# -*- Tcl -*- # # testing var resolution # package require nx package require nx::test ::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection false ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object objeval -frame object ::eval ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object array -frame object ::array ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object lappend -frame object ::lappend ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object incr -frame object ::incr ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object set -frame object ::set ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object unset -frame object ::unset ########################################### # Basic tests for var resolution under # per-object namespaces ... ########################################### nx::test case globals set ::globalVar 1 nx::Object create o o require namespace ? {o info vars} "" ? {info exists ::globalVar} 1 ? {set ::globalVar} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :globalVar}} 0 ? {o array exists globalVar} 0 o array set globalVar {1 2} ? {o eval {info exists :globalVar}} 1 ? {o info vars} globalVar ? {o array exists globalVar} 1 ? {set ::globalVar} 1 ? {o set globalVar(1)} 2 o destroy unset ::globalVar ########################################### # scopes ########################################### nx::test case scopes nx::Object create o nx::Object create o2 {set :i 1} o objeval { # require an namespace within an objscoped frame; it is necessary to replace # vartables on the stack :require namespace global g ::nsf::var::import o2 i set x 1 set :y 2 set ::z 3 set [current]::X 4 set g 1 set :a(:b) 1 set :a(::c) 1 } ? {::nsf::var::import o2 j} \ "importvar cannot import variable 'j' into method scope; not called from a method frame" o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::import [current] :a} ? {o foo} "variable name \":a\" must not contain namespace separator or colon prefix" o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::import [current] ::a} ? {o foo} "variable name \"::a\" must not contain namespace separator or colon prefix" o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::import [current] a(:b)} ? {o foo} "can't make instance variable a(:b) on ::o: Variable cannot be an element in an array; use e.g. an alias." o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::import [current] {a(:b) ab}} ? {o foo} "" o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::exists [current] ::a} ? {o foo} "variable name \"::a\" must not contain namespace separator or colon prefix" o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::exists [current] a(:b)} ? {o foo} 1 o object method foo {} {::nsf::var::exists [current] a(::c)} ? {o foo} 1 set ::o::Y 5 ? {info vars ::x} "" ? {info exists ::z} 1 ? {set ::z} 3 ? {lsort [o info vars]} {X Y a g i x y} ? {o eval {info exists :x}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :y}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :z}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :X}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :Y}} 1 ? {o set y} 2 ? {set ::g} 1 o destroy o2 destroy unset ::z unset ::g # like the example above, but with the non-leaf initcmd nx::Object create o2 {set :i 1} nx::Object create o { :require namespace global g ::nsf::var::import o2 i set x 1 set :y 2 set ::z 3 set [current]::X 4 set g 1 } set ::o::Y 5 ? {info vars ::x} "" ? {info exists ::z} 1 ? {set ::z} 3 ? {lsort [o info vars]} {X Y y} ? {o eval {info exists :x}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :y}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :z}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :X}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :Y}} 1 ? {o set y} 2 ? {set ::g} 1 o destroy o2 destroy unset ::z unset ::g foreach v {::x ::z ::g} {unset -nocomplain $v} ########################################### # var exists tests ########################################### nx::test case exists { set y 1 nx::Object create o {set :x 1} o object method foo {} {info exists :x} o object method bar {} {info exists :y} ? {o eval {info exists :x}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :y}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists x}} 0 ? {o foo} 1 ? {o bar} 0 ? {::nx::var exists o x} 1 ? {::nx::var exists o y} 0 ? {::nx::var exists o :x} {variable name ":x" must not contain namespace separator or colon prefix} ? {::nx::var exists o :y} {variable name ":y" must not contain namespace separator or colon prefix} ? {::nx::var set o y 2} 2 ? {::nx::var exists o y} 1 ? {::nx::var set o :y 2} {variable name ":y" must not contain namespace separator or colon prefix} } ########################################### # mix & match namespace and object interfaces ########################################### nx::test case namespaces nx::Object create o o require namespace o set x 1 ? {namespace eval ::o {set x}} 1 ? {::o set x} 1 ? {namespace eval ::o {set x 3}} 3 ? {::o set x} 3 ? {namespace eval ::o {info exists x}} 1 ? {::o unset x} "" ? {::nsf::var::exists o x} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :x}} 0 ? {info vars ::x} "" ? {namespace eval ::o {info exists x}} 0 o lappend y 3 ? {namespace eval ::o {llength y}} 1 ? {namespace eval ::o {unset y}} "" ? {o eval {info exists :y}} 0 o destroy ########################################### # array-specific tests ########################################### nx::test case namespaces-array nx::Object create o o require namespace ? {o array exists a} 0 ? {namespace eval ::o array exists a} 0 o array set a {1 2 3 4 5 6} ? {o array exists a} 1 ? {namespace eval ::o array exists a} 1 ? {namespace eval ::o array names a} [::o array names a] ? {namespace eval ::o array size a} [::o array size a] ? {o set a(1) 7} 7 ? {namespace eval ::o array get a 1} {1 7} ? {namespace eval ::o set a(1) 2} 2 ? {o array get a 1} {1 2} ? {::o unset a} "" ? {::o array unset a} "" ? {o array exists a} 0 ? {namespace eval ::o array exists a} 0 o destroy ########################################### # tests on namespace-qualified var names ########################################### nx::test case namespaced-var-names nx::Object create o o require namespace nx::Object create o::oo o::oo require namespace ? {::o set ::x 1} 1 ? {info exists ::x} [set ::x] ? {catch {unset ::x}} 0 ? {::o set ::o::x 1} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :x}} [::o set ::o::x] ? {namespace eval ::o unset x} "" ? {o eval {info exists x}} 0 # Note, relatively qualified var names (not prefixed with ::*) # are always resolved relative to the per-object namespace ? {catch {::o set o::x 1} msg} 1 ? {::o set oo::x 1} 1 ? {o::oo eval {info exists :x}} [::o set oo::x] ? {o unset oo::x} "" ? {o::oo eval {info exists :x}} 0 o destroy ########################################### # tests on namespace-qualified on objects # without namespaces ########################################### # the tests below fail. We could consider # to require namespaces on the fly in the future #nx::Object create o #? {::o set ::o::x 1} 1 #? {o exists x} [::o set ::o::x] #? {namespace eval ::o unset x} "" #? {o exists x} 0 #? {::o set o::x 1} 1 #? {o exists x} [::o set o::x] #? {namespace eval ::o unset x} "" #? {o exists x} 0 #o destroy ############################################### # tests for the compiled var resolver on Object ############################################### nx::test case var-resolver-object nx::Object create o o object method foo {x} {set :y 2; return ${:x},${:y}} o object method bar {} {return ${:x},${:y}} o set x 1 ? {o foo 1} "1,2" "create var y and fetch var x" ? {o bar} "1,2" "fetch two instance variables" ? {o info vars} "x y" # recreate object, check var caching; # we have to recreate bar, so no problem nx::Object create o o set x 1 o object method bar {} {return ${:x},${:y}} ? {catch {o bar}} "1" "compiled var y should not exist" o destroy ############################################### # tests for the compiled var resolver on Class ############################################### nx::test case var-resolver-class nx::Class create C {:property {x 1}} C create c1 C method foo {x} {set :y 2; return ${:x},${:y}} C method bar {} {return ${:x},${:y}} ? {c1 info vars} "x" ? {c1 foo 1} "1,2" "create var y and fetch var x" ? {c1 bar} "1,2" "fetch two instance variables" ? {c1 info vars} "x y" # recreate object, check var caching; # we do not have to recreate bar, compiled var persists, # change must be detected C create c1 #puts stderr "after recreate" ? {catch {c1 bar}} "1" "compiled var y should not exist" ? {c1 info vars} "x" c1 destroy C destroy ############################################### # tests for the compiled var resolver with eval ############################################### nx::test case compiled-var-resolver nx::Class create C {:property {x 1}} C create c1 C method foo {x} { set :y 2; eval "set :z 3" return ${:x},${:y},${:z} } ? {c1 info vars} "x" ? {c1 foo 1} "1,2,3" ? {c1 info vars} "x y z" C create c1 ? {c1 info vars} "x" C method foo {x} { set cmd set lappend cmd :y lappend cmd 100 eval $cmd return $x,${:y} } C method bar {} {return [info exists :x],[info exists :y]} C method bar2 {} {if {[info exists :x]} {set :x 1000}; return [info exists :x],[info exists :y]} ? {c1 foo 1} "1,100" ? {c1 bar} "1,1" ? {c1 bar2} "1,1" c1 unset x ? {c1 bar2} "0,1" c1 destroy C destroy ############################################### # tests with array ############################################### nx::Class create C C create c1 C method foo {} { array set :a {a 1 b 2 c 3} set :z 100 } ? {c1 info vars} "" c1 foo ? {lsort [c1 info vars]} {a z} ############################################### # tests for the var resolver ############################################### nx::test case var-resolver nx::Class create C C method bar0 {} {return ${:x}} C method bar1 {} {set a ${:x}; return [info exists :x],[info exists :y]} C method bar2 {} {return [info exists :x],[info exists :y]} C method foo {} { array set :a {a 1 b 2 c 3} set :z 100 } C create c1 c1 set x 100 ? {c1 bar0} 100 "single compiled local" ? {c1 bar1} 1,0 "lookup one compiled var and one non-existing" ? {c1 bar2} 1,0 "lookup one non compiled var and one non-existing" C create c2 ? {c2 bar2} 0,0 "lookup two one non-existing, first access to varTable" c1 foo ? {lsort [c1 info vars]} "a x z" "array variable set via resolver" ? {lsort [c1 array names a]} "a b c" "array looks ok" ############################################### # first tests for the cmd resolver ############################################### nx::Class create C C method bar {args} { #puts stderr "[current] bar called with [list $args]" return $args } C forward test %self bar C method foo {} { # this works lappend :r [:bar x 1] lappend :r [:test a b c] # these kind of works, but vars are nowhere.... :set x 1 :incr x 1 :incr x 1 return [lappend :r ${:x}] } C create c3 ? {c3 foo} "{x 1} {a b c} 3" ############################################### # refined tests for the var resolver under # Tcl namespaces parallelling XOTcl objects # (! not declared through require namespace !) # e.g., "info has namespace" reports 0 rather # than 1 as under "require namespace" ############################################### set ::w 1 array set ::tmpArray {key value} nx::Class create ::C ::nsf::method::alias ::C Set -frame object ::set ::nsf::method::alias ::C Unset -frame object ::unset ::C create ::c namespace eval ::c {} ? {namespace exists ::c} 1 ? {::nsf::object::exists ::c} 1 ? {::c info has namespace} 0 ? {::c Set w 2; expr {[::c Set w] == $::w}} 0 ? {::c Unset w; info exists ::w} 1 ? {::c Set tmpArray(key) value2; expr {[::c Set tmpArray(key)] == $::tmpArray(key)}} 0 ? {::c Unset tmpArray(key); info exists ::tmpArray(key)} 1 ::c destroy ::C destroy unset ::w unset ::tmpArray ################################################## # Testing aliases for eval with and without # -varscope flags and with a # required namespace and without ################################################## nx::test case eval-variants ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object objeval -frame object ::eval ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object softeval -frame method ::eval ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object softeval2 ::eval set G 1 nx::Object create o { set xxx 1 set :x 1 ? {info exists G} 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :x}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :xxx}} 0 ? {info exists ::xxx} 0 unset -nocomplain ::xxx # eval does an objcope, all vars are instance variables; can access preexisting global vars o objeval { set aaa 1 set :a 1 ? {info exists G} 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :a}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :aaa}} 1 ? {info exists ::aaa} 0 unset -nocomplain ::aaa # softeval (with -nonleaf) behaves like the initcmd and sets just # instance variables via resolver. o softeval { set bbb 1 set :b 1 ? {info exists G} 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :b}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :bbb}} 0 ? {info vars ::bbb} "" unset -nocomplain ::bbb # softeval2 never sets instance variables o softeval2 { set zzz 1 set :z 1 ? {info exists G} 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :z}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :zzz}} 0 ? {info vars ::zzz} ::zzz unset -nocomplain ::zzz ? {lsort [o info vars]} "a aaa b x" o destroy # now with an object namespace nx::Object create o o require namespace # objeval does an objcope, all vars are instance variables o objeval { set ccc 1 set :c 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :c}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :ccc}} 1 # softeval behaves like the creation initcmd (just set dot vars) o softeval { set ddd 1 set :d 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :d}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :ddd}} 0 # softeval2 never sets variables o softeval2 { set zzz 1 set :z 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :z}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :zzz}} 0 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "c ccc d" o destroy ################################################################# # The same as above, but with some global vars. The global vars # should not influence the behavior on instance variables ################################################################# nx::test case with-global-vars foreach var {.x x xxx :a a aaa :b b bbb :c c ccc :d d ddd :z z zzz} {set $var 1} nx::Object create o { set xxx 1 set :x 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :x}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :xxx}} 0 # objeval does an objcope, all vars are instance variables o objeval { set aaa 1 set :a 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :a}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :aaa}} 1 # softeval should behave like the creation initcmd (just set dot vars) o softeval { set bbb 1 set :b 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :b}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :bbb}} 0 # softeval2 never sets instance variables o softeval2 { set zzz 1 set :z 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :z}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :zzz}} 0 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "a aaa b x" o destroy # now with namespace nx::Object create o o require namespace # eval does an objcope, all vars are instance variables o objeval { set ccc 1 set :c 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :c}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :ccc}} 1 # softeval2 should behave like the creation initcmd (just set dot vars) o softeval { set ddd 1 set :d 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :d}} 1 ? {o eval {info exists :ddd}} 0 # softeval2 never sets variables o softeval2 { set zzz 1 set :z 1 } ? {o eval {info exists :z}} 0 ? {o eval {info exists :zzz}} 0 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "c ccc d" o destroy ################################################## # Test with proc scopes ################################################## nx::test case proc-scopes ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object objscoped-eval -frame object ::eval ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object nonleaf-eval -frame method ::eval ::nsf::method::alias ::nx::Object plain-eval ::eval proc foo-via-initcmd {} { foreach v {x xxx} {unset -nocomplain ::$v} set p 1 nx::Object create o { set xxx 1 set :x 1 set ::result G=[info exists G],p=[info exists p] } return [o eval {info exists :x}]-[o eval {info exists :xxx}]-[info exists x]-[info exists xxx]-[info exists ::x]-[info exists ::xxx]-$::result } proc foo {type} { foreach v {x xxx} {unset -nocomplain ::$v} set p 1 nx::Object create o o $type { set xxx 1 set :x 1 set ::result G=[info exists G],p=[info exists p] } return [o eval {info exists :x}]-[o eval {info exists :xxx}]-[info exists x]-[info exists xxx]-[info exists ::x]-[info exists ::xxx]-$::result } proc foo-tcl {what} { foreach v {x xxx} {unset -nocomplain ::$v} set p 1 set body { set xxx 1 set :x 1 set ::result G=[info exists G],p=[info exists p] } switch $what { eval {eval $body} ns-eval {namespace eval [namespace current] $body} } return [o eval {info exists :x}]-[o eval {info exists :xxx}]-[info exists x]-[info exists xxx]-[info exists ::x]-[info exists ::xxx]-$::result } set G 1 ? {foo-via-initcmd} 1-0-0-0-0-0-G=0,p=0 ? {foo nonleaf-eval} 1-0-0-0-0-0-G=0,p=0 ? {foo objscoped-eval} 1-1-0-0-0-0-G=0,p=0 ? {foo plain-eval} 0-0-0-1-0-0-G=0,p=1 ? {foo-tcl eval} 0-0-0-1-0-0-G=0,p=1 ? {foo-tcl ns-eval} 0-0-0-0-0-1-G=1,p=0 ################################################## # dotCmd tests ################################################## nx::test case dotcmd set C 0 proc bar {} {incr ::C} nx::Class create Foo { :method init {} {set :c 0} :method callDot1 {} {:bar} :method callDot2 {} {:bar} :method callDot3 {} {:bar; ::bar; :bar} :method bar {} {incr :c} } Foo create f1 f1 callDot1 ? {set ::C} 0 ? {f1 eval {set :c}} 1 # call via callback after 1 {f1 callDot2} after 10 {set ::X 1} vwait X # # Test vwait with colon variable and vwait method # nx::Object create o { set :x 0 :public object method foo {} {incr :x} :public object method vwait {varName} { if {[regexp {:[^:]*} $varName]} { error "invalid varName '$varName'; only plain or fully qualified variable names allowed" } if {[string match ::* $varName]} { ::vwait $varName } else { ::vwait :$varName } } # # Tcl vwait command with instance variable # after 10 {o foo} #puts stderr ===waiting vwait :x #puts stderr ===waiting-DONE # # vwait method # after 10 {o foo} #puts stderr ===waiting :vwait x #puts stderr ===waiting-DONE ? {o vwait :x} {invalid varName ':x'; only plain or fully qualified variable names allowed} } o destroy ? {set ::C} 0 ? {f1 eval {set :c}} 2 # call via callback, call :bar via .. from method after 1 {f1 callDot3} after 10 {set ::X 2} vwait X ? {set ::C} 1 ? {f1 eval {set :c}} 4 ################################################## # test for namespace resolver ################################################## nx::test case nsresolver namespace eval module { nx::Class create C nx::Class create M1 nx::Class create M2 C mixin set M1 ? {::nsf::relation::get C class-mixin} "::module::M1" C mixin add M2 ? {::nsf::relation::get C class-mixin} "::module::M2 ::module::M1" } ################################################## # test setting of instance variables for # objects with namespaces in and outside # of an eval (one case uses compiler) ################################################## nx::test case alias-dot-resolver-interp # outside of eval scope (interpreted) nx::Class create V { set :Z 1 set ZZZ 1 :method bar {z} { return $z } :object method bar {z} { return $z } :create v { set zzz 2 set :z 2 } } ? {lsort [V info vars]} {Z} ? {lsort [v info vars]} {z} # dot-resolver/ dot-dispatcher used in aliased proc nx::test case alias-dot-resolver { nx::Class create V { set :Z 1 set ZZZ 1 :method bar {z} { return $z } :object method bar {z} { return $z } :create v { set :z 2 set zzz 2 } } ? {lsort [V info vars]} {Z} ? {lsort [v info vars]} {z} } # # test [info vars] in eval method # nx::test case info-vars-in-eval { nx::Object create o ? {o eval { set x 1 expr {[info vars "x"] eq "x"} }} 1 } # # test for former crash when variable is used in connection with # prefixed variables # nx::test case tcl-variable-cmd { nx::Object create o { :public object method ? {varname} {info exists :$varname} :public object method bar args { variable :a set a 3 variable b set b 3 variable c 1 variable :d 1 :info vars } } ? {o bar} "" ? {o ? a} 0 ? {o ? b} 0 ? {o ? c} 0 ? {o ? d} 0 ? {lsort [o info vars]} "" o eval {set :a 1} ? {o ? a} 1 ? {lsort [o info vars]} a } nx::test case interactions { # SS: Adding an exemplary test destilled from the behaviour observed # for AOLserver vs. NaviServer when introspecting object variables # by means of the colon-resolver interface. It exemplifies the (by now # resolved for good) interactions between: (a) the compiling and # non-compiling var resolvers and (b) compiled and non-compiled # script execution nx::Object create ::o { :public object method bar {} { # 1. creates a proc-local, compiled var "type" set type 1 # 2. at compile time: create a proc-local, compiled link-var ":type" info exists :type # 3. at (unoptimised) interpretation time: bypasses compiled link-var # ":type" (invokeStr instruction; a simple eval), does a var # lookup with ":type", handled by InterpColonVarResolver(); # CompiledLocalsLookup() receives the var name (i.e., ":type") # and finds the proc-local compiled var ":type" (actually a link # variable to the actual/real object variable). eval {info exists :type}; # Note! A [info exists :type] would have been optimised on the # bytecode fastpath (i.e., existsScalar instruction) and would # use the compiled-local link-var ":type" directly (without # visiting InterpColonVarResolver()!) } } ? {o bar} 0 # # document compile-time var resolver side effects: link variables # # At compile time, the compile-time var resolver looks up (and # creates) object variables for the colon-prefixed vars processed: # ":u" -> "u", ":v" -> "v"; hence, the resolver always returns a # Var structure! As a consequence, the compiler emits # colon-prefixed *link* variables (either in state "undefined" or # "defined", depending on providing a value or not) into the # compiled local array (e.g., ":u"), as proxies pointing to the # actual object variables (e.g., "u"). # # Consequences: These link vars are visible through introspection # sensible to created vars (rather than defined/undefined var # states) in compiled scripts ([info vars] vs. [info locals]). This # resembles [upvar]-created local link vars, yet it does not # intuitively compare with the [set]/[unset] behaviour on # non-prefixed, ordinary variables from the angle of # introspection. Also, this constitutes an observable behavioural # difference between compiled and non-compiled scripts ... set script { # early probing: reflects the compiled-only, unexecuted state set _ [join [list {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] [info locals :*] \ [info exists :u] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] u] \ [info exists :v] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] v] \ [info exists :x] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] x]] "-"] catch {set :u} set :v 1 unset :x # late probing: reflects the (ideally) compiled, *executed* state append _ | [join [list {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] [info locals :*] \ [info exists :u] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] u] \ [info exists :v] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] v] \ [info exists :x] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] x]] "-"] return $_ } # compiled execution o public object method baz {} $script o eval {set :x 1; unset -nocomplain :v} ? {o baz} :u-:v-:x--0-0-0-0-1-1|:u-:v-:x--0-0-1-1-0-0 ; #:u-:v-:x--1-1-0-0-0-1-0-:u-:v-:x # non-compiled execution o eval {set :x 1; unset -nocomplain :v} ? [list o eval $script] -0-0-0-0-1-1|-0-0-1-1-0-0 # # testing interactions between the compile-time var resolver and ... # # ... [variable] # # background: the [variable] statement is compiled. During # compilation, our compile-time resolver is contacted, finds (and # eventually creates) an object variable "x". The compiler machinery # then creates a link-variable ":x" which is stored as a compiled # local, as usual. at the time of writing/testing, there are two # issues with this: # # ISSUE 1: In its non-compiled execution, [variable] sets the # AVOID_RESOLVERS flags, so our resolvers are not touched ... in its # compiled execution, AVOID_RESOLVERS is missing though (although # [variable] is compiled into a slow path execution, i.e., involves # a Tcl var lookup). Therefore, we get a link variable in the # compiled locals (and an undefined obj var). # this has some implications ... namespace eval ::ns1 { nx::Object create o { :public object method foo {} { set _ [join [list {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] [info locals :*] \ [info exists w] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] w] \ [info exists :x] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] x]] "-"] variable w; # -> intention: a variable "w" in the effective namespace (e.g., "::ns1::w") variable :x; # -> intention: a variable ":x" in the effective namespace (e.g., "::ns1:::x"!). append _ | [join [list {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] [info locals :*] \ [info exists w] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] w] \ [info exists :x] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] x]] "-"] return $_ } } ? {::ns1::o foo} ":x--0-0-0-0|:x--0-0-0-0" o eval { :public object method faz {} { set _ [join [list {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] [info locals :*] \ [namespace which -variable [namespace current]::w] \ [info exists [namespace current]::w] \ [info exists w] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] w] \ [namespace which -variable [namespace current]:::x] \ [info exists [namespace current]:::x] \ [info exists :x] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] x]] "-"] variable w 1; # -> intention: a variable "w" in the effective namespace (e.g., "::ns1::w") variable :x 2; # -> intention: a variable ":x" in the effective namespace (e.g., "::ns1:::x"!). append _ | [join [list {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] [info locals :*] \ [namespace which -variable [namespace current]::w] \ [info exists [namespace current]::w] \ [info exists w] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] w] \ [namespace which -variable [namespace current]:::x] \ [info exists [namespace current]:::x] [namespace eval [namespace current] {info exists :x}] \ [namespace eval [namespace current] {variable :x; info exists :x}] \ [info exists :x] [::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current] x]] "-"] append _ | [join [list [expr {$w eq [namespace eval [namespace current] {variable w; set w}]}] \ [expr {${:x} eq [namespace eval [namespace current] {variable w; set :x}]}]] -] return $_ } } ? {::ns1::o faz} ":x--::ns1::w-0-0-0--0-0-0|:x--::ns1::w-1-1-0--0-1-1-1-0|1-1" # # ISSUE 2: Colon-prefixed variables become represented by linked # variables in the compiled local arrays during # compilation. However, linked variables are mutable (in contrast # to proc-local variables), that is, they can be changed to point # to another target variable. This target switch currently happens # between object variables and [variable] links which (due to # executing the compile-time var resolver because of lacking # AVOID_RESOLVERS) emits a "replacing" link var # # In the example below, there won't be an error exception # 'variable ":aaa" already exists', because ":aaa" is resolved on # the fly to "::ns1::o1.aaa" in a non-compiled execution and in a # compiled situation, the compiled-local link variable ":aaa" is # simply cleared and recreated to proxy a namespace variable. o eval { set :aaa 1 :public object method caz {} { set _ "[info exists :aaa]-${:aaa}-[set :aaa]" variable :aaa append _ "-[info exists :aaa]" set :aaa 2 append _ "-${:aaa}-[set :aaa]-[namespace eval [namespace current] {variable :aaa; set :aaa}]" unset :aaa append _ "-[info exists :aaa]-[namespace which -variable [namespace current]:::aaa]-[::nsf::var::exists [current] aaa]-[[current] eval {set :aaa}]" return $_ } } ? {::ns1::o caz} "1-1-1-0-2-2-2-0--1-1" # # In non-compiled executions, there is another form of interaction # between our var resolvers and [variable] in the sense of # switching references. A [variable] statement is then handled by # Tcl_VariableObjCmd() directly, our compile-time resolver is # never called, hence, no link variables are created. The # non-compiling resolver InterpColonVarResolver() is called to # duty from within Tcl_VariableObjCmd(), however, it fast-forwards # by signalling TCL_CONTINUE as [variable] requests # TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY explicitly. # # While [variable] creates a local link var ":aaa", any later # referencing of :aaa is intercepted by InterpColonVarResolver() # and resolved to the obj var "aaa". The effects of this # interaction are probably counter-intuitive to standard # [variable] behaviour. # # 1. There will not be a 'variable ":aaa" already exists' to # signal a naming conflict in the local naming scope, because the # symbolic name ":aaa" in a [set :aaa 1] and in a [variable :aaa # 1] is resolved differently (see above). # # 2. There is no way to refer to the local link var ":aaa" created # by [variable] in subsequent calls because the name will resolve # to an obj var "aaa". By calling [variable] in its setting mode, # you can still set namespace var values. ? {::ns1::o eval { set _ "[info exists :aaa]-${:aaa}-[set :aaa]" variable :aaa append _ "-[info exists :aaa]" set :aaa 2 append _ "-${:aaa}-[set :aaa]-[[current] eval {set :aaa}]-[namespace eval [namespace current] {variable :aaa; info exists :aaa}]" variable :aaa 5 unset :aaa append _ "-[info exists :aaa]-[namespace which -variable [namespace current]:::aaa]-[::nsf::var::exists [current] aaa]-[namespace eval [namespace current] {variable :aaa; info exists :aaa}]-[namespace eval [namespace current] {variable :aaa; set :aaa}]" return $_ }} "1-1-1-1-2-2-2-0-0--0-1-5" # ... [upvar] # # Exhibits the same interactions as [variable] due to creating # link variables by the compiling var resolver, namely the context # switching and effective disabling of the colon-prefixed # accessing of object state ... # nx::Object create p { :public object method foo {var} { set :x XXX set _ ${:x} upvar $var :x append _ -[join [list ${:x} [set :x] {*}[info vars :*] {*}[:info vars] \ [info exists :x] \ [[current] eval {info exists :x}]] "-"] unset :x append _ -[join [list {*}[info vars :*] {*}[:info vars] \ [info exists :x] [[current] eval {info exists :x}] \ [[current] eval {set :x}]] "-"] } :object method bar {var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6} { upvar $var1 xx $var2 :yy $var3 :zz $var4 q $var5 :el1 $var6 :el2 set _ [join [list {*}[lsort [:info vars]] {*}[lsort [info vars :*]] \ [info exists xx] $xx \ [info exists :yy] ${:yy} \ [info exists :zz] ${:zz} \ [info exists q] [[current] eval {info exists :q}]] -] incr :yy incr xx incr :zz incr q incr :el1 incr :el2 return $_ } :public object method baz {} { set :x 10 set y 20 set :z 30 unset -nocomplain :q set :arr(a) 40 set _ [:bar :x y :z :q :arr(a) :arr(b)] append _ -[join [list ${:x} $y ${:z} ${:q} [set :arr(a)] [set :arr(b)] [:info vars q]] -] } } ? {set y 1; p foo y} "XXX-1-1-:x-x-1-1-:x-x-0-1-XXX" ? {p baz} "arr-x-z-:el1-:el2-:yy-:zz-1-10-1-20-1-30-0-0-11-21-31-1-41-1-q" # # ... [namespace which] # # Similar to the compiled, slow-path [variable] instructions, # [namespace which] as implemented by NamespaceWhichCmd() in # tclNamesp.c lacks AVOID_RESOLVERS. Therefore, we end up in our # var resolver which resolves colon-prefixed vars to object # variables. Also, NamespaceWhichCmd() does not set any other # var-resolution flags (TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY, TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY) as # this would defeat its purpose. Anywyays, our resolver is # therefore completely blind when handling calls from [namespace # which]. # # This leads to the unexpected behaviour in the test below: # [namespace which -variable :XXX] != [namespace which -variable # [namespace current]:::XXX] o eval { :public object method bar {} { set :XXX 1 return [join [list ${:XXX} [set :XXX] [namespace which -variable :XXX] \ [namespace which -variable [namespace current]:::XXX]] -] } } ? {::ns1::o bar} "1-1-:XXX-" } } nx::test case after-next { # # This test case tests, whether we can use e..g an instvar in an # mixin method after the next. In such cases, the frame flags have # to be altered from inactive mixin to active mixin (otherwise the # actual frame would be skipped in useActiveFrames below in :instvar). # nx::Class create FormPage { :property package_id :public method initialize_loaded_object {} {;} } nx::Class create WorkflowPage { :alias instvar :::nsf::methods::object::instvar :public method initialize_loaded_object {} { next :instvar package_id return $package_id } FormPage mixin add WorkflowPage FormPage create p1 -package_id 123 ? {p1 initialize_loaded_object} 123 } } nx::test case unconfigured-varresolver { # # Test robustness of varresolver for unconfigured objects # nx::Class create O { :public method configure args {;} :create ateh } ? {ateh eval {info exists :x}} 0 } # # Test variable resolver in respect to uplevel and apply # (lambda frames) # ::nx::test case var-resolver-uplevel-apply { nx::Object create o1 { set :a o1.a :public object method foo {} {return ${:a}} :public object method bar {} {o2 foo} :public object method bar2 {} {o2 foo2} } nx::Object create o2 { set :a o2.a set :cmd {set :a} :public object method foo {} {eval ${:cmd}} :public object method foo2 {} {uplevel ${:cmd}} :public object method foo3 {} {uplevel 2 ${:cmd}} :public object method bar {} {:foo} :public object method bar2 {} {:foo2} :public object method bar3a {} {:foo3} :public object method bar3 {} {:bar3a} } # # test cases for uplevel over multiple levels in the same object # ? {o2 foo} o2.a ? {o2 bar} o2.a ? {o2 bar2} o2.a ? {o2 bar3} o2.a # # test cases for uplevel over multiple levels in different objects # ? {o1 foo} o1.a ? {o1 bar} o2.a ? {o1 bar2} o1.a # # test cases for uplevel over apply # proc x {cmd} {uplevel $cmd} nx::Object create o3 { set :a o3.a :public object method set {var} {set :$var} :public object method foo-m {} {:set a} :public object method foo-r {} {::set :a} :public object method foo-m-u {} {x {:set a}} :public object method foo-r-u {} {x {::set :a}} :public object method foo-a-m {} {::apply [list {} {:set a} [self]]} :public object method foo-a-r {} {::apply [list {} {::set :a} [self]]} :public object method foo-a-m-u {} {::apply [list {} {x {:set a}} [self]]} :public object method foo-a-r-u {} {::apply [list {} {x {::set :a}} [self]]} } # # resolver and method should behave the same # ? {o3 foo-m} "o3.a" ? {o3 foo-r} "o3.a" # # resolver and method should behave the same, also when uplevel is used # ? {o3 foo-m-u} "o3.a" ? {o3 foo-r-u} "o3.a" # # resolver and method should behave the same, also when apply is used # ? {o3 foo-a-m} "o3.a" ? {o3 foo-a-r} "o3.a" # # resolver and method should behave the same, also when apply and # uplevel are used # ? {o3 foo-a-m-u} "o3.a" ? {o3 foo-a-r-u} "o3.a" } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: