package require XOTcl package require xotcl::test Test parameter count 10 catch {::xotcl::configure cacheinterface true} ::xotcl::use xotcl2 ####################################################### # valuecheck ####################################################### Test case valuecheck Test parameter count 10000 #Test parameter count 10 Object create o1 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck object o1} 1 ? {::xotcl::is o1 object} 1 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck class o1} 0 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck class Test} 1 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck object,multivalued [list o1 Test]} 1 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck integer 1} 1 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck integer,multivalued [list 1 2 3]} 1 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck integer,multivalued [list 1 2 3 a]} 0 ? {::xotcl::valuecheck in1 aaa} {invalid value constraints "in1"} ####################################################### # objectparameter ####################################################### Test case objectparameter Test parameter count 10 Class create C -parameter {a {b:boolean} {c 1}} C create c1 ? {C eval {:objectparameter}} "-object-mixin:relation -mixin:relation,arg=class-mixin\ -superclass:relation -object-filter:relation -filter:relation,arg=filter-mixin\ -class:relation -parameter:method,optional -noinit:method,optional,noarg\ -volatile:method,optional,noarg arg:initcmd,optional" ? {c1 eval {:objectparameter}} \ "-a -b:boolean {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" ####################################################### # reclass to Object, no need to do anything on caching ####################################################### Test case reclass c1 class Object ? {c1 eval :objectparameter} "-mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" Class create D -superclass C -parameter {d:required} D create d1 -d 100 ? {d1 eval :objectparameter} \ "-d:required -a -b:boolean {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" ####################################################### # Add mixin ####################################################### Test case objparam-mixins Class create M -parameter {m1 m2 b} Class create M2 -parameter {b2} D mixin M ? {d1 eval :objectparameter} \ "-b -m1 -m2 -d:required -a {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" \ "mixin added" M mixin M2 ? {d1 eval :objectparameter} \ "-b2 -b -m1 -m2 -d:required -a {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" \ "transitive mixin added" D mixin "" #we should have again the old interface ? {d1 eval :objectparameter} \ "-d:required -a -b:boolean {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" C mixin M ? {d1 eval :objectparameter} \ "-b2 -b -m1 -m2 -d:required -a {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" \ "mixin added" C mixin "" #we should have again the old interface ? {d1 eval :objectparameter} \ "-d:required -a -b:boolean {-c 1} -mixin:relation,arg=object-mixin -filter:relation\ -class:relation -noinit:method,optional,noarg -volatile:method,optional,noarg\ arg:initcmd,optional" ####################################################### # test passed arguments ####################################################### Test case passed-arguments ? {catch {D create d1 -d 123}} 0 "create d1 with required argument given" ? {catch {D create d1}} 1 "create d1 without required argument given" ? {D create d1} "::d1 configure: required argument 'd' is missing" "check error msg" ? {D create d2 -d x -b a} \ {expected boolean value but got "a"} \ "create d2 without required argument given" D create d1 -d 1 D method foo {-b:boolean -r:required,int {-x:int aaa} {-object:object} {-class:class}} { #if {[info exists x]} {puts stderr x=$x} } ? {d1 foo} \ "::d1 foo: required argument 'r' is missing" \ "call method without a required argument" ? {d1 foo -r a} \ {expected integer but got "a"} \ "required argument is not integer" ? {d1 foo -r 1} \ {expected integer but got "aaa"} \ "default value is not of type integer" ? {d1 foo -r 1 -x 1 -object d1} \ "" \ "pass object" ? {d1 foo -r 1 -x 1 -object d11} \ {expected object but got "d11"} \ "pass non-existing object" ? {d1 foo -r 1 -x 1 -class D} \ "" \ "pass class" ? {d1 foo -r 1 -x 1 -class d1} \ {expected class but got "d1"} \ "pass object instead of class" ? {d1 foo -r 1 -x 1 -class D11} \ {expected class but got "D11"} \ "pass non-existing class" ? {D method foo {a:relation} {}} \ {Parameter option 'relation' not allowed} \ "don't allow relation option as method parameter" ####################################################### # non required positional arguments ####################################################### Test case non-reg-args D method foo {a b:optional c:optional} { return "[info exists a]-[info exists b]-[info exists c]" } ? {d1 foo 1 2} "1-1-0" "omit optional argument" ? {d1 foo 1} "1-0-0" "omit optional arguments" # non required positional arguments and args D method foo {a b:optional c:optional args} { return "[info exists a]-[info exists b]-[info exists c]-[info exists args]" } ? {d1 foo 1 2} "1-1-0-1" "omit optional argument" ? {d1 foo 1} "1-0-0-1" "omit optional arguments" ####################################################### # non required positional arguments ####################################################### Test case multivalued Object create o D method foo {m:integer,multivalued} { return $m } ? {d1 foo ""} "" "emtpy list" ? {d1 foo 1} "1" "single value" ? {d1 foo {1 2}} "1 2" "multiple values" ? {d1 foo {1 a 2}} \ {invalid value in "1 a 2": expected integer but got "a"} \ "multiple values with wrong value" D method foo {m:object,multivalued} { return $m } ? {d1 foo ""} "" "emtpy list" ? {d1 foo o} "o" "single value" ? {d1 foo {o d1 x}} \ {invalid value in "o d1 x": expected object but got "x"} \ "multiple values" Class create Foo -parameter { {ints:integer,multivalued} } ? {Foo create foo -ints {1 2}} "::foo" ? {Foo create foo -ints {1 a 2}} {invalid value in "1 a 2": expected integer but got "a"} Foo create foo -ints {1 2} ? {foo ints add 0} "0 1 2" ? {foo ints add a} {expected integer but got "a"} ####################################################### # subst default tests ####################################################### Test case subst-default D method bar { {-s:substdefault "[self]"} {-literal "[self]"} {-c:substdefault "[my c]"} {-d:integer,substdefault "$d"} } { return $s-$literal-$c-$d } ? {d1 bar -c 1} {::d1-[self]-1-1} "substdefault on method" Class create Bar -superclass D -parameter { {s "[self]"} {literal "\\[self\\]"} {c "[my info class]"} {d "$d"} } Bar create bar1 #puts stderr [bar1 objectparameter] ? {subst {[bar1 s]-[bar1 literal]-[bar1 c]-[bar1 d]}} \ {::bar1-[self]-::Bar-$d} \ "substdefault on object" # Observations: # 1) syntax for "-parameter" and method parameter is quite different. # it would be nice to be able to specify the objparameters in # the same syntax as the method parameters. # # 1a) Especially specifying "-" in front of a -parameter or not might # be confusing. # # 1b) Positional args for obj parameter and arguments for init # might be confusing as well. Should we forget about # passing arguments to init? # # 2) substdefault for '$' in -parameter defaults does not make much sense. # deactivated for now; otherwise we would need "\\" D method bar { {-s:substdefault "[self]"} {-literal "[self]"} {-c:substdefault "[my c]"} {-d:integer,substdefault "$d"} {-switch:switch} {-optflag} x y:integer {z 1} } { return $s-$literal-$c-$d } ? {D info method args bar} {s literal c d switch optflag x y z} "all args" ? {D info method parameter bar} \ {{-s:substdefault {[self]}} {-literal {[self]}} {-c:substdefault {[my c]}} {-d:integer,substdefault {$d}} {-switch:switch 0} -optflag x y:integer {z 1}} \ "query method parameter" D method foo {a b {-c 1} {-d} x {-end 100}} { set result [list] foreach v [[self class] info method args [self proc]] { lappend result $v [info exists $v] } return $result } ? {d1 foo 1 2 3} \ "a 1 b 1 c 1 d 0 x 1 end 1" \ "parse multiple groups of nonpos args" D method foo {a b c {end 100}} { set result [list] foreach v [[self class] info method args [self proc]] { lappend result $v [info exists $v] } return $result } ? {d1 foo 1 2 3} \ "a 1 b 1 c 1 end 1" \ "query arguments with default, no paramdefs needed" ####################################################### # Query method parameter ####################################################### Test case query-method-parameter ? {D info method parameter foo} \ "a b c {end 100}" \ "query instparams with default, no paramdefs needed" ? {Class info method parameter method} \ "name arguments body -precondition -postcondition" \ "query instparams for scripted method 'method'" ? {catch {Object info method parameter forward}} \ "1" \ "query parameter for C-defined method 'forward'" ? {Object info method parameter autoname} \ "-instance -reset name" \ "query parameter for C-defined method 'autoname'" # TODO: how to query the params/instparams of info subcommands? #? {::xotcl::objectInfo info params params} \ # "xxx" \ # "query instparams for info method 'params' method" ####################################################### # user defined parameter types ####################################################### Test case user-types # # create class and object for nonpositional argument processing Class create ::xotcl::ParameterType foreach cmd [info command ::xotcl::cmd::ParameterType::*] { ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::ParameterType [namespace tail $cmd] $cmd } # create an object for dispatching ::xotcl::ParameterType create ::xotcl::parameterType # create a userdefined type ::xotcl::parameterType method type=mytype {name value args} { if {$value < 1 || $value > 3} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name is not between 1 and 3" } } D method foo {a:mytype} { puts stderr a=$a } d1 foo 1 ? {d1 foo 10} \ "Value '10' of parameter a is not between 1 and 3" \ "invalid value" D method foo {a:unknowntype} { puts stderr a=$a } ? {d1 foo 10} \ "::xotcl::parameterType: unable to dispatch method 'type=unknowntype'" \ "missing type checker" # create a userdefined type with a simple argument ::xotcl::parameterType method type=in {name value arg} { if {$value ni [split $arg |]} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name not in permissible values $arg" } } D method foo {a:in,arg=a|b|c} { return a=$a } ? {d1 foo a} "a=a" ? {d1 foo 10} \ "Value '10' of parameter a not in permissible values a|b|c" \ "invalid value" D method foo {a:in,arg=a|b|c b:in,arg=good|bad {-c:in,arg=a|b a}} { return a=$a,b=$b,c=$c } ? {d1 foo a good -c b} "a=a,b=good,c=b" ? {d1 foo a good} "a=a,b=good,c=a" ? {d1 foo b "very good"} \ "Value 'very good' of parameter b not in permissible values good|bad" \ "invalid value (not included)" ::xotcl::parameterType method type=range {name value arg} { foreach {min max} [split $arg -] break if {$value < $min || $value > $max} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name not between $min and $max" } } D method foo {a:range,arg=1-3 {-b:range,arg=2-6 3} c:range,arg=5-10} { return a=$a,b=$b,c=$c } ? {d1 foo 2 -b 4 9} "a=2,b=4,c=9" ? {d1 foo 2 10} "a=2,b=3,c=10" ? {d1 foo 2 11} \ "Value '11' of parameter c not between 5 and 10" \ "invalid value" # define type twice ? {D method foo {a:int,range,arg=1-3} {return a=$a}} \ "Refuse to redefine parameter converter to use usertype" \ "invalid value" # # handling of arg with spaces/arg as list # ::xotcl::parameterType method type=list {name value arg} { #puts $value/$arg } # handling spaces in "arg" is not not particular nice D method foo {{"-a:list,arg=2 6" 3} {"b:list,arg=5 10"}} { return a=$a,b=$b } ? {d1 foo -a 2 10} "a=2,b=10" ####################################################### # testing object types in method parameters ####################################################### Test case mp-object-types Class create M D create d1 -d 1 C create c1 -mixin M Object create o # ::xotcl::is supports predicates for objects # # ::xotcl::is object # ::xotcl::is type # ::xotcl::is class # ::xotcl::is baseclass # ::xotcl::is metaclass # ::xotcl::is mixin # # Map these to type checkers. "object" and "class" # are already predefined, define the rest. # TODO: should go finally to predefined. ::xotcl::parameterType method type=type {name value arg} { if {![::xotcl::is $value type $arg]} { error "Value '$value' of $name of not of type $arg" } } ::xotcl::parameterType method type=mixin {name value arg} { if {![::xotcl::is $value mixin $arg]} { error "Value '$value' of $name has not mixin $arg" } } ::xotcl::parameterType method type=baseclass {name value} { if {![::xotcl::is $value baseclass]} { error "Value '$value' of $name is not a baseclass" } } ::xotcl::parameterType method type=metaclass {name value} { if {![::xotcl::is $value metaclass]} { error "Value '$value' of $name is not a metaclass" } } D method foo-base {x:baseclass} {return $x} D method foo-class {x:class} {return $x} D method foo-object {x:object} {return $x} D method foo-meta {x:metaclass} {return $x} D method foo-mixin {x:mixin,arg=::M} {return $x} D method foo-type {x:type,arg=::C} {return $x} ? {d1 foo-base ::xotcl2::Object} "::xotcl2::Object" ? {d1 foo-base C} \ "Value 'C' of x is not a baseclass" \ "not a base class" ? {d1 foo-class D} "D" ? {d1 foo-class xxx} \ {expected class but got "xxx"} \ "not a class" ? {d1 foo-class o} \ {expected class but got "o"} \ "not a class" ? {d1 foo-meta ::xotcl2::Class} "::xotcl2::Class" ? {d1 foo-meta ::xotcl2::Object} \ "Value '::xotcl2::Object' of x is not a metaclass" \ "not a base class" ? {d1 foo-mixin c1} "c1" ? {d1 foo-mixin o} \ "Value 'o' of x has not mixin ::M" \ "does not have mixin M" ? {d1 foo-object o} "o" ? {d1 foo-object xxx} \ {expected object but got "xxx"} \ "not an object" ? {d1 foo-type d1} "d1" ? {d1 foo-type c1} "c1" ? {d1 foo-type o} \ "Value 'o' of x of not of type ::C" \ "o not of type ::C" ####################################################### # testing object types in object parameters ####################################################### Test case op-object-types Class create M D create d1 -d 1 C create c1 -mixin M Object create o Class create ParamTest -parameter { o:object c:class d:type,arg=D m:metaclass mix:mixin,arg=M b:baseclass } ? {ParamTest create p -o o} ::p ? {ParamTest create p -o xxx} \ {expected object but got "xxx"} \ "not an object" ? {ParamTest create p -mix c1} ::p ? {ParamTest create p -mix o} \ "Value 'o' of mix has not mixin M" \ "does not have mixin M" # TODO: naming "type" and "mixin" not perfect. # maybe "type" => "hastype" # maybe "mixin" => "hasmixin" # => effects as well ::xotcl::is # # TODO (optimization): optimizer can improve parameter checking: # (a) simple approach: make scripted setter methods on domain # (b) maybe nicer: provide arguments to c-setter to # pass parameter definition # # TODO: error messages for failed conversions are not consistent # should happen, when all kind of parameters finally settled # ? {p o o} \ "o" \ "value is an object" ? {p o xxx} \ {expected object but got "xxx"} \ "value is not an object" ParamTest slots { ::xotcl::Attribute create os -type object -multivalued true } ? {p os o} \ "o" \ "value is a list of objects (1 element)" ? {p os {o c1 d1}} \ "o c1 d1" \ "value is a list of objects (multiple elements)" ? {p os {o xxx d1}} \ {invalid value in "o xxx d1": expected object but got "xxx"} \ "list with invalid object" ## TODO regression test for type checking, parameter options (initcmd, ## substdefault, combinations with defaults, ...), etc. puts stderr =====END