postgresql8.3 insert into txt (object_id,fti) values (:object_id, setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(:title,'')),'A') ||setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(:keywords,'')),'B') ||to_tsvector(coalesce(:txt,''))) postgresql8.3 where fti @@ to_tsquery(:query) and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map m where m.object_id = txt.object_id and m.party_id = :user_id and m.privilege = 'read') postgresql8.3 select txt.object_id from [join $from_clauses ","] $base_query [expr {[llength $where_clauses] > 0 ? " and " : ""}] [join $where_clauses " and "] order by ts_rank(fti,to_tsquery(:query)) desc $limit_clause $offset_clause postgresql8.3 select count(*) from [join $from_clauses ","] $base_query [expr {[llength $where_clauses] > 0 ? " and " : ""}] [join $where_clauses " and "] postgresql8.3 select ts_headline(:txt,to_tsquery(:query)) postgresql8.3 update txt set fti = setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(:title,'')),'A') ||setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(:keywords,'')),'B') ||to_tsvector(coalesce(:txt,'')) where object_id=:object_id postgresql8.0 insert into txt (object_id,fti) values (:object_id, setweight(to_tsvector('default',coalesce(:title,'')),'A') ||setweight(to_tsvector('default',coalesce(:keywords,'')),'B') ||to_tsvector('default',coalesce(:txt,''))) postgresql8.0 where fti @@ to_tsquery('default',:query) and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map m where m.object_id = txt.object_id and m.party_id = :user_id and m.privilege = 'read') postgresql8.0 select txt.object_id from [join $from_clauses ","] $base_query [expr {[llength $where_clauses] > 0 ? " and " : ""}] [join $where_clauses " and "] order by rank(fti,to_tsquery('default',:query)) desc $limit_clause $offset_clause postgresql8.2 select count(*) from [join $from_clauses ","] $base_query [expr {[llength $where_clauses] > 0 ? " and " : ""}] [join $where_clauses " and "] postgresql8.0 select headline('default',:txt,to_tsquery('default',:query)) postgresql8.0 update txt set fti = setweight(to_tsvector('default',coalesce(:title,'')),'A') ||setweight(to_tsvector('default',coalesce(:keywords,'')),'B') ||to_tsvector('default',coalesce(:txt,'')) where object_id=:object_id