package require XOTcl xotcl::use xotcl1 # # Basic tests of the object system, should not require Class Test, # since even class Test might not work at that time. # proc ? {cmd expected {msg ""}} { #puts "??? $cmd" set r [uplevel $cmd] if {$msg eq ""} {set msg $cmd} if {$r ne $expected} { puts stderr "ERROR $msg returned '$r' ne '$expected'" error "FAILED $msg returned '$r' ne '$expected'" } else { puts stderr "OK $msg" } } ? {Object isobject Object} 1 ? {Object isclass} 1 ? {Object ismetaclass} 0 ? {Object info superclass} "" ? {Object info class} ::xotcl::Class ? {Object isobject Class} 1 ? {Class isclass} 1 ? {Class ismetaclass} 1 ? {Class info superclass} ::xotcl::Object ? {Class info class} ::xotcl::Class Object o ? {Object isobject o} 1 ? {o isclass} 0 ? {o ismetaclass} 0 ? {o info class} ::xotcl::Object ? {Object info instances o} ::o ? {Object info instances ::o} ::o Class C0 ? {C0 isclass} 1 ? {C0 ismetaclass} 0 ? {C0 info superclass} ::xotcl::Object ? {C0 info class} ::xotcl::Class #? {lsort [Class info vars]} "__default_metaclass __default_superclass" Class M -superclass ::xotcl::Class ? {Object isobject M} 1 ? {M isclass} 1 ? {M ismetaclass} 1 ? {M info superclass} ::xotcl::Class ? {M info class} ::xotcl::Class M C ? {Object isobject C} 1 ? {C isclass} 1 ? {C ismetaclass} 0 ? {C info superclass} ::xotcl::Object ? {C info class} ::M C c1 ? {Object isobject c1} 1 ? {c1 isclass} 0 ? {c1 ismetaclass} 0 ? {c1 info class} ::C # destroy meta-class M, reclass meta-class instances to the base meta-class M destroy ? {Object isobject C} 1 ? {C isclass} 1 ? {C ismetaclass} 0 ? {C info superclass} ::xotcl::Object ? {C info class} ::xotcl::Class # destroy class M, reclass class instances to the base class C destroy ? {Object isobject c1} 1 ? {c1 isclass} 0 ? {c1 ismetaclass} 0 ? {c1 info class} ::xotcl::Object # basic parameter tests Class C -parameter {{x 1} {y 2}} ? {::xotcl::objectproperty C object} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty C::slot object} 1 ? {C info children} ::C::slot C copy X ? {::xotcl::objectproperty X object} 1 ? {X info vars} "" ? {C info vars} "" ? {::xotcl::objectproperty X::slot object} 1 #? {C::slot info vars} __parameter ? {C info parameter} {{x 1} {y 2}} #? {X::slot info vars} __parameter ? {X info parameter} {{x 1} {y 2}} # # tests for the dispatch command Object o o proc foo {} {return goo} o proc bar {x} {return goo-$x} # dispatch without colon names ::xotcl::dispatch o set x 1 ? {o info vars} x "simple dispatch has set variable x" ? {o set x} 1 "simple dispatch has set variable x to 1" ? {::xotcl::dispatch o foo} "goo" "simple dispatch with one arg works" ? {::xotcl::dispatch o bar 1} "goo-1" "simple dispatch with two args works" o destroy # dispatch without colon names Object o -set x 1 ::xotcl::dispatch ::o ::incr x ? {o set x} 1 "cmd dispatch without -objscope did not modify the instance variable" ::xotcl::dispatch ::o -objscope ::incr x ? {o set x} 2 "cmd dispatch -objscope modifies the instance variable" ? {catch {::xotcl::dispatch ::o -objscope ::xxx x}} 1 "cmd dispatch with unknown command" o destroy puts stderr ===MINI-OBJECTSYSTEM # test object system # create a minimal object system without internally dipatched methods ::xotcl::createobjectsystem ::object ::class ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::object object} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::object class} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::object metaclass} 0 ? {::xotcl::relation ::object class} ::class ? {::xotcl::relation ::object superclass} "" ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::class object} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::class class} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::class metaclass} 1 ? {::xotcl::relation ::class class} ::class ? {::xotcl::relation ::class superclass} ::object # define non-standard methos to create/destroy objects and classes ::xotcl::alias ::class + ::xotcl::cmd::Class::create ::xotcl::alias ::object - ::xotcl::cmd::Object::destroy # create a class named C ::class + C ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::C object} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::C class} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::C metaclass} 0 ? {::xotcl::relation ::C class} ::class ? {::xotcl::relation ::C superclass} ::object # create an instance of C C + c1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::c1 object} 1 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::c1 class} 0 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::c1 metaclass} 0 ? {::xotcl::relation ::c1 class} ::C # destroy instance and class c1 - ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::c1 object} 0 ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::C class} 1 C - ? {::xotcl::objectproperty ::C class} 0 puts stderr ===EXIT