#$Id: composite.xotcl,v 2004/05/23 22:50:39 neumann Exp $ Class Composite -superclass Class Composite metadata add description @ @File { description { Simple composite pattern meta-class taken from the paper 'Filters as a Language Support for Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Scripting Languages'. } } Composite instproc addOperations args { foreach op $args { if {![my exists operations($op)]} { my set operations($op) $op } } } Composite instproc removeOperations args { foreach op $args { if {![my exists operations($op)]} { my unset operations($op) } } } Composite instproc compositeFilter args { # get the operations class variable from the object's class set registrationclass [lindex [self filterreg] 0] $registrationclass instvar operations # get the request set r [self calledproc] puts ***compositeFilter--${r}--[self] # check if the request is a registered operation if {[info exists operations($r)]} { foreach object [my info children] { # forward request eval $object $r $args } } return [next] } Composite instproc init {args} { my array set operations {} next my instfilterappend compositeFilter }