# -*- Tcl -*- # # This script is sourced by the C-code generator gentclAPI.tcl in the # same directory # namespaces for types of methods array set ns { xotclCmd "::xotcl" objectMethod "::xotcl::cmd::Object" classMethod "::xotcl::cmd::Class" checkMethod "::xotcl::cmd::ParameterType" infoClassMethod "::xotcl::cmd::ClassInfo" infoObjectMethod "::xotcl::cmd::ObjectInfo" } # # XOTcl commands # xotclCmd alias XOTclAliasCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "methodName"} {-argName "-nonleaf"} {-argName "-objscope"} {-argName "cmdName" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd assertion XOTclAssertionCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "assertionsubcmd" -required 1 -type "check|object-invar|class-invar"} {-argName "arg" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd configure XOTclConfigureCmd { {-argName "configureoption" -required 1 -type "filter|softrecreate|cacheinterface|objectsystems"} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd createobjectsystem XOTclCreateObjectSystemCmd { {-argName "rootClass" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "rootMetaClass" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd deprecated XOTclDeprecatedCmd { {-argName "what" -required 1} {-argName "oldCmd" -required 1} {-argName "newCmd" -required 0} } xotclCmd dispatch XOTclDispatchCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-objscope"} {-argName "command" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd dotdot XOTclDotDotCmd { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } xotclCmd dot XOTclDotCmd { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } xotclCmd exists XOTclExistsCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "var" -required 1} } xotclCmd finalize XOTclFinalizeObjCmd { } xotclCmd forward XOTclForwardCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "method" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-default" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-earlybinding"} {-argName "-methodprefix" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-objscope"} {-argName "-onerror" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-verbose"} {-argName "target" -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd importvar XOTclImportvarCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd interp XOTclInterpObjCmd { {-argName "name"} {-argName "args" -type allargs} } xotclCmd is XOTclIsCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "objectkind" -type "type|object|class|baseclass|metaclass|mixin"} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd method XOTclMethodCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-inner-namespace"} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "-public"} {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "body" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-precondition" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-postcondition" -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd methodproperty XOTclMethodPropertyCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "methodName" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "methodproperty" -required 1 -type "protected|redefine-protected|slotobj"} {-argName "value" -type tclobj} } xotclCmd my XOTclMyCmd { {-argName "-local"} {-argName "method" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type args} } xotclCmd namespace_copycmds XOTclNSCopyCmds { {-argName "fromNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "toNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd namespace_copyvars XOTclNSCopyVars { {-argName "fromNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "toNs" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd __qualify XOTclQualifyObjCmd { {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd relation XOTclRelationCmd { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "relationtype" -required 1 -type "object-mixin|class-mixin|object-filter|class-filter|class|superclass|rootclass"} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd self XOTclGetSelfObjCmd { {-argName "selfoption" -required 0 -type "proc|class|activelevel|args|activemixin|calledproc|calledmethod|calledclass|callingproc|callingclass|callinglevel|callingobject|filterreg|isnextcall|next"} } xotclCmd setinstvar XOTclSetInstvarCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "variable" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } xotclCmd setter XOTclSetterCmd { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-per-object"} {-argName "methodName" -required 1} } xotclCmd valuecheck XOTclValuecheckCmd { {-argName "param" -type tclobj} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } # # object methods # objectMethod autoname XOTclOAutonameMethod { {-argName "-instance"} {-argName "-reset"} {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} } objectMethod cleanup XOTclOCleanupMethod { } objectMethod configure XOTclOConfigureMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } objectMethod destroy XOTclODestroyMethod { } objectMethod exists XOTclOExistsMethod { {-argName "var" -required 1} } objectMethod filterguard XOTclOFilterGuardMethod { {-argName "filter" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } objectMethod filtersearch XOTclOFilterSearchMethod { {-argName "filter" -required 1} } objectMethod instvar XOTclOInstVarMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } objectMethod mixinguard XOTclOMixinGuardMethod { {-argName "mixin" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } objectMethod __next XOTclONextMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } objectMethod noinit XOTclONoinitMethod { } objectMethod requireNamespace XOTclORequireNamespaceMethod { } objectMethod residualargs XOTclOResidualargsMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } objectMethod uplevel XOTclOUplevelMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } objectMethod upvar XOTclOUpvarMethod { {-argName "args" -type allargs} } objectMethod volatile XOTclOVolatileMethod { } objectMethod vwait XOTclOVwaitMethod { {-argName "varname" -required 1} } # # class methods # classMethod alloc XOTclCAllocMethod { {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} } classMethod create XOTclCCreateMethod { {-argName "name" -required 1} {-argName "args" -type allargs} } classMethod dealloc XOTclCDeallocMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type tclobj} } classMethod new XOTclCNewMethod { {-argName "-childof" -type object -nrargs 1} {-argName "args" -required 0 -type args} } classMethod filterguard XOTclCFilterGuardMethod { {-argName "filter" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } classMethod mixinguard XOTclCMixinGuardMethod { {-argName "mixin" -required 1} {-argName "guard" -required 1 -type tclobj} } classMethod __invalidateobjectparameter XOTclCInvalidateObjectParameterMethod { } classMethod recreate XOTclCRecreateMethod { {-argName "name" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "args" -type allargs} } # # check methods # checkMethod required XOTclCheckRequiredArgs { {-argName "name" -required 1} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } checkMethod boolean XOTclCheckBooleanArgs { {-argName "name" -required 1} {-argName "value" -required 0 -type tclobj} } # # info object methods # infoObjectMethod children XOTclObjInfoChildrenMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod class XOTclObjInfoClassMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} } infoObjectMethod filter XOTclObjInfoFilterMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-order"} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoObjectMethod filterguard XOTclObjInfoFilterguardMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "filter" -required 1} } infoObjectMethod forward XOTclObjInfoForwardMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-definition"} {-argName "name"} } infoObjectMethod hasnamespace XOTclObjInfoHasnamespaceMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} } infoObjectMethod method XOTclObjInfoMethodMethod { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "infomethodsubcmd" -type "args|definition|name|parameter|type|precondition|postcondition"} {-argName "name"} } ### TODO move finally to infoclassmethod infoClassMethod method XOTclClassInfoMethodMethod { {-argName "class" -type class} {-argName "infomethodsubcmd" -type "args|body|definition|name|parameter|type|precondition|postcondition"} {-argName "name"} } infoObjectMethod callable XOTclObjInfoCallableMethod { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "-which"} {-argName "-methodtype" -nrargs 1 -type "all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter"} {-argName "-callprotection" -nrargs 1 -type "all|protected|public" -default all} {-argName "-application"} {-argName "-nomixins"} {-argName "-incontext"} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod methods XOTclObjInfoMethodsMethod { {-argName "object" -type object} {-argName "-methodtype" -nrargs 1 -type "all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter"} {-argName "-callprotection" -nrargs 1 -type "all|protected|public" -default public} {-argName "-nomixins"} {-argName "-incontext"} {-argName "pattern"} } ### TODO move finally to infoclassmethod infoClassMethod methods XOTclClassInfoMethodsMethod { {-argName "object" -type class} {-argName "-methodtype" -nrargs 1 -type "all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter"} {-argName "-callprotection" -nrargs 1 -type "all|protected|public" -default public} {-argName "-nomixins"} {-argName "-incontext"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoObjectMethod mixin XOTclObjInfoMixinMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "-order"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoObjectMethod mixinguard XOTclObjInfoMixinguardMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "mixin" -required 1} } infoObjectMethod parent XOTclObjInfoParentMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} } infoObjectMethod precedence XOTclObjInfoPrecedenceMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "-intrinsic"} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod slotobjects XOTclObjInfoSlotObjectsMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } infoObjectMethod vars XOTclObjInfoVarsMethod { {-argName "object" -required 1 -type object} {-argName "pattern" -required 0} } # # info class methods # infoClassMethod heritage XOTclClassInfoHeritageMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "pattern"} } infoClassMethod instances XOTclClassInfoInstancesMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod filter XOTclClassInfoFilterMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "pattern"} } infoClassMethod filterguard XOTclClassInfoFilterguardMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "filter" -required 1} } infoClassMethod forward XOTclClassInfoForwardMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-definition"} {-argName "name"} } infoClassMethod mixin XOTclClassInfoMixinMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "-guards"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod mixinguard XOTclClassInfoMixinguardMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "mixin" -required 1} } infoClassMethod class-mixin-of XOTclClassInfoClassMixinOfMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod object-mixin-of XOTclClassInfoObjectMixinOfMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod parameter XOTclClassInfoParameterMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} } infoClassMethod slots XOTclClassInfoSlotsMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} } infoClassMethod subclass XOTclClassInfoSubclassMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type objpattern} } infoClassMethod superclass XOTclClassInfoSuperclassMethod { {-argName "class" -required 1 -type class} {-argName "-closure"} {-argName "pattern" -type tclobj} }