postgresql7.1 select fs_objects.object_id,, fs_objects.live_revision, fs_objects.type, to_char(fs_objects.last_modified, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_modified_ansi, fs_objects.content_size, fs_objects.url, content_item__get_path(fs_objects.object_id, :root_folder_id) as file_url, fs_objects.sort_key, fs_objects.file_upload_name, case when fs_objects.last_modified >= (now() - cast('$n_past_days days' as interval)) then 1 else 0 end as new_p, case when type = 'url' then acs_permission__permission_p(fs_objects.object_id, :viewing_user_id, 'delete') else 't' end as delete_p, case when type = 'url' then acs_permission__permission_p(fs_objects.object_id, :viewing_user_id, 'write') else 't' end as write_p from fs_objects where fs_objects.parent_id = :folder_id and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map m where m.object_id = fs_objects.object_id and m.party_id = :viewing_user_id and m.privilege = 'read') order by fs_objects.sort_key,