileList { set dir . regexp {^(.*)/[^/]*$} $f _ dir if {$fb ne "langRef-xotcl"} { set tail ", " if {$dir != $filesDir} { append filesHtml "
  • Directory '$dir':
    " set filesDir $dir set tail "" } append filesHtml "$tail[file tail $f]" } } # # # XOTcl - Documentation # # #

    Lanuage Reference - Index

    set content { The Extended Object Tcl (XOTcl) Documentation contains the following parts:

    XOTcl Language Documentation

    Package and Script Documentation

    This section of the documentation is under work...

    Tcl Online Information

    } set content [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $content] set f [open $DOCDIR/index.html w] puts $f $content close $f puts "Documentation finished"