create table cr_workflows ( case_id integer constraint cr_workflows_pk primary key constraint cr_workflows_case_id_fk references wf_cases ); create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare v_workflow_key varchar(100); begin raise notice ''creating publishing_wf workflow''; v_workflow_key := workflow__create_workflow( ''publishing_wf'', ''Simple Publishing Workflow'', ''Simple Publishing Workflows'', ''A simple linear workflow for authoring, editing and scheduling content items.'', ''cr_workflows'', ''case_id'' ); /***** * Places *****/ perform workflow__add_place( ''publishing_wf'', ''start'', ''Created'', 1 ); perform workflow__add_place( ''publishing_wf'', ''authored'', ''Authored'', 2 ); perform workflow__add_place( ''publishing_wf'', ''edited'', ''Edited'', 3 ); perform workflow__add_place( ''publishing_wf'', ''end'', ''Approved'', 4 ); /***** * Roles *****/ perform workflow__add_role( ''publishing_wf'', ''approval'', ''Approval'', 2 ); perform workflow__add_role( ''publishing_wf'', ''authoring'', ''Authoring'', 1 ); perform workflow__add_role( ''publishing_wf'', ''editing'', ''Editing'', 2 ); /***** * Transitions *****/ perform workflow__add_transition( ''publishing_wf'', ''authoring'', ''Authoring'', ''authoring'', 1, ''user'' ); perform workflow__add_transition( ''publishing_wf'', ''editing'', ''Editing'', ''editing'', 2, ''user'' ); perform workflow__add_transition( ''publishing_wf'', ''approval'', ''Approval'', ''approval'', 3, ''user'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); begin; select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'start', 'authoring' ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'authoring', 'authored', 'publishing_wf__is_next', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'authoring', 'start', '#', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'authored', 'editing' ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'editing', 'authored', '#', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'editing', 'edited', 'publishing_wf__is_next', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'editing', 'start', 'publishing_wf__is_next', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'edited', 'approval' ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'approval', 'edited', '#', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'approval', 'end', 'publishing_wf__is_next', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'approval', 'authored', 'publishing_wf__is_next', null, null ); select workflow__add_arc( 'publishing_wf', 'approval', 'start', 'publishing_wf__is_next', null, null ); end; -- show errors -- create or replace package publishing_wf as -- -- -- simply check the 'next_place' attribute and return true if -- -- it matches the submitted place_key -- -- function is_next ( -- case_id in number, -- workflow_key in varchar, -- transition_key in varchar, -- place_key in varchar, -- direction in varchar, -- custom_arg in varchar -- ) return char; -- -- end publishing_wf; -- show errors -- create or replace package body publishing_wf as -- function is_next create function publishing_wf__is_next (integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar) returns char as ' declare p_case_id alias for $1; p_workflow_key alias for $2; p_transition_key alias for $3; p_place_key alias for $4; p_direction alias for $5; p_custom_arg alias for $6; v_next_place varchar(100); v_result boolean; begin v_next_place := workflow_case__get_attribute_value(p_case_id,''next_place''); if v_next_place = p_place_key then v_result := ''t''; end if; return v_result; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function inline_2 () returns integer as ' declare v_attribute_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin v_attribute_id := workflow__create_attribute( ''publishing_wf'', ''next_place'', ''string'', ''Next Place'', null, null, null, ''start'', 1, 1, null, ''generic'' ); perform workflow__add_trans_attribute_map ( ''publishing_wf'', ''authoring'', v_attribute_id, 1); perform workflow__add_trans_attribute_map ( ''publishing_wf'', ''editing'', v_attribute_id, 1); perform workflow__add_trans_attribute_map ( ''publishing_wf'', ''approval'', v_attribute_id, 1); perform workflow__add_trans_role_assign_map( ''publishing_wf'', ''authoring'', ''author''); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_2 (); drop function inline_2 (); -- show errors